God didn't promise days without pain, laughter without sorrow, sun without rain, but He did promise strength for the day, comfort for the tears, and light for the way. And ME to share all the pain, laughter, tears, sorrow,happiness, sun and rain with you! Let us endure all the 暴风雨 and 彩虹 together!

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Uncertainty and Change

Uncertainty and change.

According to dictionary.com, the definitions are as follows:

Uncertainty. The condition of being unsure about someone or something.

Change. To make the form, nature, content, future course, etc., of (something) different from what it is or from what it would be if left alone.

So how does change lead to uncertainty?

Let me use an example to illistrate this. I am going to change department next month, which is the following week. The clients that I am seeing now, some of them are asking about the next person taking over me. Most of my clients that I have, some of them I have seen them as long as a year, while others maybe a few months. Maybe, it is because I have already build the rapport with the clients and they are so comfortable with me. They are unsure whether the new person knows what to do with them, whether he knows about their problems. Thus, some of them were asking if they can choose not to change therapist.

Saw those italic words?

Change, comfortable, unsure and not to change.

All these we can use to explain change and uncertainty.

Sometimes, when human beings are so comfortable in our comfort zone, we resist change. We dislike being topple off our balance. Because we are so used to doing things the way we do, changes can make us unsure of ourselves. And all these will lead us to uncertainty.

But then again, we have to admit that change is constant. Change is happening every minutes and every seconds. Thus it is constant. I guess the only thing is to embrace that changes are unavoidable and try to see it with a different point of view. Think positively and things may not be that after all.

Well, not only clients have uncertainty. Even me too.... haha.... Of course I won't want to just leave my clients just like that on their own.... I have to asure them that everything will be okay.... and that I pray that the person taking over will be responsible and good. I wouldn't say I am good.... but I hope that the person taking over will at least do his part in the care of the clients. =)

Same situation applies at the other department that I am going to. Parents are also uncertain about the new therapist, who is me. Haha.... thanks to serene who is going to asure these panic parents.

I guess people are all afraid of changes but once we see that these changes are not that threathening, we will start to embrace them. But before that comes, we need to take that very 1st step towards change. =P

Well, other change of department....... other change that I am having soon is that I have signed up for my degree conversion with SGH PGAHI and La Trobe University. That means I am going to be part-time student soon.....

Oh.... changing to area in paediatrics also means that I might be able to take leave slightly easier as compared to when I am in adult rehab..... cause these clients of mine will be away for exams.. holidays too.....

Till now, I have 18 days to leave to clear..... come december it will be 29 days...... how am I going to clear them...... *ponder*

Holidays anyone?? =D

Oh.... and to all my friends who are going to study soon..... esp SY.... don't worry about the changes..... it will be smooth sailing before you knows it.... =)

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