God didn't promise days without pain, laughter without sorrow, sun without rain, but He did promise strength for the day, comfort for the tears, and light for the way. And ME to share all the pain, laughter, tears, sorrow,happiness, sun and rain with you! Let us endure all the 暴风雨 and 彩虹 together!

Saturday, August 06, 2005

National Day brings back memories of college days

As National Day is approaching, memories of college days where I was involved in the parade/ceremony came back to me....

Still remember that the worse thing that ever happened in TPJC was that the college flag and the State flag was both in the wrong position. And I am glad that I had made a difference by letting Mr Edward Chew know and make the changes. Actually, I was shocked to see that the very first time I stepped into TPJC and was wondering why nobody brought it up at all. Isn't there any Uniformed Group Leaders in TPJC at all?? I am sure there were... but why there isn't anyone who bring it up??

It was during the National Day Flag Bearer rehearsal that I brought it up. That was in 2001. It seems like the flags has been in wrong position ever since the college started.

The most challenging part was in 2002. I was the Parade Commander (PC). Perhaps it was because I was a retainee... haha... the PC in 2001 was also a retainee.... BTW, I didn't retain to be the PC okay.... haha....

The only thing that I was and still is unhappy about was not allowing us to put on our own uniformed group uniform. Isn't that looks more like National Day?? Instead of the Green college uniform with the Green Blazer??

Hehe.... Below were some of the photos....

When I was the PC in 2002

Singing National Anthem in 2002

Getting ready to receive flag from the flag bearers (2001)

Just found this photo while looking for the above. (found me?)

2 comments (click to comment):

Anonymous said...

Didn't see you during the parade, you were the parade commander for 2002 meh??? Oops i just realised i pon school that day :o

Eileen said...

Yesh ponnifer..... most of you all pon sch.... nv give me moral support on that day... so sad sia... lolz...