God didn't promise days without pain, laughter without sorrow, sun without rain, but He did promise strength for the day, comfort for the tears, and light for the way. And ME to share all the pain, laughter, tears, sorrow,happiness, sun and rain with you! Let us endure all the 暴风雨 and 彩虹 together!

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Personality Tests

I've just realized that I haven't been doing personality tests all these while..... so perhaps tonight, I can do some..... so.. there you are:

What makes me a real beauty?

Xiu Ling, your Intelligence makes you a real beauty

Extracted from emode

There's nothing more beautiful than a good head on your shoulders. Witty and wise, you're never short on interesting conversation or an informed opinion. You like to stay on top of what's going on around you. From world events to local hot spots, you don't wanna miss a beat.But all those smarts don't mean your nose is in a book all day. You're a friendly soul who knows how to have a good time and whoop it up. From grabbing a casual dinner with friends to checking out a hip, new art exhibit, you're not afraid to have a little fun. What could be smarter than that?


And I re-do another test on:

Why are you still single?

Xiu Ling, you're single because you don't want to settle.

You, more than others, have a fairy tale fantasy of how things should be. Ever since you were a kid, you've probably dreamed of the perfect wedding, coming home to a white picket fence, dog, and 2.2 kids (how does that work, anyway?).
When someone asks what you're looking for, you don't skip a beat: You're likely to have a handy checklist that details your perfect partner.
Hair and eye color, height, religion, education, career, interests, the list goes on.While it's great to have standards — Hey, you shouldn't have to settle, after all — there's one slight glitch in your master plan: No one has made the grade in real life — at least not yet.
Next time you're out with someone, keep yourself from mentally checking that list, and give love — and others — a chance. That special someone who you've written off may be perfect for you after all...

I was doing another test when I discovered this phrase on Sagittarius:

"If you are looking to meet a Sagittarius, remember they're
adventurous wanderers who can be forever asking questions.
The Archer can be found at pretty much any social event,
but this sign isn't likely to have a regular hangout. The Sagittarius can often be found outdoors and will usually be the one who has more questions than answers."

Hmmm... no wonder I have so many questions to ask during my last attachment.....
I guess it is my Saggittarius personality ba......

What makes you amazing?

Xiu Ling, your Sweet Spirit makes you amazing

Have a heart? You certainly do. Thoughtful and warm, you make other people feel at ease and welcome whether you're hosting a party or just attending it. You can't help it — you're a sweetheart who's a great friend to just about everyone.Sincere and kindhearted, you look out for those you love and will often put the needs of others before your own. It's no surprise friends and family look to you for advice and a shoulder to lean on. Helping other people makes you happy. That's the best super power any hero could have!


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