Busy weeks and Month
Life has been rather busy with work and school.
I had 2 weekend classes on the 19th and 20th of September. I was rushing through to put up a presentation on Friday night. Only managed to sleep on Sat at 4.30am. That means I only had 2.5 hrs of sleep before I woke up to prepare for my class.
Thank god the presentation was alright. I guess all of us were trying to get the presentation out the night before because...... all of us were late. Except me and wt because we took a cab down. Staying awake in class was a little difficult with the 2.5 hr of sleep I had. But I manged to make it through. To pamper myself a bit, I went to buy some donuts to eat!!!!
Well, I think I "over-buy" and "under-eat". So far, I only ate 3 and the other 3 is still lying in the fridge. Wonder if it is still edible.
Well, I'm both glad and sad that Monday is a public holiday. HAppy? I can have a break from work. Sad? I have to come out to discuss assignment on a public holiday. Orchard Central Coffee bean has become a usual place for me to discuss assigment.
My Mocha Ultimate and Tiramisu cake:
Well, yesterday I was there again to discuss assignment. This is the 3rd time. I didn't take any photos of my coffee this time. But I got myself a hazlenut ice-blended coffee. =)
Thereafter, I was quite hungry at 8+pm and we decided to grab a bite somewhere since we want to eat something else other than coffee bean. We popped by the Centre Point and decided to have something from Long John Silver.
I was alittle indecisive on what to eat before I decided to eat:
When I was there at Long John Silver, I realised the place that I was siting, the background was nice. So, I decided to take some photos:

After all that photo craze, we realised that there this this wall that looks nice:
This is the wall behind where I was sitting:
After all this photo taking, we continued on with the discussion of our assignment till we were approached by one of the staff that they are closing. By that time, it was already nearing 11pm. Before I left Central Point, I passed by 7-11 and I went in to ask if they have the sale of the IAHGame ICash Card. Apparently it was sold out. The other time I went to ask at the Somerset MRT 7-11, they only left the $60 one. Sigh. Maybe I should get it online then. Reached home at 12+ and decided to play Dragonica till around 2+am.
As for today, was rather tired. Woke up at 12+pm. Played Dragonica for a while. Then went to do my Pediatrics Module Quiz. Luckily only 5 MCQs. It was already done. Just haven't send to the lecturer. Can take a bit of time since the datedue is on 5th October. I've another 2-3 online discussions that are overdued, 1 health promotion project and 1 pediatrics resource guide. I hope that I can clear all fast.
I've taken leave on the 19 - 21st October. I couldn't take it anymore. I need breaks! 19th is the datedue for my pediatrics resource guide. Hopefully I can finish before that. Then I will have longer breaks. OR is there anyone wants to go for short overseas trip on 17 - 21st? HAha... then I will be more motivated to complete my work earlier. Just like what happened before I went for my BKK trip last year. =P
Sigh. Got to go and take dinner and bath. before I start on some of my work again..... 3 more weeks to my break!!!
P.S: I don't know what some people is thinking. Anyway, no one will know unless they spelt it out. For, we are not their 肚子里的蛔虫。
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