God didn't promise days without pain, laughter without sorrow, sun without rain, but He did promise strength for the day, comfort for the tears, and light for the way. And ME to share all the pain, laughter, tears, sorrow,happiness, sun and rain with you! Let us endure all the 暴风雨 and 彩虹 together!

Friday, February 19, 2010

2nd and 3rd day of CNY is GAME DAY!

On the second day of CNY, I was waken up by my mom. Supposed to go to my 3rd Aunty's place. As usual, I would use my computer before doing anything else. I was just checking mail, surfing net and checking who's online. =)

Send the usual morning greeting via MSN, not really waiting for any response.
*When there is no expectation, everything is a bonus.* After a moment, I received a PM in MSN, asking which level I am in DGN.

I replied and was told to join cc1 POW. Then we started playing DGN. There is a Valentine's Event going on and we went in to hunt for our TAMANGO. Well, as my level was low enough for them to be able to kill the BOSS. They asked me to join them. *making use of me* LOL..... Anyway, it was nice of him/them to ask me to join. Because they can join others to form party too. Not only with me. Anyway, we also made use of Vorhees too.... =X

I LOVE THIS!!!! We tried to make form LOVE.





I'm also very happy that Vorhees pass (lend? give?) me his Captain White Tooth's Hat! It helps alot! *muack* LOLX.

We played till around 11 plus, 12 plus at night and then he went to play his other game.

While on the 3rd day, we continued to play. From 1 pm, all the way to around  7pm where we stopped. And watched the Renovation Show by Bryan's and Mark.

Those 2 days were one of the best days after so long. Happy! *beam* =D


Happy Belated Valentine's Day! 

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