God didn't promise days without pain, laughter without sorrow, sun without rain, but He did promise strength for the day, comfort for the tears, and light for the way. And ME to share all the pain, laughter, tears, sorrow,happiness, sun and rain with you! Let us endure all the 暴风雨 and 彩虹 together!

Friday, July 11, 2008

Best Run

I guess I had my best run just now at Bedok Reservoir....... I didn't pant alot as last time.... my knees wasn't as painful as last time..... I didn't have alot of things to think as compared to last time...... it was rather calm and peaceful.......

It's all because....... I have my LOVE with me.......

Let's see...............

*scroll more........

*some more.........

With this LOVE...... even hunk walk past I also won't stop..... But I stop for this LOVE of mine......

And this is none other than........

My LOVE for.........

The SUNSET!!!!!!!

Wa liew.... what are you guys thinking of? lolx.... *bleh*

All thanks to my other LOVE...........

which is ...........................

Sony Ericsson G900!!!!

With this, I have a very nice run..... running with the music really helps me alot I guess.... it helps me with my breathing..... my pace...... and let me capture the short moment of the sunset....

hmm....my timing was also around 35 mins or so for my 4.2km...... but I have stopped a few times to take photos of the sunset..... cause it is just so irresistible...... thus... I guess my timing might be around 32min bah..... at first want to run 1 more round one... but it was turning dark..... have no choice but decided to walk home after the run.......

After the run, I decided to 'pamper' myself with 田鸡粥。。。。 是以形补形吗? 我也不知道。。。。 只是想吃就吃咯。。。。

And it is also a small celebration for me that.... I survived 2 weeks of work at new department!!! YEAH!!!! *never cheer for me? ;)*

But that cost me $8! haha.... but never mind la.... 2 more weeks and hopefully my bonus will come in.... ;P

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