God didn't promise days without pain, laughter without sorrow, sun without rain, but He did promise strength for the day, comfort for the tears, and light for the way. And ME to share all the pain, laughter, tears, sorrow,happiness, sun and rain with you! Let us endure all the 暴风雨 and 彩虹 together!

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Learning to say "No" for some, "yes" for others.

Sometimes it is difficult to say "no" to others, especially you are those kind-hearted person or when you felt obliged to do something.

While for some, who always say 'no' to things, should start to say "yes". And be a ... ...


This is the trailer of the movie:

This movie, currently being screened in cinemas, acted by Jim Carrey. Thus, you can expect it to be very funny. =P

The synopsis of the movie, extracted from Golden Village:

"Jim Carrey stars as Carl Allen, a guy whose life is going nowherethe operative word being "no"until he signs up for a self-help program based on one simple covenant: say yes to everything...and anything. Unleashing the power of "YES" begins to transform Carl's life in amazing and unexpected ways, getting him promoted at work and opening the door to a new romance. But his willingness to embrace every opportunity might just become too much of a good thing."
The official website can be found here.

It looks quite nice..... who haven't watch and want to watch it? =)

Aside from the movie, sometimes in life, for some kind ones, we should learn to say 'no' so that people will not take us for granted. I'm not saying I'm one of the kind ones.... but sometimes as much as possible, if things are within my means I will try to help. While some others, the more pessimist type, should try to say "yes" . I'm not in the position to describe how a pessimist person feels or think, as maybe I'm those who always look for light at the end of the tunnel. And hope for better things to come, which may or may not come.

Nevertheless, I never give up hope and possibilities. On the other hand, I should say "yes" to things that I've never try before. If there is a chance, I would like to try BUNGEE JUMPING!!!


Don't forget to catch YES MAN!

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