Past 2 weeks... ...
Has been like a roller coaster ride... ... not physically but emotionally and mentally... ...
It goes uP, UP, down, down, up and down... ...
It just SUCKS like a Vacuum Cleaner la.....

Just as I thought I am looking forward for the trip and got my passport ready..... and confirmation of everything on 15 Nov, and the stupid riot got worse and took over the airport on 25 Nov. And prayed that airport will resume soon and didn't really thought of the actual consequence. Actually I did, but I just don't want to miss out this opportunity. How often do I get to travel? And also with right company from people?
Indeed, the hogging of the airport stopped officially today, 3 dec. Flights are most likely to resume on Friday. Some news reported 15 dec 2008. The YELLOW people are happy with the decisions. But the REDs are not. Like I told my colleagues, things will get worse if on the 8th dec when they elect the government and they don't like it again, another riot gonna start again. And there goes our anticipation again.
I seriously did think of that but when I think of the "happiness", "anticipation" and the "effort" that we had put in( or was it just me?)... ... I thought, it might be worth a little risk. But now to think of it, it may not be worth it afterall. I guess I had just allowed my emotions to rule over my head. Glad Alvin had make the wise decision in the end.
Though I like the adventure of sitting in a roller coaster, but I just HATE that emotional roller coaster that I had just gone through. Why must we be bear the consequences of ... ....

... the pile of SHIT by the Thai government?
Anyhow, we have decided to cancel booking for our hotel. Air tickets we are trying to find a solution. If all else fails, we shall see how is the gov't election.... .... as it may increase our chance of getting our credit shell after all.
Hope the roller coaster is just going to maintain and go up and up..... no more down for me please.... I think I'm not going to take it... ...
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