God didn't promise days without pain, laughter without sorrow, sun without rain, but He did promise strength for the day, comfort for the tears, and light for the way. And ME to share all the pain, laughter, tears, sorrow,happiness, sun and rain with you! Let us endure all the 暴风雨 and 彩虹 together!

Sunday, April 01, 2007

Stressed... ...

Remember that a lady who had my fortune told said to me,

"You tends to get angry with yourself."

Daddy Sanath also once mentioned:
"You are very dedicated and you tend to 'punish' yourself if things don't work out the way you want it to. Commitment is one thing, and you need to balance it well .

Having a stubborn streak can impair your thought process as it stops you from receiving and asking for help... Good to have a stubborn streak and good to be flexible too... Like I use to say, Be rigid but flexible.

You love your fellow mates and that's very comforting for ppl around you...

You're a perfectionist and you need stubborness to be that. Just like Daddy!"

I also know I will tend to blame myself if things don't go the way I wanted to as I am someone who takes success and failure quite seriously. Not everyone see this side of me. While other may see it as stubborn, some will see it as anal, some see it as perfectionist. Whatever it is, I know very well myself that if I know I can do it well and nothing should stop me from doing it. And if that happens, then I will get affected.

Perhaps is the expectations that I set for myself... and sometimes is all these that causing me stress.... more often that not, it is always me stressing myself and no others.... who else will give me stress? If I choose not to set an expectation for myself.... there will be no stress... But I still choose to... ...

Though I am not appear to be a performer... ... results to me is as important as the process... ...
If someone tells you process is more impt... it is bullshit actually... ...
How about telling a person that how good he does etc and tell him he got poor for his results ....
The above is not targeted at any situation la... it is just some thoughts that comes to my mind...

if process is more impt... then how about telling all the students that so long they attended 4 yrs of secondary school... they can be considered pass no matter how badly they did in their school's results?

Maybe, I should learn to take things lightly? Or don't blame myself.... blame others? Haha.... whichever it is.... it is me lah.... and it's my fate lah... BUT the fate is in my hand to be changed.... lol....


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