God didn't promise days without pain, laughter without sorrow, sun without rain, but He did promise strength for the day, comfort for the tears, and light for the way. And ME to share all the pain, laughter, tears, sorrow,happiness, sun and rain with you! Let us endure all the 暴风雨 and 彩虹 together!

Saturday, August 02, 2008

Things never told

As you readers know, I am a private person, I never blog about my family and relatioship/s... ... Today, I'm gonna reveal something that was never told by me... ...

Back in 2007, during CNY, someone had my fortune told. As usual, they will tell you about your life and of course - marriage.

As for my life, she said, in hokkien(and translated):

"You tends to get angry with yourself ."
I've blogged about the above statement before. If you are interested, you can click here. Otherwise please proceed to see what I have to say about her statement on marriage.

She commented that:
"You will marry late(which I don't know how late she meant). Most of the time, other people tends to 'block' and get the guy before you."
That time, when I heard it, it was so damn true can?

Let me see... ... I think there was 1....2.....3.... cases that happened before (2007's CNY) when she told me the fortune.

All the 3 of them got attached soon when I realised I had something for them (most probably just a crush I guess) and I will just give up... ... and never look back... ...

And I think it keeps on happening again and again... ... quite sad huh?

Sometimes I just wanna go against it to see it really is the case... ... wanting to prevent it from happening... ... again.... but seems like it doesn't work.

... ... but this time round, I seriously believe that this is not just a crush... ... and he is not attached now... ...

... ... But... ...

I don't know.

I am just .....


P.S: I'm not trying to get any pity here or what-so-ever but I'm feeling just so irritated that it keeps on happening... ... and yet I don't have any control over. It just happened.

Well, if you are wondering why am I so emo today... ... I guess it is because... ... people around me are getting married... ... =)

2 comments (click to comment):

Anonymous said...

Fortune telling can be eerily accurate, that's why I don't do it anymore, some things are better stayed a mystery.

Cheer up, the best is yet to come.

p/s: Hello, first time commenting here. :)

Eileen said...

Well, that time CNY... all of the members was getting their fortune told by this lady.

then my mom was asking the lady to tell for me.

Well, didn't realise until she have said it.

Didn't realise it again after I reflect and see that I am always getting into such r/s issues. Meeting/ Falling for people at the wrong time.

Yeah.... But I am waiting. For the right time. I'm sure something else going to happen. Soon I hope.

Thanks for visiting anyway. =)