God didn't promise days without pain, laughter without sorrow, sun without rain, but He did promise strength for the day, comfort for the tears, and light for the way. And ME to share all the pain, laughter, tears, sorrow,happiness, sun and rain with you! Let us endure all the 暴风雨 and 彩虹 together!

Saturday, June 07, 2008

More Youniverse Personality Test

Well-Being: Don't Worry, Be Happy

Well, aren't you just the sensitive one? As a Don't Worry, Be Happy, you believe in a well balanced approach to living a healthy lifestyle. It's all about moderation. You enjoy exercise and eating healthy but you're not going to let it take over and run your life. You are a postitive person and you like to put energy into everything that you do. More often than not you bounce out of bed in the morning and infect those around you with your good vibes.

It might be a clich but you are what you eat. You enjoy choosing healthy food because it makes you feel good on the inside. But it has to taste yummy too. Life's too short to sacrifice the pleasure of a good meal. Everything, including alcohol, is fine in moderation. You seems to have a fairly balanced diet - just make sure that you don't forget to keep up your water in take. You need to drink at least 2 litres a day.

As a Don't Worry Be Happy, you manage to fit physical activity around your everyday life. You might get off the bus one stop early or walk up the stairs to the office. But you won't drive yourself crazy with guilt if you miss a session in the gym. You might like to lose a few pounds or firm up your abs but you're not going to let that take over your life. If you're happy and beautiful on the inside, then you'll be happy and beautiful on the outside too.

As a Don't Worry Be Happy, you tend to get just the right amount of sleep that you need. More often than not, you have no difficulty dropping off at night or waking up in the morning. Having said that, you're not going to get hung up about getting a certain number of hours sleep - you know when to have fun and when to recharge.


Dating: Techno Flirt

Where would you be without your gadgets? You're techno-tastic. And who can blame you. We all know there's something kind of fun about some high-speed digital flirting. But there's no substitute for human contact. Make sure you get out and meet your real life love interests in the flesh!

My View
Bring on the positive vibes! You're a very emotional and sensitive person. Make sure you don't sit at home wallowing--get out there and spark up your positive side.

You definitely like to keep things low-key and you've probably got the right idea--after all, if you're both relaxed and comfortable then it's easier to get to know each other and make the most of all the flirting opportunities!

My World
Nothing beats laughing your socks off. So it makes sense to want a partner who really makes you giggle. In good times and bad, if you can still have a joke with each other, then chances are you'll do great together.As for your outlook on life, you're very down-to-earth and you know what you want, even if you haven't quite worked out how to get it yet.

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