God didn't promise days without pain, laughter without sorrow, sun without rain, but He did promise strength for the day, comfort for the tears, and light for the way. And ME to share all the pain, laughter, tears, sorrow,happiness, sun and rain with you! Let us endure all the 暴风雨 and 彩虹 together!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Half full or half empty?

I'm sure many has heard or been ask a question related to the above picture.

"What did you see?"

I'm sure some will say it is half full, while some others will say it is half empty.

It all lies in the perception of things, how we view things.

If you do realize, we are all viewing the same thing but in another perceptive which may result in different outcomes.

In my opinion, when you view it as half full, we may be upset with the half that is gone but we are generally at ease and happy with ourselves that at least we still have the remaining half and what are we going to do with it.

When we view it as half empty, we may be constantly thinking that it is half empty and how are we going to make it full again. But we may have forgotten, we still have that remaining half. Yet, we get ourselves too miserable in that lost half.

Sometimes it is good that we view things in different perspective. Negative aspects do helps to motivate people in some point in times. For example, when I was in JC, my tutor does not believe I can make it in the Science stream and suggested that I dropped my CCA - NPCC, which I didn't. I want to prove her wrong and I did. But when ones keep dwelling on negative aspects, it not only will not spur you on, it will de-motivate us even more. E.g. If I keep on dwelling that I am not capable... I am useless...., I may not be who I am today.

Being postive, on the other hand, doesn't mean that we become laid back or being contented with what we have. Rather, we look at the bright side that things will get better. Maybe, having faith in oneself is important in being positive.

Thus, the important thing now is not whether it is half full or it is half empty but what are you going to do with the half full or half empty. Do nothing and hope that it will become full? Do note that when you do nothing, the water will dry up and you will end up with even lesser. Try to fill up the water with as much water as you can (even though it may not be 100% full as what you hope/expect)?

Remember, we can't change the fact that it is half full/half empty. Yet, we can at least change the outcome. Yes, nobody will know the outcome. Outcomes are always multi-factorials - Effort, knowledge, luck, etc. But, if we never try, we'll never know. At least if we try, at the end of the day, we won't regret and said, "I should have......"

"The battle is half lost when you think you will lose.
Yet, the battle is half won when you think you may win."

This is yet, another perspective.

Good night!

2 comments (click to comment):

Anonymous said...

interesting writeup..
nice reading your perception.. =D

Eileen said...

Thanks for your comments and dropping by. ;)