A nice sad love story - Always Online
I saw this on a friend's blog:
A place where behind the clouds, the sun is shining.....
A place where I share my reflections, dreams, hopes, life, frustrations.....
I saw this on a friend's blog:
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10:17 pm
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In conjunction to the previous post and the post on My LOVE: Who is my ACTUAL LOVE who I cannot explain the joy and happiness to be with, and cannot explain the joy and happiness to see him being the first and last person when I wakes up or goes to bed??
It has been proven to be so. =)
He is none other than ...............
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7:30 pm
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I heard this news from colleagues just now and decided to take a look. Andy is still as dashing as ever even though he is turning 48 years old. Some guys are just becoming more charming as they ages and mature. Maybe that is also why I prefer older guys than younger ones as they are more mature in their thinking.
For more information on this news article, click here.
Nevertheless, I do agree with what was concluded in the article:
Andy: " I think romanticism is not about doing something, but being together with someone I love and waking up to see her everyday."
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1:37 pm
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Happy Anniversary my LOVE !! Thanks for always be there for me.... although there are times where you had your mood swing but I still LOVE You!!
Who is my LOVE?? Make a guess??
Do stay tune for the picture on 30th Jan! =P
Okay.... my LOVE pic can be found here.
Please do not puke! lolx....
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1:30 am
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Basically 2nd day I was at home the whole day. This year CNY only visited 2nd's aunty house. My mood was rather down for the past few weeks. Damn irritating, frustrated, clueless.....
Anyway, in the evening, mom came to me and asked if I can accompany her to Loyang Dua Pek Gong. Since I'm too bored and moody, maybe a trip out will be good for me. When I reached there, it reminded me of the 4-faced buddhas when Alvin and me saw in Bangkok. I still remembered Alvin was saying that the buddhas are very accurate in granting the wishes of the worshippers but they have to pay back if their wishes are granted. If not, the buddhas will take back twice what was granted to them. Fear of losing what I was going to wish for if I couldn't go back and return the help, I decided not to go into the 4-face buddhas temple in Bangkok.
Anyway, I took some photos while I was at Loyang Dua Pek Gong:
I think I'm more interested in taking photos of the animals than the people:
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12:40 am
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I was reading some past emails and I saw this about my date of birth:
You are smart, straight talking, funny, stubborn, hardworking, honest, jealous on competing basis, kind hearted, angry, friendly, authorities, famous person...always want to be and regarded as first on people position, they are often like to be independent, will never be under others, self confident people!
You are most likely to fall in love in the younger age, but will get marry when you mature! You are likely to have problems with people who have opposite views. And you are most likely to take revenge over your enemies in a long time basis. You are a spender, but you will have a good profession in the future. If you are guy you will be very popular that everybody will have mental attraction and respect at you. You can go anywhere from the local shop to the heart of the parliament because you are positive and well talented in numerous issues!! But in your life you will always have some people who will work hard to bring you & your name down. This is undercover!! Coz of your smart behavior you will be hated by some people too...
Your family life is very cool, you will have a very nice partner & wonderful children... You are pioneer, independent & original...
LOL..... It says I will take revenge over my enemies in a long time basis!!! Don't know true or not..... So u all better don't become my enemies!!! TRY IF YOU DARE!!! lolx.... And I also believe there are some people trying to bring me down..... but who cares.....
Anyway, it says my best match has date of birth falls on the 4th, 13th, 22nd or 31st of the month!!
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10:13 pm
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I was shocked when I saw the following news in the Yahoo News:
HONG KONG (AFP) - - A Hong Kong filmmaker aims to lure audiences back to the cinema with what what he says is the world's first 3D erotic movie, according to a newspaper report.
Stephen Shiu Jnr., chairman of One Dollar Production, said he would use special effects to make the love scenes in his 30 million-Hong Kong dollar (four million US) "3D Sex and Zen" as realistic as possible.
The 3D erotica will probably be the world's first," he told the Sunday Morning Post."Just imagine that you'll be watching it as if you were sitting beside the bed."
The film is based loosely on the 17th century Chinese erotic classic "The Carnal Prayer Mat," a tale about how overindulgence in pleasure can lead to tragedy.
Shiu told the newspaper that about 25 to 30 percent of the movie would be love scenes, including many close-ups. He said the actresses would appear to be only a few centimentres (inches) from the viewers, who would have to wear special glasses to enjoy the 3D effects.
The producer said he was planning to use adult video actresses from Japan and Taiwan. But he admitted having difficulties in finding the male lead.
"We're having trouble finding a male lead who is willing to undress in front of the camera. It's a lot more difficult to find an actor than an actress for this kind of movie."
Shooting will begin in April and it is expected to be released in time for Christmas, the report said.
Hong Kong has seen the closure of many cinemas in recent years as traditional movie-goers switch to watching films on DVD at home.
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12:38 am
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In movie
Today, I went to watch 大喜事(The Wedding Game) with my colleagues. I had an extra ticket because another colleague cannot make it but cannot cancel as it was already book with my credit card. =(
Anyway, Christopher and Fann has always been my idols since my primay/secondary school time, especially when they acted in 新阿郎. And when I was googling using the theme song: 别让情两难, I saw the theme song that they always play at the start of the drama!
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10:38 pm
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In colleagues, love, movie, relationship
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9:50 pm
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11:32 pm
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In horoscope
Happy Niu Year to all!!!
Well, to be frank, this is just another day to me. Nothing special. And I wasn't in the mood for CNY too. Don't ask me why, I don't wish to share. And of course when new year comes, relatives will continue to ask without fail, questions like, "where is your boyfriend?", "got boyfriend not?" and "when you going to get marry?" Well.... as if I know how and what to answer. And I'm tired to answer them and not in the mood too.
This afternoon, I just went to my 2nd aunty's house and had lunch and stay and rot and watch TV. Fall asleep while watching 食神. Don't know how many times this movie has been repeated on the TV already. Just had some lunch at aunty's house. The usual - Steamboat. And I skipped dinner at her house as I'm still quite full because of the lunch and does not have appetite to eat.
Now, back at home. I'm so bored!!! Maybe I'll find some food to snack soon. Anyway, when I'm down, I'll either cook, eat, cry, sleep, listen to songs (and get myself more emo...), go for a RUN or I'll take photo!
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3:51 pm
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In health
Saw a dead cat outside/near my work place. The body looks stiffened. The way it died simply just reminded of how my girl girl died few months back. It even died with it's eyes opened. My colleague went to take a newspaper wanting to cover the cat, apparently got a shocked by another colleague who went "meow" when she tried to cover it. In the end, I folded the newspaper into 1/2 and covered it... ...
After lunch, some of my colleagues went to help to dispose off the body.
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1:53 pm
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I'm glad I live in the culture or society where I have a choice to choose who I wanna date, love or who I wanna marry unlike those in the Indian Culture.
In their society, they have to sort of go through some match-making and might only seen their partner for like 1-2 times, some even only saw the photos and they are married for life.
Thus, I still glad that I am blessed to be able to be in this society to love and eventually get married in my freewill. =)
This afternoon, I saw a colleague's wedding photos and on one of the pages, it has written:
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11:40 pm
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A colleague@work was just sharing about "the one" with us.
She said:
"God didn't give us "the one". He gives us "the wisdom" to choose who to be "the one". How can GOD give you the 1 from out of don't know how many billion of people? And what if your "the one" is already someone else wife/husband? That means that someone else husband/wife maybe be married to other people's "the one" (if you get what I mean?). Thus, it is for us to choose our own "the one" instead of saying "God has the one for me". "
"Someone who is cool, witty, knowledgeable and charming(I don't mean handsome here but rather some x-factor or charisma). Abit of those bad boys type of character. When they are warm, they can be very warm-hearted. But when they are cold. they can be very cold. Sometimes when they are trying to understand something or working on something, they tends to internalize them and get withdrawn (which may not be related to us, maybe because of work, studies,etc) and they do not want to communicate/explain it out. He wants to find out the solutions and answer on his own and does not want help from others. But when they want to say, they will tell you what is wrong, even without you asking. And this type of guys can be alittle "emotional unstable"... as if they have mood swing or PMS.... These guys tends to think deep and is often quite faithful when they really love someone."
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10:46 pm
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In relationship, work
... ... so do my colleagues!!!
Lolx.... I'm glad I've made the changes. Everyone, my colleagues and even caregivers of my clients(kids) said I look good in my new hair!!!! =D And when I went to work on Monday, my colleagues were like taking turns to touch my hair!!! lolx....
My mom said so too the day after I rebonded and highlighted my hair:
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7:49 pm
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I went to wL's son baby shower at Bukit Panjang last Sunday. Reminded me of Journey to the West when I went to St. Luke's for attachment when I was a student.
Anyway, Asher is so cute and BIG. =X (cannot say in front of the child... shhss...)
Some pictures taken on Sunday:
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7:18 am
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In baby, emotions, NPCC clicks
I saw this in eMz's blog that I chance upon. This video is quite interesting. I think this will NEVER happen in Singapore.... lolx.... imagine those wearing "grandmother" type..... lolx....
And I guess GUYS benefit the most here, with nothing to lose....
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3:22 pm
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In overseas
Well, after contemplating for a few months, I decided to carry on:
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1:52 pm
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In hair
Anyone interest in the above event?
The ticket cost is as follows:
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1:12 pm
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In volunteerism
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11:31 am
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Some people get confused and frustrated when he/she don't understand what and why certain people do certain things and wants to find out why BUT yet they do not want others to understand why they do certain things.
To some, others don't understand him/her is their problem, not his/hers.
Maybe, some things are better left unsaid or explain.
Weird People are weird people... ... just let them be... ... when they have organised their thoughts, they will come out of the cave/shell..... if not.... just let them be CAVEMAN or TURTLE....
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10:19 pm
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9:54 pm
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在Elaine 的MSN Personal Message 看到以下的句子:
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12:31 pm
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Your Word is "Hope" |
You see life as an opportunity for learning, growth, and bringing out the best in others. No matter how bad things get, you always have at least a glimmer of optimism. You are accepting and forgiving. You encourage those who have wronged you to turn over a new leaf. And while there is a lot of ugliness in the world, you believe that almost no one is beyond redemption. |
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7:45 am
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