God didn't promise days without pain, laughter without sorrow, sun without rain, but He did promise strength for the day, comfort for the tears, and light for the way. And ME to share all the pain, laughter, tears, sorrow,happiness, sun and rain with you! Let us endure all the 暴风雨 and 彩虹 together!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

I just cannot imagine... ...

I was watching this show, last night, that I recorded online that was shown on channel 5, Tuesday - Behind closed door. (Episode 7)

In this show, it talk about this 9 year old gal who got pregnant by her classmate. 9 YEARS OLD!! Yes... don't be surprised how she can get pregnant. I supposed so long her period has started.... she is "ReadY" to be pregnant? By the time her mother knows that she is pregnant, she is already 6 mths pregnant. No abortion is allowed. Thus, the family sent her overseas for her to delivery the child and gave away for adoption. Then the gal continue to stay overseas to complete her primary school education.

Well, can you imagine if you are the 9 year old "father", 20 years down the road.... and you met this gal who is 9 years old younger than you.... who is probably 21 years old..... and you both fell in love? And.... the nightmare came.... when you both got together and have intimacy.... and gave birth to a child.... SEE the nightmare?

I guess... .... I don;t know.... I am just speechless when I saw that.

In another incident, there was this 24 yr old gal.... who had done 3 abortions since she was 19 years old... ...

Kinda sad.... but well.... I guess it all comes to moral issues.... and whether you can afford to take care of the baby... but then again... ... it's a life I guess... maybe... it should be given an opportunity to live, regardless how hard it might be to raise him/her up... ....

But I guess.... I wouldn't be able to comment much as I'm not in such position.

Edited: The

5 comments (click to comment):

Anonymous said...

are you serious? 9 years old?

Eileen said...

yup... i was shocked too when i saw it...

Anonymous said...

what happened to this world..
we must do something as a human kind..
that's 2 bad..

Eileen said...

well.... there is always so much we can do...

We can't help everything and anything....

But of course.... we can help as much as we can I suppose...

Unknown said...
