God didn't promise days without pain, laughter without sorrow, sun without rain, but He did promise strength for the day, comfort for the tears, and light for the way. And ME to share all the pain, laughter, tears, sorrow,happiness, sun and rain with you! Let us endure all the 暴风雨 and 彩虹 together!

Monday, July 24, 2006


I just realized that I have been blogging alot for the past one week..... at least 1 entry per day I guess.

haha.... guess I haven't been blogging for alot since my CE3A placement due to clients' confidentiality..... although there are some interesting things that happened in CE3A, some are just not meant to be blog to protect all involved.... though it can be interesting to share... lol.... perhaps it can be through "word of mouth" if you ask me la.... lol.... but well, I do "store" it somewhere in my comp for future viewing and memories. ^_^

I can't really remember what is the reason that cause me to start blogging.... was it the trend during that time? I can't remember..... but the reasons why I continue to blog is because:

  • to let my friends who I cannot meet up to know about how and what have I been doing
  • to share with people about certain issues
  • a land of memmories
  • a place to reflect on my feelings and thoughts
  • a place to 发牢骚
  • to share what OT does (new reason)
  • more......

I believe there are more reasons that keeps me blogging for so long....

Did I say that I enjoy reading blogs too?

Sometimes it is really amazing to see another perspectives of your friends through their blogs.....

Their feelings..... their real self...... their life stories that we never know.....

Blogs also bring a person closer to one another..... 'cos although you may not have seen the person/met up with the person for sometime, you can still feel close to the person and you know,

" She/he is doing fine."

And friends, as days progress, I will have more project meetings and discussions and thus may have lesser time to leave an entry here..... but no worries..... I will still come in at least once a week to blog on my happenings..... Cos blogging has become a leisure now....

Though I may not blog that often once I get busier, I will still take my time off to read my friends blog.... so... please update your blog!!! hehe.....

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