God didn't promise days without pain, laughter without sorrow, sun without rain, but He did promise strength for the day, comfort for the tears, and light for the way. And ME to share all the pain, laughter, tears, sorrow,happiness, sun and rain with you! Let us endure all the 暴风雨 and 彩虹 together!

Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Yet another wedding: Karen and Derek

I attended another wedding last Sunday at Orchard Hotel. It's Karen's and Derek's wedding.

I just got to know them through YEC. They joined YEC for the coming term. Derek is born in 1979 and he is 7 years older than Karen. That means Karen is younger than me. Hmm.... 1979.... so reminded me of someone.

Anyway, the following are some photos taken on that day. Some photos of the food, some photos of myself and wendy. I don't have the group photos yet. How can my pathetic SE G900 be compared to a DSLR?

Me and Wendy in the Ladies

Another one

My front view of my arms looks huge.
Dammit. lolx.

Table 15.

Gift from Orchard Hotel

I took this instead of the apple above.

Candles and petals

Another one



Front of the menu

My Red Wine


My Chinese Tea

Deco in the cold dish

Sharks Fin

Yesh. You've guess it. =X

Another dish

Karen and Derek back from a change of wedding gown

Outside the Hotel while waiting for Cab

Back at home
I like this pic! Because can see the contour of my arm muscles! =P

Another one

Another one

I know I'm photo whore. But it doesn't matter. Cause I like to take photos and take photos of myself.

Juat was suggesting that I should go and take some photo shoots now since I'm more on my slimer side now. Considering.....

Anyway, Congrats to Karen and Derek! May you have a blissful marriage!

P.S: I used to love to attend weddings when I was young because there is food. Now that I'm getting older .... ..... (please fill in the answer......)

Well, have another wedding coming. That is zJ, my super glue sister's wedding. In Dec.

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