God didn't promise days without pain, laughter without sorrow, sun without rain, but He did promise strength for the day, comfort for the tears, and light for the way. And ME to share all the pain, laughter, tears, sorrow,happiness, sun and rain with you! Let us endure all the 暴风雨 and 彩虹 together!

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Youniverse Personality Test.....

Saw the following personality tests at a friend's blog...... as a fan of personality test..... how can I missed giving it a try? =D P.S: Those in blue are those I think are quite true about me.... what do you guys (and gals) think?? =P

Youniverse Personality TestYouniverse Personality Test

Personality: Mood - Dreamer

You are romantic in your outlook with a bit of taste for the exotic. You love feeling the sea breeze in your hair, sun on your skin. You always take the first dip. When it comes to art, you're creative soul who sees the value in every form of self-expression, however simple. You keep all the little masterpieces that are given to you and can definately be a touch sentimental at times! As for music, it's the soundtrack to your world. You're up to speed with downloading, and your mp3 is always close by. Music help you focus and concentrate. You probably find it hard to ever switch off.

Personality: Fun - Thriller

Always the first to take the leap, you always look forward, and try not to have any regrets. You like to take the plunge - this postive attitude will give you a wealth of experience. For kicks, you always opt for a chance to broaden your horizons. You love the inspiration that exploring new cultures brings. When it comes to holidays, you'll take experience over comfort every time. You love to be in charge of where you are heading and relish the freedom of choosing your own direction.

Personality: Habits - High Time Roller

You appreciate the simplicity of nature and the beauty around you. It's important to slow down and retreat from frenzy of life. Your choice of drink reflects extravagant taste. You're fruity and adventureous and always up for trying something new. As for the home, you favor a cozy homespun look. You dig the DIY vibe big time.

Personality: Social - Thoughtful

For you, friendship is all about being there for one another. It's so precious to know that there are a few special people in the world that you can always rely on. When you think of freedom - the great outdoors spring to mind. Getting back to nature is a big draw. It's the perfect place to find peace and quiet.


Love: Wistful Soul

About Wistful Soul
You are someone who can't get enough romance. You've got such alot of love to give that it keeps getting lost in transit. You're probably thinking that it is about time that you had your share of romance but for you the chase of love can be just as fun as the falling in love. Have you ever thought that maybe part of you actually enjoys pinning for the one you love? To get your fair share of love, perhaps taking baby steps and enjoying each moment of romance rather than looking further all the time will fuifill your over-imaginative love pulse.

Your Emotions
You are a deeply emotional person.
Love is your life-blood. It fills you with energy and makes you positive about the world. You'd like to have more of it in your life. Right now you feel overwhelmed by affairs of the heart. It could all be getting a bit too much. Perhaps it's time to pull back a little and reconnect with yourself........

The world can be a lonely place when love isn't going the way you'd like. You like nothing more than to just feel completely natural with the person you love. It would be so special if you could sneak away with them and find a quiet place just the two of you. That would beat all the heartache you seem to put yourself through. Your choice of animal shows that you are a very loyal person. You like to look out for the one you love and have very strong protective instincts.

You're a real romantic at heart. Sometimes you actually quite enjoy a spot for heartache. Pinning for the one you love can be good for the soul and creative spirit! You like quiet one-on-one time best of all! It's such a treat to get your lover all to yourself, uninterrupted. You dream of being reunited with the one you love. You're an adventurous soul. You find true romance in exploring new places and discovering new passions together with your lover. Shared experiences will always bring you closer together.


Travel: Nature-Lover

Nature Lovers like to sleep under the stars. Nothing puts a smile on these happy campers' faces more than breathing fresh air and feeling at one with nature. Chilling out under canvas with good friends is the only way to really take time out from the rat-race. It seems like for your next holiday you're up for spending quality time in the great outdoors. A little physical exertion probably wouldn't go amiss - perhaps you fancy a spot for hiking or canoeing - anything that takes you a little from civilisation. And if there is a chance to get up close and personal with wild animals, chances are you'll grab it with both hands. Alpine landscapes offer the perfect playground for the Nature Lover. There's so many exciting ways to get up and down the mountain! The idea of waking up with nothing but the dawn chorus in your ears is utterly enchanting. It seems like the real magic of holiday comes when you find complete peace and tranquility both inside and out. The simplest things can sometimes bring the most pleasure. It's all about sleeping under canvas and waking up to the sound of birdsong, with the grass under your bare feet.

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