Old Songs
All of a sudden went to listen to some old songs as I heard this phrase “坚持到底" on TV just now....
Thus, wish to share this song with my readers.... whatever you do, do not give up.
坚持到底.... tough time don't last, tough men do..... so NEVER EVER EVER GIVE UP!
Few incidents in my life I'm glad that I never give up and thus I am what I am today......
Incident #1
I failed my JC 1 in 2001. I was told to go to ARTS STREAM. And of course to GIVE UP NPCC. MY civics tutor of course has the best intention in mind but she failed to understand that that time, NPCC was my life. So what decision did I take?
Haha.... I NOT ONLY did I stay in SCIENCE STREAM, I took up a more SIONG CCA/ECA in addition to my NPCC and that is COLLEGE DRAGONBOATING. lolx.... I don't remember how I really brave through that 2 more years in JC. But I just know that I want to prove peopl wrong that I can make it. Perhaps it was due to my STUBBORNESS and my desire to win attutide (which may not be very obvious to some ppl).
HAha.... I did quite well in my repeated JC1... I think I got AEE in Sem 1... as compared to OFF the year before..... and sem 2 I think I got CDE. As i was typing this, I remembered I can still access my JC portal.... so here is my results..... not fantastic.... but who cares? lolx....Haha... finally during the A Level, I scored CDD, which I was pretty upset over it for a while. But that never get me down for long. I tried all my means to send in all my relevant documents to courses that I wanted in University. In the end, I didn't really got into what I wanted. But was still offered a place in NTU Engineering. At the same time, I was offered Dip in Occupational Therapy. Took a while to decide what I want to do and told myself not to regret the decision whatever may come. And there I was..... an Occupational Therapy Student. But things wasn't that smooth sailing after all.......
Incident #2
I was in dilemma whether I want to be an OT when I graduated or to join SPF after my degree conversion. And in addition, I have to handle the financial issues for my studies. That time my mom's CPF wasn't enough to pay for my education. Thus, I took up bank loan from DBS. But that only meant 75% of the fees and I have to fork out the additional 25%. As a student with only $300/mth which includes my transports, lecture notes, food expenses and miscellances. How am I suppose to pay? And being someone with no biology and no strong pure sciences background, it makes studying difficult. I was called into my CT's room to talk to me. Thank god Rayyan introduced me to Quatum Dynamics, which is known as Synergy Dynamic now. Though the pay wasn't that fantastic and often late (hahaha....), it helps me brave through the storm. Just that all of the pay was always used to pay my school fees. I was also known to be sometimes-part timers to them.... haha.... as I can't commit on a regular basis... only when I have no attachments. Oh.... I was also a tuition teacher during the 1st year too.
Things got slight better as the years go by..... and managed to brave through all my attachments with quite fairly good results. =)
Well, I am not blogging this to tell you how much I have gone through and you should empathise with me for going through these.... What I want to share is, have faith and confidence in yourself in whatever you decided to do. Don't give up on what you want to achieve.
坚持到底 okay? =)
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