God didn't promise days without pain, laughter without sorrow, sun without rain, but He did promise strength for the day, comfort for the tears, and light for the way. And ME to share all the pain, laughter, tears, sorrow,happiness, sun and rain with you! Let us endure all the 暴风雨 and 彩虹 together!

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Who am I in your eyes?

I just came across a very thought intriguing entry here.

Like the blogger said, how often have we in our lives, have thoughts like,

"Who am I to you?"

"Where do I stand?"

"Do I mean anything to you?"

I'm sure it happen often right?

As a human being, we often require words of affirmation from people who we adore or respect. To allow us to know where we stand or who we are to them. We require constant feedback from people, to affirm us, and to give us a sense of security and/or confidence. This can constantly be seen in relationships and even work situation. The intensity or the urge to want to ask this question happens most of the time when there is a change to a situation or the start or end of a situation/event/task.

In relationships, it can be love relationship and even friendship. Example, you had a fight with your girlfriend/boyfriend and you are angry with him/her. Have you ever wonder who you are to him/her? Your friend decided to go out with another friend or do her own things instead of going out with you. Did you ever have the thought that "I am not important to him/her?" Sometimes when we were down, when we needed someone special to be there just for us but she/he didn't. Have you ever wonder...... "Where do I stand?"

Or when you are dating with "the one" and he/she always say how much he/she misses you, etc.... but when you all became girlfriend-boyfriend or even wife-husband, it has reduced significantly or worse off, it never happen again? I'm sure you will begin to wonder.....

"Do he/she really loves me still?"

So much about relationships. How about work? It happens the same too... .... but maybe not as frequent or intense as relationship as some people take work as just a job. I personally think that words of affirmation is important in work as we all want to know how well we have been doing as it can boost our confidence and morale. Unless you know you have not been doing well.... feedback from superiors can create more stress and demoralise you if you are not the type that look at the positive side.

In a nutshell, we all need feedbacks and words of affirmations. We all have the need to feel and be secure. After all, security is the first 2 level in Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs.

Now, think about it. When is the last time you ever say "I love you" or "I miss you" to your loved ones? Not forgetting how about, "Thanks for being there for me." If you can't even remember, I think it is about time to affirm them.

But on the other hand..... sometimes.... somethings are best unsaid.... and some people make take you for granted if you tend to say alot to them....

what to do? that's life....

9 comments (click to comment):

Wanderer said...


OMG!!! ur post is really thought provoking, it really made me think a lot...

a little emo liao.. now i wonder who am I in the eyes of my friends ...

and when we think that, we often think whether we had done enough to earn a place in their hearts, or maybe we can do better...

in some way, we r torturing ourselves rite?!

to others (the ones we love), they may say, why we think of such mundane things... but to us, this maybe very important but they just dont c it dat way..

nice post.. nice post...

Eileen said...

Yup.... sometimes some people acknowledge our presence and appreciate us from within... that I understand... but sometimes... it is still good to say it out once in a while....

Human beings are strange creature.... even when we are doing nothing... we will still THINK of something.... more often than not, it is something negative...

That is how strange we are....

YL said...

aiyo. i think we should all start up an emo club. LOL! no doubt humans need confirmation, etc. but actually, it's mutual trust and understanding tht is the most important. being insecure aint that good either.

Eileen said...

Hi Yi Ling,

Haha... I usually aren't emo.... unless something strikes me...

True enough.... sometimes mutual trust and understanding is the most important.... it is all these that make a person secure isn't it? Because you trust and understand the person.... then it gives you that sense of security....

I dunno.... maybe it is just me... =P

Wanderer said...


yea, most of the time, somehow people r thinking of something negative.. weird it is...

its weird oso how insecure ppl r sometimes.. maybe coz of the world is becoming more n more materialistic and the paste is fast, that sometimes we just feel that ppl may start to forget us..

its not something uncommon, but i do noticed some of my classmates already start to forget each other, this sometimes add to the problem, and makes me wonder who m i in my current close friends.. hehe... funny... sense of insecurity can be rather torturing.. hehe

3POINT8 said...

Nice one! This is the first time i've seen anyone relating affirmation to security.
You are GOOD!

Eileen said...


Of course the words of affirmation only can be related to emotional security.... don't think it will work with financial security.... =P

Hmm... Well... I guess because it is easier to relate to it as a first person?

Although sometimes I can be an independent and strong person, I still fall into this "emotional security" trap....

Afterall, human beings are emotional beings. =)

Eileen said...


I do agree that "sense of insecurity can be rather torturing."

But what to do? We have to live with it. Unless we decided to be an "anti-social" and only rely on financial security without emotional and social security, which I think is more torturing.

Wanderer said...


i agree wif u on dat... money isnt everything.. but i duno y some ppl think it is everything, for money they can do anything to others..

emotional security is something very important yet not easily obtain.. hehehe.. funny human being...

oh ya, talking about this, when somebody suddenly says he/she likes u... would u be thinking, "hey, is he/she saying that coz he/she reli mean it or just to console u of something"?! hehehe...

sounds like excessive self-torture hhu!? hehehe..