High Heel Shoes
I bought a super high heel shoes yesterday before I went to my friend's wedding as my previous one the heels were already cracking. I wore out my old one and hoping to purchase a new one. I quickly went to century square to buy one before I met my friend. I saw this one which is quite nice, similar to my previous one. But the heels were higher I thought. So I asked the sales girl if they had my size.
I tried on, it was relatively high without walking. I walked a few steps, it seems alright. Thus I decided to purchase it and wore it immediately. But the "torture" came when I started walking abit more. My Achilles tendon started to feel painful.
I really started to admire those models who are able to walk so graceful despite after wearing the high heel shoes. Nevertheless, I managed to survive without falling off and spraining my ankle. My friends were joking that I should start to walk with my high heels at home so that I will be prepared to walk with it for my organisation Dinner & Dance on the 9th Jan 2009.
Anyway, this is the picture of my shoes:I guess it was no choice that I had to purchase one for that night. But on the other hand, I could have bought another one if I had choose to see other shoes on the display. Maybe it was a purchase on impulse.
So, do you know what is the height of the shoes? It is...............
1 comments (click to comment):
Thank you for sharing!i knew more about high-heeled shoes by your article.
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