God didn't promise days without pain, laughter without sorrow, sun without rain, but He did promise strength for the day, comfort for the tears, and light for the way. And ME to share all the pain, laughter, tears, sorrow,happiness, sun and rain with you! Let us endure all the 暴风雨 and 彩虹 together!

Sunday, August 03, 2008

Another means of communication

I was checking my past blog entries and I realised that I didn't post this up, it was dated 23rd Jan 2007. Edited abit and I think this is very true.

"When client reject therapy, they are telling you something - care more for me."
- (Lim, 2006)

I totally agree with the above statement and it is especially true with the elderly. Those who had been to a geritrics setting will agree with me too. I think perhaps this is due to the asian culture where we don't "ask" for affections and care from people. Perhaps it is one of the way to ask us to care more for them.

I remember during my CE3A placements, there are many a times that 1 or 2 clients may reject therapy and sometimes they can't tell you why they don't want. They may give reasons like they are tired, which are the truth sometimes.

It is heartening to see that after they know that you truly care for them, they are willing to participate in therapy session. I can still remember very clearly when I first attempted self-feeding with my patient who has mid-lower range of motion of the shoulders. He was abit agitated and do not really want to attempt. After some time, although it was still quite difficult for him even though with some modification to the environment and the utensils but he tried. The same patient, refused to draw blood to do some blood test despite the few attempts the person tried. Amazingly, in less than 5-10 minutes of explaining and care and concern for the patient, he agreeded willingly and even agreeded to go to gym for therapy.

I didn't know what was exactly was the thing that caused such a change that time..... perhaps like what HB had said, it could be because that they know that we cared for them. In return, I felt a really great sense of satisfaction and achievement for I didn't know a small thing like this can cause an impact on our patients.

I guess sometimes when people reject something/someone, it could be that they really don't want/is tired.

But sometimes, it is not what was said but how it was said.

Maybe, like what HB said before, it could meant:

"care for me more!"

or it could also meant:

"I want to see who cares to tear down the walls that I've built!"

4 comments (click to comment):

missX said...

xL, thanks for this piece of writing. Very true.

I find most of your posts very inspiring ;)

And hey, hey, hey thanks for linking me :)

Feel so honoured. A therapist linked me!!! :P ;)

Eileen said...

HAHa.. i wrote that super long ago... was looking through my draft entries and I saw this.

Hmm... haha... I tends to think/reflect alot on life and myself... often than not... I reflect too much at times till I get emo... but well... I guess I need to explore on my feelings and thoughts. =)

Well, I am just a normal gal la... therapist is just a title and a role that I have @ work...

But here... we are all BLOGGERS!!! =)


Cyren Asteraceya said...

Ola nuffnanger!

I like this post! I can totally relate because I was one of those who "refused" therapy! Mine was more a mental disorder though

Still...is it really ethical for you to blog about what goes on with your client?

Well I suppose you didn't use their names. BUT yea, thanks for this great post!

Now I know one more thing to say to my therapist when he "persuades" me!


Eileen said...

hmm... it is okay I guess... so long I didn't use the names and didn't talk about the background of the patients...

And the infomation given are quite generic still.... and quite common problems... =)

Hmm... for mental disorder... so long you understand the reason behind it and follow the strategies taught.... you shd not have any problem leading a normal life. =)

because whatever we do, we do no harm. =)
