Sunday, August 31, 2008
Official Opening of Sales Office of Synergy Dynamics
Today was the official opening of the sales office of Synergy Dyanmics. The located at the west coast recreation centre.
It was nice of them to invite me to the place. Had some nice catch up with Ras, Ray, Kris - Pahang Camp's partner and Wilson - a super old senior in NPCC that I never really talk to in the past.
SD is going to have a campsite in KOTA TINGGI WATERFALL!!!! Has always wanted to go there since my NPCC days... ... maybe one day I shall go there and take a look myself... ...
Anyway, we had a bowling championship today. Boss drew lots and paired us up. I was "paired" up with Wilson. All teams had a male and female but ONLY Rayyan and Kris one is not. KRIS is a guy btw.
Today, my bowling skill was the best ever. Both my game I had score over 100 points. I seldom score more than 100 points when I played in the past. Don't believe you see here:
Wilson is quite a good bowler too... luckily he was my partner. Okay. Soon, it is time to annouce the winner of the 2 games. Guess who won?
It is the Team that has 2 GUYS!!!!! It is so unfair!!!! And my team got 2nd, with a total score of 518 points. =) Wah liew..... we should have given the 1st prize right?
Anyway, I got the BEST FEMALE BOWLER AWARD with 234 points. lolx.
Left early as I was meeting Huihui to buy shoes.... =P
Okay.... gotta go bathe and do my E-LEARNING liao.... ciao....
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10:02 pm
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"Undo unto others as you would have them undo unto you"
In other words, release all the past, don't hold onto anything but the joy, from everyone, including yourself. Forgive it all and bask in the peacefulness it brings.
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9:57 pm
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In quote
Dark Purple |
To others, you seem a bit dark, mysterious, and moody. In truth, you are just a very unique person who doesn't care what others think. And you really enjoy your offbeat interests and friends. You've decided that life is about living for yourself - simple as that. |
What Your These Fireworks Say About You |
You are deeply passionate about a few things in your life. Everything else, you couldn't care less about. Your passions tend to hold steady over time. If anything, they intensify. Once you hold on to something (or someone), you don't let go! |
You Are a Purple Flower |
A purple flower tends to represent success, grace, and elegance. At times, you are faithful like a violet. And other times, you represent luxury, like a wisteria. And more than you wish, you find yourself heartbroken like a lilac. |
You Should Be a Social Worker |
You are deeply caring and empathetic. You are able to take on other people's problems as if they were your own. Sensitive and intuitive, you understand human emotions well. Helping others gives you the most joy in life. You feel like it's your purpose in life. You do best when you: - Have a lot of responsibility - Greatly impact someone's life with your work You would also be a good philanthropist or stay at home parent. |
Your Aura is Blue |
Spiritual and calm, you tend to live a quiet but enriching life. You are very giving of yourself. And it's hard for you to let go of relationships. The purpose of your life: showing love to other people Famous blues include: Angelina Jolie, the Dali Lama, Oprah Careers for you to try: Psychic, Peace Corps Volunteer, Counselor |
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9:35 am
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Saturday, August 30, 2008
Understand a person better using Psychology - Part 3
Welcome to the Part 3 of Understanding a person better using Psychology. In the previous 2 parts, I talked about Id, ego and superego, and Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs.
Today, I am going to share on Erik Erikson's Psychosocial Development.
There is a total of 8 stages in his Psychosocial Development. He believes that each stage of life is marked by a specific crisis or conflict and that individuals can continue to develop in a normal, healthy manner only if they resolve each crisis successfully.
No. | Crisis | Description |
1 | Trust vs. Mistrust | Infants learn to trust the environment (if needs are met) or to mistrust it. |
2 | Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt | Toddlers acquire self-confidence if they learn to regulate their bodies and act independently. If they fail or are labelled as inadequate, they experience shame and doubt. |
3 | Initiative vs. Guilt | Preschoolers (3-5) acquire new physical and mental skills but must also learn to control their impulses. Unless a good balance is struck, they become either too unruly or too inhibited. |
4 | Industry vs. Inferiority | Children (6-11) acquire many skills and competencies. If they take pride in these, they acquire high self-esteem. If they compare themselves unfavourably with others, they may develop low self-esteem. |
5 | Identity vs. Role Confusion | Adolescents must integrate various roles into a consistent self-identity. If they fail to do so, they may experience confusion over who they are. |
6 | Intimacy vs. Isolation | Young adults must develop the ability to form deep, intimate relationships with others. If they do not, they may become socially or emotionally isolated. |
7 | Generativity vs. Stagnation | Adults must take an active interest in helping and guiding younger persons. If they do not, they become preoccupied with purely selfish needs. |
8 | Integrity vs. Despair | In the closing decades of life, individuals ask themselves whether their lives had any meaning. If they can answer yes, they attain a sense of integrity. If they answer no, they experience despair. |
Some elaboration extracted From Wikipedia:
Trust and Mistrust
"Erik Erikson proposed that the concept of trust versus mistrust is present throughout an individual's entire life. Therefore if the concept is not addressed, taught and handled properly during infancy (when it is first introduced), the individual may be negatively affected and never fully immerse themselves in the world. For example, a person may hide themselves from the outside world and be unable to form healthy and long-lasting relationships with others, or even themselves. If an individual does not learn to trust themselves, others and the world around them then they may lose the virtue of hope, which is directly linked to this concept. If a person loses their belief in hope they will struggle with overcoming hard times and failures in their lives, and may never fully recover from them. This would prevent them from learning and maturing into a fully-developed person if the concept of trust versus mistrust was improperly learned, understood and used in all aspects of their lives."
Intimacy vs. Isolation
"According to Erik Erikson the young adult stage, Intimacy vs. Isolation, is emphasized around the ages of 19 to 34. At the start of the Intimacy vs. Isolation stage, identity vs. role confusion is coming to an end and it still lingers at the foundation of the stage (Erikson 1950). Young adults are still eager to blend their identities with friends. They want to fit in. When we arrive at stage six we should be prepared for intimacy, a close personal relationship, and isolation, the fact of being alone and separated from others. A balance between intimacy and isolation makes love possible as we must know how to be alone in order to learn to truly love. Having a balanced stage 6 will help tremendously later in the coming stages when unwelcome or unexpected isolation surfaces, for example, the death of a spouse or a loved one (Erikson, Erikson, Kivnick 1986). In stage six, one is ready for commitments, is able to handle real relationships to a certain extent (Erikson 1950), after all, establishing a real relationship takes practice and many of us do not marry our first love. Our ego should also be prepared for rejection, the challenge of break-ups, and isolation, being alone. Erikson believes we are sometimes isolated due to the above. We are afraid of rejection; being turned down, our partners breaking up with us. We are familiar with pain and to some of us rejection is painful, our egos cannot bear the pain. Erikson also argues that "Intimacy has a counterpart: Distantiation: the readiness to isolate and if necessary, to destroy those forces and people whose essence seems dangerous to our own, and whose territory seems to encroach on the extent of one's intimate relations" (1950)."
Thus, using this theory, when we know of someone who is unable to trust people, it could be that the crisis was not resolved when he/she was an infant. And when someone is not able to be intimate with others, could be that his/her role identity was not resolved and he/she has some identity confusion.
Have you know a person better now? =)
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5:25 pm
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In psychology
More Quizzes
You Are Spaghetti Bolognese |
Compared to most people, you are well grounded and down to earth. You have old fashioned values. Your taste tends to favor what's tried and true. You love comfort food. Familiar situations put you at ease. You think that the best cooking comes from your family's kitchen! |
What Your Ideal Wedding Dress Says About You |
Your Personal Style: Classic and elegant. You prefer to make a statement with a few quality pieces. Your Ideal Wedding: Traditional and formal, but not tacky. You think the most beautiful weddings are understated. Your Philosophy on Marriage: It's a serious commitment, and the couple entering it should be ready to work for their relationship. Your Perfect Marriage: Is calm, stable, deep, and meaningful. |
Your German Name is: |
It's 100% Love and 0% Lust |
You and your guy are truly in love, even if that spark seems to be a little dimmer. |
You Are a Boy Shorts Bikini! |
You're a sexy girl, but you don't have to let everything hang out to prove it. |
You'll Find Love Online |
Dating in meatspace is way too complicated and time consuming for you You rather find a ton of guys at the click of a button So go on, and have some fun in your online dating adventure Just make sure is who he says he is |
You Are Right Brained In Love |
Bit of a drama queen Peacemaker, first to end a fight Good at thinking up creative dates Tend to fall in love and get hurt easily Going with your gut instead of your head Empathetic and caring, sometimes to a fault Good at recognizing patterns in relationships Been in love many times, perhaps too many to count Wildly passionate and intense when falling in love Spontaneous with relationships, going with the flow Overly visual - can play back past dates like movies in your mind Roses, love poems, and stuffed animals are a good start to winning your heart |
You Would Choose Love |
Money may buy a little happiness, but not the happiness of true love. You rather have a true soulmate than a private jet. And while many people may claim they would choose love too... You're one of the few who would really do it. |
You Are 78% Addicted to the Internet |
In your opinion, life without the internet is hardly worth living. Could be, but you probably need a bit more fresh air and sunshine to think clearly. |
Your Dating Purity Score: 89% |
You are an innocent dater. You're either lacking in dating experience or only have had long term relationships. Either way, there's still plenty of fish in the sea out there for you to sample! |
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12:05 am
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Thursday, August 28, 2008
Painful cheek
I think there is some abrasion between my teeth and my inner cheek. I think the pain and swollen-ness has spread downwards. Now I can barely open my mouth/jaws. It is just too painful.
You can imagine the slightest opening of my mouth can cause pain... ... how can I open my mouth and put the spoon into my mouth and eatmy meals? Sadly I can just rely on porriage these few days.
I even try to talk without much movement of the jaws. If possible, I just try not to talk. But this is difficult when I have to TALK to the children!
I don't know if it was because of my wisdom tooth.... supposingly to take them out 2 years ago, which I didn't.
Let me see how thing goes for tonight and tomorrow.
Woofed by
7:27 pm
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In pain
What Your Back to School Personality Says About You |
You are fairly driven, but the big win always seems a bit beyond your reach. You lack intense passion. You are most likely to succeed if you follow a proven path to success. You don't mind putting in long hours to achieve your goal. Your greatest skill is organization. You are good at laying out a plan and making sure it gets followed. Your biggest stumbling block in life is your lack of self confidence. You are a lot more capable than you give yourself credit for. You're not quite sure what you're thankful for in life, it doesn't seem like there's a lot to be thankful for these days. |
Your Common Spelling Mistake Score: 80% Correct |
Your spelling is excellent. You don't fall for common spelling pitfalls, and you spell almost everything correctly. |
You Are the Warrior |
You feel that it's your role to defend and protect society. You'll fight for what's right, and you especially like fighting for the underdog. You love getting things done, especially if it means working with your hands. You also have a great mind for strategy... whether it's military strategy, legal strategy, or chess. You love being challenged, and you love challenging others. You are eager to prove how powerful you are. You are ready for a (literal or figurative) fight at any time. Maybe a little too ready. |
Your Worry Factor is 62% |
The amount you worry is definitely borderline unhealthy. Even when things are going well, you find yourself fixating on the negatives. Try to remember the times you've been able to let your worries go. If you can do that again, you'll be much happier! |
Woofed by
10:59 am
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Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Wall - E 3
The story of Wall - E 3... ...
Wall-E conquered the moon.... my Wall-3 conquered the rubbish bin....
Wall-E has a cockroach ... my Wall-3 has the Insi Winsi Spider... ...
Wall-E has Eve..... my WAll-3 has Eileen!!!!
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8:53 pm
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I knew I Loved you... ...
Maybe it's intuition
But some things you just don't question
Like in your eyes
I see my future in an instant
And there it goes
I think I've found my best friend
I know that it might sound more than a little crazy
But I believe
I knew I loved you before I met you
I think I dreamed you into life
I knew I loved you before I met you
I have been waiting all my life
There's just no rhyme or reason
Only this sense of completion
And in your eyes
I see the missing pieces
I'm searching for
I think I've found my way home
I know that it might sound more than a little crazy
But I believe
I knew I loved you before I met you
I think I dreamed you into life
I knew I loved you before I met you
I have been waiting all my life
(add the whos here)
A thousand angels dance around you
I am complete now that I've found you
(and the whos here)
I knew I loved you before I met you
I think I dreamed you into life
I knew I loved you before I met you
I have been waiting all my life
(and the whos here)
Repeat chorus 3x with chorus
Woofed by
6:33 pm
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Monday, August 25, 2008
Is Time Constant?
Have you guys felt that time has been passing very fast these few months? I don't know... but mine seems like it.
Time@work seems to pass so fast that before I knew it, it's 5.30pm....
Back home.... surf abit of net.... blog a little.... it's time for bed... ...
Weekend.... just a blink of an eye.... it's Sunday Night.
It's either there is seriously something wrong with me..... or I am busy with stuff now that I feel time is passing so fast.... or.... I seriously NEED a LIFE.... (sounds as if I dun have a life now.....)
SO..... is time constant? or is 1 minutes no longer 60s? Weird.... I don't know....
Maybe you tell me if your time passed by too fast too?
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7:32 pm
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In time
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Septemeber Cleo
As I expected the journey from Tampines to Clementi to be at least 45 minutes, I grabbed myself a Cleo magazine from the Newsstand @ the interchange.
This month's CLEO seems interesting with the following topic that caught my attention:
- How to handle a MAN with too much baggage
- Things to do before you turn 30
- 5 Love mistakes Smart people make
- Your man's holiday wish list
Just some insights into the topic..... if you are interested.... go and grab one..... =)
How to handle a MAN with too much baggage
In this topic, they discussed on 5 type of MAN:
- Dating the Divorced
- Dating a Dad
- Dating the Cheated on
- Dating the serial monogamist
- Dating the less sucessful
Things to do before you turn 30
Things that I migh try:
- Learn to successful change a tyre (who is willing to lend me a car?)
- Dine unaccompanied in a nice restaurant (should try..... always fearful to go nice restaurant myself.... also dislike dinning alone outside....)
- Travel somewhere by yourself, be it a foreign country or just a weekend trip (See how.... though I am appear to be independent.... I am actually quite fearful to travel overseas alone..... if local still okay.... )
- Find out which friends you can trust and can't trust, and learn not to take it personally
- Quit a job without having another lined up (hmm.... should go before I get married.... maybe after I finish my studies.... and bond if I decide to bond....)
- Visit a strip club (where? overseas? Singapore have meh?)
- Forgive someone who wronged you; apologised to someone you've betrayed (hmmm......)
- Cook an impressive three-course meal for someone (if you ask me cook now also no problem lor.... only if the someone is here/willing..... lolx....)
5 love mistakes smart people make
- Setting up house far too quickly
- Making comparisons
- Seeing everything from only one side
- Forgetting to live in the moment
- Living in each other's pockets 24/7
Want to know more?? Grab one cleo now! =)
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11:22 pm
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In cleo
A date with ... ...
I went to the Holland Village for the 1st time in my 23 years of my life!!! Haha.... met *my date* at Clementi MRT and someone forgotten what bus to take to Holland V.... so we had to take a cab down. Lolx.....
We were both very hungry... ... so decided to take a bite first before we headed down to Settlers Cafe to play our board games. We saw this Mexican Restaurant and we decided to give it a try. Hmm... the food is not very fantastic... but not too bad also.

It was raining CATS and DOGS when we were about to leave. We found our way through to the Settlers@Holland Village. We took up a 2 hr package with 2 Welcome drinks, 1 snack and 1 tibits bowl.
And there is this drink that looks and sounds interesting to me and I decided to take that. And it is called..... PURPLE DINOSAUR.....

Of course.... how can I forget to snap some more photos.... ....

But if I were to choose to go between Settlers and Pitstop.... I think I will like Pitstop more.....
My previous experience there. I guess the staff at Pitstop are more friendly and the "feel" at the place is more warm and homely.... =)
Now Million dollars question..... who is my date?
Did you guess it correctly??
It is none..........
*my date lor*
My date is.................
My best friend! lolx....
She cannot be my date meh? *bleh*

Even if I go on date..... I will only go out with ONE PERSON...... lolx.... *bleh*
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9:36 pm
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Guy's Ego
We all knew that the phone was not working well. My dad don't believe what we had said. I don't blamed him for that because he brought back the phone 1-2 years back. Perhaps he felt it was his responsibility if the phone doesn't work. I think I will do the same if I were him. He tried calling the house phone using his handphone many times....
Anyway I was in bed still....... lazing in my bed..... I just let him try.... before I put my foot in. Soon enough, he confirmed it was not working. Mum asked him to fix back the previous phone before this. Then I get up from my bed.... and took a phone out. It was the Philips cord phone that I won in my dinner and dance lucky draw this year. (this reminded me that I still have not use the pizza hut voucher... not sure if the date due has passed....) I passed it to dad and went back to my sleep and just let him fix. He fixed it and he called the house phone. It rang. Mission accomplished. He is happy. And I am happy. Fullstop.
And so conincidently, I check my horoscope for today:
Your leadership role at home or in the community is especially important to you today, but it can also put you in a difficult situation. You know what's best for others, yet they may disagree with your strategy. Using logic won't work as you try to convince anyone that you are right. You may need to let your friends and associates go their own way to discover the truth for themselves.
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9:54 am
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Saturday, August 23, 2008
Have a break....
...... have a kit kat!
But since I don't have a kit-kat, please make do with.....
"If you love someone set him/her free. If he/she comes back to you, you know they're yours. If they don't then it was never meant to be."
Just be there for you... ... whenever you needs it.....
Woofed by
6:28 pm
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In quote
Raining... ...
It has been raining all day long... ... think I am not going to see my fireworks....
Let's us all listen to the Rhythm Of The Falling Rain
Listen to the rhythm of the falling rain
Telling me just what a fool I've been
I wish that it would go and let me cry in vain
And let me be alone again
The only girl I care about has gone away
Looking for a brand new start
But little does she know
That when she left that day
Along with her she took my heart
Rain please tell me now does that seem fair
For her to steal my heart away when she don't care
I can't love another when my hearts somewhere far away
The only girl I care about has gone away
Looking for a brand new start
But little does she know that when she left that day
Along with her she took my heart
[Instrumental Interlude]
Rain won't you tell her that I love her so
Please ask the sun to set her heart aglow
Rain in her heart and let the love we knew start to grow
Listen to the rhythm of the falling rain
Telling me just what a fool I've been
I wish that it would go and let me cry in vain
And let me be alone again
Oh, listen to the falling rain
Pitter pater, pitter pater
Oh, oh, oh, listen to the falling rain
Pitter pater, pitter pater
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6:01 pm
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I don't know since when, I started to like to look at my own shadow. It seems to be telling me things that I did not see. Don't worry guys.... I'm not having schziophrenia. My shadow did not run out when I am not moving.... neither did it really come to talk to me. =P
Somehow, I just got addicted looking at my own shadows. Fear not, I am not having autism too.
I just like shadows... ....
“Everything that we see is a shadow cast by that which we do not see.”- Martin Luther King, Jr.
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4:06 pm
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In G900, photography, shadows
Something is missing... ...
I saw this sky the other day when I was walking to the neighbourhood for my lunch..... and I can't help but to take a photo of it.
I guess it just describes my feelings... ....
Took this in 2006.....
Both can be used to represent......
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3:39 pm
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In emotions, G900, Life, love, photography