Mabel's Wedding Dinner
Last night was Mabel's wedding dinner. Managed to hitch a ride from Johan, together with Mingguang and Weizhen. It has been so long since I last saw Weizhen, my ASSISTANT CLASSREP. lolx....
As this is my first time attending wedding of someone my age... (oh... in fact.... she is younger than me by a year.... does it makes me feels old? I dunno.... ) I didn't know who much Ang Pao $ I should give.... as in what is the market rate.... lolx... then sms SY Alvin to ask him....
Well...... when we reached the hotel, we were quite early... we just hang around.... having drinks and peanuts.... chatting..... We even gave a video well wishes to Mabel and James....
So who went for Mabel's wedding?
Lay Lan, Sabrina, Guirong, Jac Dean, Wen Jun, Zheng Rong, Mingguang, Wei Zhen, Johan and me. oh.... not forgetting Mr Goh and his daughter Jade Goh.
Hmm..... her wedding was interesting......
It didn't start off with us standing up..... the couple came in.....we applaud..... nno.....
Instead..... they came in Mabel came in and sing a song, then followed by James..... who sang a duet with Mabel. It is so sweet isn't it?
And do you all know why her wedding is on 16 August 2008? Because.... in numerical value... it is 16082008.... or for short, it is 1688...... it symbolises abduance of fortune and luck in anything they do.
And Mabel gave a wonderful speech to all present. James, on the other hand, gave a short speech... but he didn't thank the bride. You know why? Cause he came up with a special item where he enter by 1 of the door and sang a song for her. And when he was singing the song.... moving towards Mabel.... he teared! This shows that he is really very happy to have her as his wife!
I am not envy of her..... Maybe I am.... but I am more happy for her that she has found her ONE. All the best to you Mabel and May you have a Blissful marriage! Cannot remember how many kids that you wanted to have when we were talking about it when we were in JC... was it also like me... at least 2 and most 3? haha.... anyway..... jiayou! =D
Okay... now back to the dinner.... the food was good.... or rather, the companion. It has been a long long time since the class gathered. It was a good time to renew all our contacts.... some of them still have my old HP number.... no wonder they cannot get me... lolx.....
Hmmm.... the gals has started working... together with Jac Dean.... and the rest of the guys are still studying..... they called themselves "boys".... lolx... And glad to know that some of the working ppl... are working in big company or organisations.....
Didn't take a lot of photos that day..... waiting for Wenjun to send me the photos that he took with his EXPENSIVE SLR which he asked us not to ask him the cost. lolx....
Anyway, this is some pictures of last night....
These are some photos taken by Mingguang......
I think this is my 2nd glass. The guys are all ganging up to "cheers" with me!!! Wah liew.... so many years liao still want to bully the CLASS REP?!?!?! But I still drink la... lolx....
Luckily only 2 glasses..... Someone says FAT GIRL needs to drink more RED WINE..... what the.....
For those who knows me.... know I don't really drink de.... And this is the 1st time I ever drink 2 glasses at one time lor....
Cause.... I don't really like to drink.... as sometimes.... after I drink.... my chest will gets quite tight.... and I will have shortness of breathe....
Well..... after that.... managed to hitch a ride back home.....from Johan.... haha... who can only drink orange juice for the whole dinner. =P
How can I not take photo when I'm at home? haha.... this is how my dress looks likee...... wore the jacket over at dinner because the dress it's a low back dress and I don't have backless strap bra.... so.... I can only put jacket over....
Anyway.... this are the pictures.... taken using my laptop webcam...
And this is how the dress looks like.... ...There was this black dress that looks so nice when I tried it.... I LOVE that very much... but it was too BIG for me.... it was M size..... So what does that mean.... it mean.... I not THAT FAT lor..... And I am not FAT.... just BIG SIZE..... *bleh*
Oh... just remembered that I forget to include something in the previous post. Added an Addendum in the previous entry. Do take a look.
4 comments (click to comment):
Wedding, wow!
I want a wedding too, Doggiegal!
Jasmine.... as guest or the bride? =P
A very sweeet wedding!don't know who is next? Maybe Johan?aha!
His vessel,
I think maybe Guirong? johan maybe? hmm.... Laylan? or.... Mingguang? haha...we shall see.... =p
But definitely not me... lolx
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