God didn't promise days without pain, laughter without sorrow, sun without rain, but He did promise strength for the day, comfort for the tears, and light for the way. And ME to share all the pain, laughter, tears, sorrow,happiness, sun and rain with you! Let us endure all the 暴风雨 and 彩虹 together!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Lipomassage (LPG)

Yesterday as my aerobics lesson is postponed, I made an appointment with Citispa for a free treatment of Lipomassage worth $168 with my free gift voucher:

How I gotten this free voucher?

This was given by Citispa because I did not want to pay my the remaining balance for facial package the other time. The reason was because my cash was abit tight, thus I thought of paying the remaining only after I started 3-4 sessions of the treatment.

But they persuaded me to make the full payment now and they will give me another free session of facial and this LPG. Anyway, each of my facial includes Diamond Tone Facial Treatment + Eye treatment. =X

Since I have to use this voucher by end of this month, I am just trying my luck for yesterday's appointment.

Apparently this LPG will help to slim, sculpt/shape and firm the body. For this, I have to wear special suit for the machine to be used on me. For this suit, I have to remove all clothings, except my undies *censored* before wear this suit.

Sorry. No pictures here. Too embarrassed to show my FAT photo. lolx.....

But took a photo of myself today when I was @ work:

Hmm... was there any difference? Anyway you can't see much difference with just 1 treatment and I'm not taking any package for it. I'm going to tone it out through my areobics. =P

Anyway, what did the one who did the treatment for me says about me? lolx.... I think I'm not going to share here..... So far only 2 people know what did the person say about me. =)

1 comments (click to comment):

Lipomassage said...

thanks for sharing your experience but it will be better & helpful if you show us your pics before doing lipomassage so that we can also the difference & results.