God didn't promise days without pain, laughter without sorrow, sun without rain, but He did promise strength for the day, comfort for the tears, and light for the way. And ME to share all the pain, laughter, tears, sorrow,happiness, sun and rain with you! Let us endure all the 暴风雨 and 彩虹 together!

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Wake up Reminders

I was preparing to go to bed, so I was setting my alarm clock in my hp. Knowing that if I am very tired, I will just off the alarm even without me knowing, I set reminders in my hp as well. The reminder will be named "Wake up". Just as I wanted to set the reminder, the following appears on my hp, " Memory Full. Clear old reminders?"

And guess what? Out of the 10 reminders, 8 in my hp are all titled, " Wake up."

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