God didn't promise days without pain, laughter without sorrow, sun without rain, but He did promise strength for the day, comfort for the tears, and light for the way. And ME to share all the pain, laughter, tears, sorrow,happiness, sun and rain with you! Let us endure all the 暴风雨 and 彩虹 together!

Tuesday, July 29, 2008


I borrowed 2 CDs from my colleague.... Nice old songs by 巫啟賢... ... Sometimes music has no bounderies... ... they just helped you to explain what you are feeling inside. It's amazing how you can speak right to my heart... ...

巫啟賢金曲集 Disc 1

  1. 思念谁
  2. 太傻
  3. 爱你变成害你
  4. 爱情傀儡
  5. 我感觉不到你
  6. 不该让你等太久
  7. 团圆
  8. 人生如梦
  9. 爱情住过的房间
  10. 都是路弯弯
  11. 我知道你不会忘了我
  12. 相爱是一钟选择
  13. 你是我的唯一
  14. 红尘来去一场梦
  15. 爱人哪
  16. 偶尔爱我的人
  17. 爱情来的时候

巫啟賢金曲集 Disc 2
  1. 等你等到我心痛
  2. 別以為男人就不會哭
  3. 愛那麼重
  4. 心酸的情歌
  5. 幾乎愛上你
  6. 繼續愛下去
  7. 告白
  8. 愛有多深就會多遠
  9. 變了散了就算了
  10. 月光寶盒
  11. 傷心的人更傷心
  12. 存心
  13. 真的謝謝你
  14. 養愛情
  15. 夢與現實
  16. 我沒有錢 我不要臉

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