God didn't promise days without pain, laughter without sorrow, sun without rain, but He did promise strength for the day, comfort for the tears, and light for the way. And ME to share all the pain, laughter, tears, sorrow,happiness, sun and rain with you! Let us endure all the 暴风雨 and 彩虹 together!

Sunday, March 04, 2012


Every Saturday, if I'm not out with the buddies or playing DGN with Mr Vorhees, I will catch the show 原来是美男 or otherwise known as He's Beautiful in English. This is actually a Korean show to be exact.

A.N Jell is Korea's most popular pop idol group. Through auditions, the company's CEO recruits flower boy Go Mi Nam for his angelic voice into the group for the recording of the new album. Unfortunately, Mi Nam needs to be hospitalized because of an injury. Desperate, his manager seeks his naïve and sweet twin sister Go Mi Nyu and begs her to disguise as her brother until he recovers. For the sake of fulfilling his twin brother's dream of find their biological mother, she accepts the proposal.

Despite her misgivings, nobody in the group realizes that she is a actually a girl. Till one day, her secret is discovered but it is too late to take Mi Nyu out of the group. All three boys in the group, Tae Kyung, Jeremy and Shin Woo decide to work harder to protect her. In order to take the attention away from Mi-Nyu, a scandal between group leader, Tae-Kyung and famous actress Yoo He-yi is fabricated. Soon, He-yi realizes the truth about Mi Nyu and by the time, she realizes she likes Tae Kyung very much.

Although Tae Kyung started out disliking the trouble-making Mi Nyu, they slowly develop a friendly and close relationship. Meanwhile, as Tae Kyung helps to get Mi Nyu closer to her idol Shin Woo, he starts to find himself strangely bothered by the two...
The above synopsis is extracted from Channel U.

In the story, the leader of the band 泰京 is an eccentric, indifferent and stubborn guy while Shin Woo 新禹 on the other hand is the boy-next-door guy that all girls would love.

But somehow I like and adore 泰京 more than 新禹. This is not only because escentric, indifferent and stubborn guy attracts me but also I see the kind and understanding part of him which other people fails to see. 泰京 is just showing his care and concern in his own way. And can be very sweet at times. But I got to say sometimes he is so attitude that I feel like punching him...  (laugh)

By looking at their photos, who would you like more?



I think I like 泰京 more is also because he is more manly than others.

Today, there was a scene that 泰京 got so sad and angry that 美男 rated him with an average score of 5 out of 10 for some questions about him. But he became so happy when he asked how much he like him (she does not know that it was him who asked her) and she said 100!!!

 Btw, the bunny that he is holding is a bunny with pig nose!!

That's the pig-bunny!

In the story, the girl above likes 泰京 . Often than not, he always find her irritating and always tries to oppose her. But slowly, he realizes that he has fallen for her too.

The above is the scene where he said this to her:

"I give you permission to like me!"

But he didn't tell her that he likes/love her too. Rather because of his guy's EGO, he said she can be like the fans in his fan club where she can adore him and not because she really likes him in a relationship kind.

Anyway I am looking forward to the next few episodes. But I think I may just go search online and watch the whole series as I'm very interested to see what will happen to them in the end.

More of  泰京 photos:

I like man's serious look when they are working

His eccentric look

I just love his smile!

His sarcastic and attitude look

His angry and jealous look

I like this animated picture alot!!

That's all for now. I guess I'm gonna watch the rest of the episodes from youku.com here =)
Can't wait!!!

P.S: I think I tends to fall for guys who are like 泰京.

Most of the photos were taken from here.
Animated pic taken from here.

2 comments (click to comment):

iamshenglo said...

maybe i get the list of songs from your play list?
They're so soothing~

contact me iamshenglo@hotmail.com

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