God didn't promise days without pain, laughter without sorrow, sun without rain, but He did promise strength for the day, comfort for the tears, and light for the way. And ME to share all the pain, laughter, tears, sorrow,happiness, sun and rain with you! Let us endure all the 暴风雨 and 彩虹 together!

Saturday, October 01, 2005

A long day

Today had been a long day.....
Firstly, have to wake up early at 5am to revise my physiology practical test, which I don't think the chances of me passing, not to mention scoring, is high.

Next, had to iron my NPCC uniform which would be need later in the evening.

Nothing much in the day...... in the evening, went to Grand Copthorne Waterfront Hotel for the Officers' Day and Award Presentation 2005.

I was awarded 3 team awards: Commendation of Commisioner of Police Award for Bieannual Campcraft Organizing Committee and SPF-NPCC Charity Adventure Organizing Committee and Testimonial of the "Launching Tower Committee" for the National Camp 2004.

The joy here is not receiving these awards but to see people that I have not seen for so long.....
People like Yiting from the campcraft com, display committee...... (too bad our "AH boy" is not there) and not forgetting OEPians..... it is nice to see OEPians again.....

To Yiting, all the best for your As!!!!

Anyway, I have returned back my certificates. Cos there was slight error with my name.
They printed: Quek Xiuling instead of Quek Xiu Ling.
Though there is only a difference of a space, it makes a great difference to me.....
and of course, I feel that with space looks more propotional and it is the name in my IC!!! ;-)

After/during the events, photos were taken, memories were captured........ to be publish to you, when I have the access to them. (never bring camera cause my brother needed it)

I think the GOH were sort of feeling strange when he saw me thrice on stage.... the expression on the face showed me that he was wondering if I had taken earlier on......

Went to TCC to chill after that... stay till ard 12.45am.......

Luckily I have nothing on later...... finally I can have a good sleep.... really deprived of sleep these few days.....

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