Annual Leave Day 2
Yesterday I went for my Dental check-up. Took a cab down as I was alittle late and they called to see if I can go alittle earlier. It has been few years since I last went for a check up. I know sooner or later I needed to go. Thus, decided to go and do some polishing. The dentist was asking if I am afraid of going to dentist. I laughed and agreed. He also did 2 x-rays for me for 2 sides of my teeth. I think I need to do some extraction for some of my top hind teeth, including some of my wisdom teeth. But I think I want to do some work on my front teeth first. =D
At least this visit wasn't a bad experience after all. Just that it burnt a hole in my pocket - $116. Luckily I can claim up to $100 for dental/year.
After the dental visit, I was walking around novena square, decided to drop by MPH. As someone who is always interested in astrology, horoscope, fengshui and self-help books, I decided to get myself John Gray's Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus. I would say..... finally! Always hang around book stores to read such without purchase. LOLx. I will do a review and share some of the interesting stuff that I read. I can't help but smiling/laughing to myself when I read them. This is the book.
Hui Hui and I were supposed to meet for a late night movie at Cineleisure at either 11pm or 11.50pm. And it was only like 5.30pm when I reached city hall. Didn't want to stay at novena as there is nothing much for me to see. Decided to sit down at TCC and order something for myself. I had always wanted to go to a cafe, order a drink and cake and have a book/lap top and have time all by myself. The last time I ever did was 1 year back! And I always did that to pass time. This time, I had the above book with me. Wow.... nice book to read. And of course learnt something from it.
Initially wanted to meet someone for dinner but decided to call it off after reading some of the pages in the book. I learnt to understand and respect it. Thus, I decided to have my own "Alone time" and doing something that I enjoyed. Having "time-out" can be good too... for me to reflect on things that I had been doing. Will share more on the book soon. Interesting.
Anyway, guess what I had?
I was sitting around TCC till around 7pm. Then had to rush to the ladies as I am having "high tide". If not, I would have sit longer. LOLx. Then decided to walk around Suntec for a while. Till I remembered that we might not have gotten seats if we didn't book the tickets. Hui Hui is having church and my phone couldn't check. Decided to try my luck to see if Alvin was online to help me check if there is still seats available. Luckily and thank GOD (and of course thank him too) he was online and he replied saying that for the 2 shows left the front seats. (I think he meant all the back seats are taken up. If I remembered correctly, he seems to like back seats. =X ) After receiving his reply, I hurried down to Cineleisure hoping to at least get the more behind seats. Managed to get the side seats@ last 3rd rows one.
Well, it was only like 9.30pm. Thus, I rooted myself to the seats outside the cinema till the arrival of our Ms Ong. I had bought myself 3+1 donuts and ate one since I didn't had dinner. While waiting, I continue reading my book. =) Soon, it was close to 11pm and Ms Ong called. We got ourselves some drinks at the 7-11 and went upstairs to take some photos:
Although this suppose to be an action film, there were some comedy elements in it. I will do a review on the movie soon. Haha... I am so glad that I finally knows what is autobot and decepicons - My ASD client has always been telling me about these 2 and sometimes I just "hhmm....", "ah... huh..", "orh....". In actual fact, I don;t know what he is talking about. =X
All and all, I quite like 3 characters in the movie - 1 autobot and 2 decepticons. The autobot is the bumblebee and the 2 decepticons are (what I call) "the old man decepticon"- Jetfire and "Cute and small decepticon" - Wheelie. I shall tell you why I like them in my movie review. =)
It was already 2+am when we finished watching and we had supper at Gloria Jean. I think I really had a very sinful day:
We left the place around 3.30am. I reached home close to 4am. Check mail, do some surfing and of course rinse and brush my teeth. I must make my cleaning and polishing of teeth worth it right? lolx....
Look out for my book and movie review.
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