God didn't promise days without pain, laughter without sorrow, sun without rain, but He did promise strength for the day, comfort for the tears, and light for the way. And ME to share all the pain, laughter, tears, sorrow,happiness, sun and rain with you! Let us endure all the 暴风雨 and 彩虹 together!

Friday, August 22, 2008

Career Plan and Certification Courses

My deputy director was looking for me just now but I was seeing a client. I went to look for him after I packed up and off my PC.

He was asking about my career plan and what do I see myself in 2-5 years time. I told him seriously I have not really thought about it. Maybe I did. But I wasn't too sure of it. I told him since I just started in Peadiatrics, I woule like to stay in it for some time first.

How about certification courses?
I told him I am interested in attending the Sensory Integration related short courses by Sidney Chu. But if talking about certification courses, I am interested in the NDT course. Haha... he said he was thinking of that for me too.

Next Question. He asked if I am intending to do my degree conversion. I told him that I am going to do soon, 25 Aug 2008. Then he asked if it is going to be self-funded. I told him most probably and I am most likely going to get a loan from the bank. He then asked if I had thought of asking my organisation to support me. That is like a 1 million dollars question. lolx.... I told him "Yes.... I have considered but I'm not too sure."

Then he asked if I had tried talking to him. He said I can talk to him and see if we can work out something.... maybe 50%, 60%, 100%, etc. Hmmm.... that's coolz.... but of course it comes with Bond la....

He said I can go and consider and let him know if I am interested. If I am, he can try to see if my organisation can support me.

Thus, I have to ponder ponder over the weekends. Anyone wants to chip in some suggestions? =)

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