God didn't promise days without pain, laughter without sorrow, sun without rain, but He did promise strength for the day, comfort for the tears, and light for the way. And ME to share all the pain, laughter, tears, sorrow,happiness, sun and rain with you! Let us endure all the 暴风雨 and 彩虹 together!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Life is not just about external beauty

Although Jualiana Wetmore is young, she has undergone many hardships and surgery that many of us can imagine.

But she still lives what we call life. Nothing stops her from doing what she likes, what she wants and what she enjoys!

Then..... is life about external beauty?

Things that we see with our eyes.... is it all that superficial? Are we seeing things beyond the external beauty?

What we should see, is the beauty of the heart and not the face.

This reminds me of what my adult clients had said to me before:

"What's important in a person, lies in the heart. Not how pretty you are. Cause external beauty will fade away. What stays there is the heart. A good heart."

3 comments (click to comment):

Joseph Wan said...

dear miss Eileen Quek,
How true and accurate the quotes that you mentioned. Beauty is a combination of character and behavior and true beauty forever grows with character, while external beauty detriments with age, which we will all inevitably face.
Its an irony that my belief contradicts my occupation. Human flaws stems from the incomplete inner acceptance of ones God given looks and physical capability. Its heartwreching to know that majority of people don't think that those little peccadilloes in life, those little inperfections is what makes a individual real and wholesome.
Chee Hung

Eileen said...

Hi Dr Wan (Chee Hung),

From what I see, you are a plastic surgeon?

Yeah. Like the clip that I posted here , it clearly shows us those "little imperfection that makes them perfect."

People fails to see what is invisible to the eyes. Just like a physical disability may be so "visible" to the public and is the first thing we JUDGED - he/she is disabled. But what we fails to see is their assets and their capabilities.

Often than not, we will be amazed with the things that they can do, and not something a normal/typical human being can do. Just like Dr William Tan, the first man to complete North Pole Marathon on wheelchair.

Here, I see him as a doctor and a marathoner first. Then his disability. But his disability just show us how great his determination was, far from that of a normal human being.

Well, just a thought. Sometimes I just get affected by how people "chase" for external beauty and other materialistic things, often forgetting/neglecting that is something called the INTERNAL BEAUTY.

Eileen said...

Missing word for last paragraph,it should be:

Well, the above is just a thought from me. Sometimes I just get affected by how people "chase" for external beauty and other materialistic things, often forgetting/neglecting that there is something called the INTERNAL BEAUTY.