God didn't promise days without pain, laughter without sorrow, sun without rain, but He did promise strength for the day, comfort for the tears, and light for the way. And ME to share all the pain, laughter, tears, sorrow,happiness, sun and rain with you! Let us endure all the 暴风雨 and 彩虹 together!

Friday, April 06, 2007

1st entry on CE3C

Hey OTties.... here's an update on how am I surviving in my current placement....

Week 1
Settling down in the new placment.... my first mental health placement ever... getting used to the place and the residents here..... and the way things are being run here.... fall sick on Friday... Clinicals are always the time students fall sick easily as we are more prone to viruses and diseases.... Especially when our immune system are the lowest at this point of time due to the lack of rest since our last placement which ended last early decemeber....

Week 2
Hmm.... Monday wasn't a good start of the week as I couldn't find my Ezlink card early in the morning and I spent 10- 15 mins finding and still to no avail... and thus resulting me to take a cab after I took a feeder bus to the interchange. Then I got to the shop and save near my placement centre to get some ingredients as I was doing my 1st ever group session in this placement.... and later I found out that my sup is on MC.... and was told to do my session on tuesday instead.

That wasn't all... I was told by another OT to stand in for another group session, also meal preparation as the supposingly person-in-charge is on MC too.... okay... so I just took the group at the last minute without preparing anything at all... so... I resort to using the ingredients that I bought for my group for this group instead... luckily the session wasn't that bad...

And my sup was understanding enuff that I had to take the other group that was not under my care.... =)

Conducted my very own 1st group session on Tuesday.... that wasn't that bad too actually... they had made their 1st ever Kueh Dadar....

Then came Wednesday where I went to the segregation ward to have session with the residents... Hmm... Have to do alot of prompts as some of them has quite low level of arousal.... and some requires physical cues....

Soon came Thursday... the last day of the week..... did few interviews with my residents to find out more about them....

The Health Attendant (HA) at the homes are also very helpful to us, in helping us get our residents... and retreiving the casenotes.... we were also treated very well with coffee when we were looking at the casenotes at the homes in the admin office.... lol....

Looking forward to next few sessions..... really hope that we can do more for these residents here....

Gambatte all OTties!!!! Last 4 weeks to go....

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