God didn't promise days without pain, laughter without sorrow, sun without rain, but He did promise strength for the day, comfort for the tears, and light for the way. And ME to share all the pain, laughter, tears, sorrow,happiness, sun and rain with you! Let us endure all the 暴风雨 and 彩虹 together!

Saturday, August 20, 2005

Tears of Masculine

I was watching a Taiwan variety show (爱情万万岁) just now (despite having to rush my counselling report). In the show, the guy wanted to propose to the gal. Before that, there were "tests" to find out about how much she is willing to give for the guy. But the intelligent gal found out during the 1st test (there were 3-4 tests altogether)

Hmm... then when the gal was brought to a kid's amusement park that the guy has planned, the gal pretended to be angry (she was told of the plan by the hosts while the guy was kept in the dark). The gal said that his proposal plan was lousy, etc. The guy almost teared.

The gal left. The guy was left in the amusement park and he teared. He was afraid that he will lose her because of this...

Well, the producer of the show wanted to have the ending of the show even though the proposal was not a success. They also asked him how he felt etc. He was saying that he was afraid that he will lose her.... again... he teared (I almost teared too) .... Iwithout knowing that the person in the bear costume beside him was his gal (cos it was previously wore by one of the hosts)....

When the female host remove the gal's "bear head", the guy was suprised... but he smiled.

So what is the moral of the story?

Hmm.... some reflection from me...... it is rare to see guys cry. All, if not most guys will only cry if they feel they are helpless and there is nothing they can do to salvage. The above is from what I have observed for the past few years? Guys only cry for few reasons:

  • Love
  • Family
  • Work, maybe?

For the two times I saw my brother cried was because of Love. One being broken up with one of his Exs(some 4 years ago) and the last time was when his Ex was admitted for stroke(around 2 years back).

Nevertheless, tears from guys should not be seen as act of a coward but as a medium to release their emotions. Guys are humans too. ;p

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