A weekends trip to Kluang, Malaysia (7 - 8 November 2009)
On 7 Nov 09, I went to Kluang with Juat as her sister last minute cannot make it. Wake up early in the morning and took a cab to Tanjong Pagar Train station and arrived at 7am. Initially I wanted to stay in SG to accompany Alvin to prepare/study for exam and give him some moral support, but he prefer to study at home. Since there is nothing constructive I can help, I decided to go to Kluang and since I can have a little break and accompany Juat too.
These are some photos of the station:
Soon, it was time to board the train......
Posing next to the train
It has been more than 10 years since I took the train. The last time I took train was to Taman Negara back in 1999! Spot the coffee I'm holding? =X
My Coffee
Me in the train
I simply LOVE this picture
Juat and me.
This is Kluang, train station:
I like this welcome sign:
I like it maybe because of the angle that I took it from. It looks so artistic. LOLX.
This is the timing of the trains:
And how the outside of the train station looks like:
And we are on our way to our hotel:
Here we are, our hotel:
How does the inside of the hotel looks like?
At the reception counter
(really got wifi meh?)
(really got wifi meh?)
The lobby
The room rate
At the reception counter
Sorry, full house.
As we were early, our rooms were not ready yet. We left our bags at some temporary place before we headed out to have our breakfast. One the way to the coffee shop, I spotted this shop which looked like Singapore's Toy' R Us with castle as the exterior design:
At the outside of the shop, I saw many soft toys!!!!
How can I not take photo with them:
How I wished these are mine.....
Then, we walked to the coffee shop to have some breakfast. I quite like the exterior design of the coffeeshop too:
Another orientation of the shop:
Even the picture on the menu was nice:
Before we went back to hotel to check in out bags, we went to book our foot reflexogy and back massage at one of the shops. After that, we went back to the hotel and here we are, going up to our rooms.
Stairway to our rooms
(no lift available here)
level 3
This is Juat's and my room:
Room 204
TV and dressing table
2 single beds
I changed my jeans into my shorts before going out again, so that I don't have to bear with so much heat being trapped in my black jeans.
Heard that there was a new shopping centre - Pacific Kluang Mall nearby, we decided to go and take a look. There it is!
When we were reaching the shopping centre, we saw a group of people crowding outside the centre. Surprisingly, they seemed to have some car racing in a circuit.
Heard that there was a new shopping centre - Pacific Kluang Mall nearby, we decided to go and take a look. There it is!
How can I miss the chance to pose again?
When we were reaching the shopping centre, we saw a group of people crowding outside the centre. Surprisingly, they seemed to have some car racing in a circuit.
I am so excited when I see these sports car even though I'm an idiot about cars, as a vainpot as what Juat's put it, how can I not go near and pose and take photos? How often can we take such closed up photos with such cars? I know I'm not a model with super good figure, so do bear with me for a while, while I present to you some of the photos of these cars..... with me of course. =)
And I've made a collage on the cars:
The mall has this organic food:
Spotted this plant, which is said to help to reduce radiation from the computer:
Juat saw this and ask me to pose with her:
Posing and more posing:
And I though someone like Alvin may like it!
And I got myself a scissors keychain which I didn't take photo of it. I also bought a Sony Ericsson handphone charger because my phone is going low batt after all that photo taking, GPRS as well as searching of network. I chatted with Alvin over GPRS using my ebuddy for a while before I logged off. He said I'm wasting my data. =X. I slept pretty early for someone who used to sleep at 2-3 plus on a saturday. I slept at 11.30pm.
The next day, we woke up damn early to climb Gunung Lambak.
The photos taken outside the hotel while we wait for the taxi to send us to the hill/moutain:

Follow us to Kluang Mall
when I saw these cars in the mall, I can't help but walk towards it and asked Juat to take a photo for me:
Do not dare to sit on it
Another one:
I begin to heckcare and went to sit on it:
I then became slightly bolder and went to open the door of the car:
And became boldest when I sat in the car:
Here I am!!! =D
Here's another car:
Another one taken from the top:
From the side:
More outside:
Another one:
The last red one:
Finally eh?
Really one last one:
The above seems to be a Singapore Car. Because it starts with SJK... ......And I've made a collage on the cars:
The mall has this organic food:
Spotted this plant, which is said to help to reduce radiation from the computer:
Juat saw this and ask me to pose with her:
Posing and more posing:
In a kiddo's taxi somemore. =X
We wanted to find the cinema as we were interested to watch movie at night but we couldn't find and ended up at the mall's open roof car park:
After that, we went to visit some rattan furniture shop where some of them bought some ratan chair and small box.
On the way there, I saw this sign that I thought it will look nice. Juat helped me took a photo of it as my phone was low batt and got to off it to reserved the battery life for the next day trekking:
On the way there, I saw this sign that I thought it will look nice. Juat helped me took a photo of it as my phone was low batt and got to off it to reserved the battery life for the next day trekking:
And this is the rattan place:
After that, we went for our foot reflexology and back massage:
This is me, doing my first foot reflexology
Surprisingly, I don't have much pain except areas that is associated with my sleep, urinary tract, bladder and head. I think without pressing on my leg, any public can see that I had problem with my sleep just by looking at my eyes. LOLX.
This is Juat and me after our foot reflexology......
After that, we went for our dinner and it was an open concept coffeeshop and it rained. Imagine us eating 3/4 done and got to put some food into our bowl of rice and bring our bowl into the shelter and eat. Another friend of Juat helps us to carry our curry fish head in. It was quite an amusing moment eating while standing as it ended up with me and Juat eating only.
After that, we went to another shopping centre and I caught my eyes on this:
And I though someone like Alvin may like it!
And I got myself a scissors keychain which I didn't take photo of it. I also bought a Sony Ericsson handphone charger because my phone is going low batt after all that photo taking, GPRS as well as searching of network. I chatted with Alvin over GPRS using my ebuddy for a while before I logged off. He said I'm wasting my data. =X. I slept pretty early for someone who used to sleep at 2-3 plus on a saturday. I slept at 11.30pm.
The next day, we woke up damn early to climb Gunung Lambak.
The photos taken outside the hotel while we wait for the taxi to send us to the hill/moutain:
View of the hotel
Waiting for our cabs
3 elderlys
The time when we boarded the cab:
Finally, we arrived and were at the foot of the hill:
At the start
My back
Jungle tracking
I don't believed I can see exercise equipment at the hill!
All ahead of me while I took photos
"Mini waterfall"
A steep slope up
Time for tea coffee!
While waiting for coffee and noodles to be ready, I took more photos, especially on the squirrels:
Finally managed to feed it. *happy*
The people there preparing FREE breakfast for the trekkers there:
The noodles they cooked are not bad, just a little oily. But well, I'm surprised that there are such service! They are just so heart-warming and kind.
How can Juat and me leave without taking a photo together (taken by her friend with a DSLR):
With our coffee!
Some other shoots before we headed down the hill/mountain:
Jump again!
These are what I had captured on the way down, which is another route by the way:
On a hanging bridge
Another exercise equipment
Didn't know Falun Gong is in Malaysia too
*Disclaimer: The blogger is just taking photo and is not related to the
Falun Gong in any ways*
Are you lost? That way please.
After the trek, we went to have Yong Tau Hu for breakfast:
The noodles
Mixed Yong Tau Hu ingredients
After that, we went to a noyan kueh shop:
The desserts that we ordered:
The ice-kachan which looks like our chengdo
Ice jelly
The interior of the shop:
The signboard of the shop:
After that, we walked past a utensils shop:
Why did I see a dragonboat paddle here?
Oh..... so it wasn't a paddle?? It's a ......
Rice Laddle!!!
After all these, it's finally time to go.... ....
Last shoot at the hotel
At the train station, we spotted a group of students:
Apparently they were there because they had not seen a train before.
More photos at the train station:
Train is coming...... Till I see you again.......
What are the things that I bought back?
For home
1 for office, 1 for home
For Alvin
4 comments (click to comment):
I had my secondary education in Kluang, but I have left many many years ago. Given the chance, I like to retrace your path in Kluang. one day, I also like to do post on kluang too. Nice pictures.
Hey there,
Thanks for liking my post and the pictures!
I just hang around near the train station only. But it is still quite a nice weekend retreat! =D
hihi,telling u tat the shopping mall which u went (Kluang Mall/Pacific) got their cinema (named Big Cinema) on the top floor...
btw, u cant find it even u reach the roof car park dy...becoz u need to use another escalator which in between of the Kluang Mall Bazar and Popular Bookstore....
if u go to the shopping center which opposite to ur hotel (ailang hotel) , u can get to their cinema (MBO Cinema) on the top floor too....
When u come to kluang, u can go to visit the organic farm, kahang organic farm and u can go to buy the (not sure is dongfa or yuanfa, one in kluang baru, one in jln cantaik - behind hongleong bank) dao sha bia (dou sha bing) and shanghai mooncake(in a little piggy shape) v cute !!
go to buy the coffe powder at jln besar,, kluang coffee powder factory (television logo)
Thank you for your info and sharing! =)
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