God didn't promise days without pain, laughter without sorrow, sun without rain, but He did promise strength for the day, comfort for the tears, and light for the way. And ME to share all the pain, laughter, tears, sorrow,happiness, sun and rain with you! Let us endure all the 暴风雨 and 彩虹 together!

Monday, August 11, 2008

Ladies Night

Today, it's LADIES NIGHT! The ladies from the paeds dept we all went for a dinner and a movie together. Sorry Juat, you have to give it a missed as you are away and you've watched the move already.

Anyway, just some pictures for the night.... better than me telling you what happens....

The 5 ladies... ....

NEXT is the FOOD!!!!

Me and my dinner!!!

And our MOVIE!!!!

Our Tixs to 'A Journey to the Centre of the Earth'

Wall - E Display @ GV Tampines

How can I not take photo with them?

This Wall-E looks so lonely.... feel like hugging it lor....

Elbow on my shoulder.....

Anyway the display is like make of cardboard lor..... I sit on it was like.... was it gonna collapse? lolx.... but luckily it didn't...... so it just showed that I am still not that FAT lor..... I am still SUITABLE WEIGHT..... haha... I SO WANT TO WATCH WALL-E when it is out on the 28th AUGUST 2008 LOR!!!

Anyway the movie 'A journey to the centre of the earth' is quite nice..... funny...... I guess like one of my colleagues and I felt.... if we had gone for the 3D one..... it will be great.... with things flying out onto our faces, etc. But I like the actress..... she is coolz....

But some part quite wierd la... cause they didn't have bag in some part of the story.... then some part... the bags came back... lolx...

But overall, a good movie to de-stress after end of a day's work!

Oh.... anyway, did I say the PSP in the movie is so coolz.... cos it can go online!!! It is a PSP with wifi.... so coolz... will this be my next gadget after my Sony Ericsson G900? Or maybe I should get the Sony T-300 camera... what say you? =P

Anyway, after the movie, Serene and me went to the Arcade while the rest went to the ladies.... haha.... as usual, I will always have to thrill to look for machines that has credits but no one is playing.... and that is to try on my luck too. And apparently I found one!!!! And I started playing.... I have no idea how the game is about, unlike the Daytona... but who cares.... I am just so going to drive.... without a license legally..... =p


Did I get into the 2nd round?
(hmm.... btw why the guy in white polo and jeans so reminded me of someone? lolx)

That's my backview....

Don't ask me why that face... maybe... I just lost? lolx...

After that.... we went to play another game.... it has been soooo long since I've played that game man....
Thanks Serene for suggesting....

Friends or Foes? SEE how VIOLENT I was?

Of course we are friends after the game la!

Dun pray pray... see my wing?

After that.... we tried the basketball too.... but too long nv play... rusty le... we only managed to go to stage 2 lor... so malu....

Serene on the big TRUCK!

I million dollar Qn: Guess am I skating for real or not?

Okay.... and we left the place slightly after 10pm....
And well... now is already 1.13am on my pc... time to zzz... nite all.

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