Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Friday, May 23, 2008
Last Dinner
Thanks for meeting up with me for dinner before I go off to Pahang..... don't know why.... this is the first time I felt uncertainty before I leave.... usually I will be very excited de......
Anyway, was doing some last minute shopping for my trip.... got myself a smaller version 'Cleo', which they called it "Limited Edition" to attract readers' attention. It did catch mine and SY attention...... I guess this will accompany me for my ride tmr..... bought other things as well....
Let's go back to the topic......
We decided to the Beppu Menkan Japanese Noodle Restaurant for dinner. We were shocked to see only a couple in the restaurant. But nevertheless, we still went in......
The good thing about this place is that, you can choose the number of chilli for your soup. The number of chili actually refers to the spicyness you want for your soup. As I had been there last Friday (the day I cldn't get SY when there was prob with his phone.... opps...), I think 1 chilli is enough for me already. SY, being someone who can take spicy food and wants to give it a try...... he asked for 4 chilli!
But that is too spicy for you le la SY..... next time try 2 chilli la.... lolz.... I can still remember your 'cute' expression la.... wanted to take down your photos one.... cause I have camera with me.... but then.... in the end I didn't take..... And your face is super RED lor.... haha.... But do smile more.... cause you look great when you smile! =D If not.... I gonna force you eat 4 chili ramen again lor.... heheh.....
Didn't take photo again....
Thanks for the accompany although you are tired......
Hope that you will be likewhen I'm back!! Take care!!
This breakfast for you..... no more MacDonalds for you le......
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1:08 am
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In love
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Is it still the same?
I was reading the html blog entry that I wrote in our shared folder when I came across this sms msg that I received from you the day I met you on 20th April 2008 for the 1st time......
"Like the trees need the Earth. Like the night needs the Moon.
Like the star needs the Sky. Like the guitar needs the Tune. My world needs you.
I Miss You."
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10:09 am
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Materialistic and Happiness
In the middle of the night... what else is there but to ponder on life..... *~thinking about being~*
I was just chatting with SY this late afternoon and we starting talking on MATERIALISTIC. This is a huge word to discuss about. According to, materialistic means a person who is markedly more concerned with material things than with spiritual, intellectual, or cultural values. These people believe in the Philosophy that physical matter is the only reality and that everything, including thought, feeling, mind, and will, can be explained in terms of matter and physical phenomena.
This topic came about when we started talking about how some people pursue physical materials more than other areas in life, which affect the qualities that they look for in their partners. I guess some people will want their partners to have cars to drive them around, pay for all their expenses when they are together and have a nice big apartment when they get married. But is it all that important?
Well, I wouldn't deny that the above will be like a dream comes true for all gals but it isn't the priority some gals look for, at least it is not the main MUST have quality/condition. There are more important things to just money and more money. But of course the old saying always goes,
Back to the discussion... .... I personally feels that (note that I use feels rather than think shows that I am more a feeling person than a thinking person) there must be something that is above all the materials that makes your partner YOUR PARTNER. If relationship(that includes friendship) can use money for trading/exchange, then what makes it different from business? I think not.
Like I used to tell SY and still is. In relationship and friendship, there shouldn't be mentioning of things like "worth it or not". If it does, the relationship and friendship is not pure as you weight it with something that is tangible, which often than not, relationship is not. How can you weigh a relationship/friendship? And by what basis? And who is to judge whether a r/s is "worthy" or not? Something to sleep on tonight for all......
I side-track again.... did I? Anyway, what I am trying to say is, there is something more important than material matters. To me, I think it is HAPPINESS. Once you are happy, you are willing to compromise in other areas. Take for e.g. you are happy working in your workplace, you don't mind doing abit more, cause it makes you happy! And these is happiness from within!
I don't deny that a person can get "happiness" from materials matter but I guess it is just external. You are happy because people envy you for having that expensive handbag, eating in posh restaurant and sitting in expensive cars. But at then end of the day.... are you really really happy?
To me (again?), happiness is to be
Sometimes, we just have to think back..... what are we chasing? Why are we chasing? Just to boose our ego? Something that is so hard to swallow? Something to think about. I don't know what I am writing already. Its 1.39am in the morning.....
Anyway to end off, big cars, big house and big restaurant isn't that happiness.
What do you think of walking home with someone/someone sitting beside you in 1 hr bus journey, cosy home and home cook food?
Sounds not bad either right?
If you are still pondering, try out this game that can be found at my past entry here:
Happiness - Is it so hard to achieve?
Good night!
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12:38 am
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In introspectives, love
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Pahang Trip
As promised..... I'm supposed to talk abit on my Pahang trip this Friday......
Well, will be going for a leadership camp as facilitator and team leader..... and a free trip overseas.... plus a break... why not?
But the journey will be super long ride..... 8 hours via 2nd Linkway, Tuas..... gonna have stop-over for dinner. Getting some chewing gums for SOMEBODY...... must specific flavours somemore... haha.... u know who u are.... =D
Hmmm.... nothing much to blog yet... guess have to wait for me to come back ba....
Estimated time that I will step on M'sia land will be 1pm on 23rd May...... try smsing me see if you can get me... not sure if it works.... cause I suppose to have this pay as you roam service..... nv try b4..... try smsing me and you will know if I can receive.... =) And will reach Pahang at ard 8-9pm SG time...... *yawn*
I guess I will be free to reply all smses if I am not able to do so in the day time after 11 30pm.... Can call me if anyone of you ever miss me... haha... but I doubt anyone will.... lolx.....
Just some juice of what I will be doing:
- Trekking that leads to a waterfall *can you hear the sound of the water?*
- 4 Wheeldrive in the different terrains *what a bumpy ride*
- Caving *oops.... did I slip and fall?*
Till then..... my readers... please take care and till we meet again!
P.S: SY..... Thou I think you will not read this but I will miss you..... lolx..... *bleh
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10:34 pm
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In nature
Are you Game for it?

The N.E.X.T Challenge 2008 is now open!!! Click above to enlarge the picture or visit for more details!!
Please support the event!!! As yours truly here is part of the organising committee!!! =D
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3:18 pm
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In yec
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Alina's Bday at Acess Room
This is a long overdued entry..... been "tasked" by our Ms Sharon Goh Yanning to blog it out....
Sorry Ma'am..... this is the longggg waited entry..... good things must wait one right? haha....
Here it is.....
The event was on 1st April......
Alina's 24th Birthday was celebrated at Access Room... ... was hestitate to go at first as you know I'm someone who don't really drink.... but since we have not meet up with one another for sooo long.... I guess it is a good opportunity to meet up.....
Well, whenever we meet up, I never fails to bring up that incident that happens on the 1st day of D2K CIBTC...... and guess what is it?
Wa liew..... on the first day we kana scolded for missing person from our squad. We don't even know each other for more than 3 hours.... How we know who the H*LL is he that time.... lolz....
Want to know who is this "interesting" guy?
Here he is .... .....

Our Mr James with Alina
Our Mr James started talking like a China Business man with his experience in China, Guang Zhou. Guess he is still the DRINKER..... lolz..... DRINK and DRINK but never get DRUNK. =D
Nicole aka Shuhui and Sharon aka Yanning
What can I say about them?
Shuhui, the tallest gal in D2K and in Squad 3..... standing tall at ... 1.83m? I am just about the same height as her even when sits and I stands lor.... A gal with her own thinking.... now in AIR FORCE doing manpower.... nothing much to mention about her job.... cause she have to KILL me after she tells me.... LOL
Yanning..... the gal that so many guys in our squad is interested in.... haha.... I think at least 3 ppl from our squad lo... nt forgetting abt the whole batch!!! right Yanning? =P She is currently a financial advisor with AIA.
What can I say about this brother?? A soft and gentle guy I suppose.... But I guess he has mature alot since the last time I saw him. Currently a financial advisor with Prudential.
How can I forget about the birthday gal? =D
Alina, a nice gal..... currently working with children...... =D
A collage to our friendship since December 2000!!!

BTW.... zJ..... u are missed out!!! Don't be busy being tai tai okay? =P
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11:00 pm
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In gathering, npcc, reminiscence
Monday, May 19, 2008
Gathering with NPCC Seniors
Hmm.... supposed to arrange to meet SY for dinner last Friday as I was going back to NYP and he was off from work that day..... but apparently I couldn't get him as there was sth wrong with his phone that he himself din even know till the next day....
I was so worried and thought something happened as there was no reply few hours of sms-ing him.... But well.... luckily he was fine playing game at home....
Oh well... shdn't have "scold" him the next day..... but... sorry for that la... was just too worried that sth happened la.... Sorry SY.....
Well.... was contemplating to go for the gathering... cause my mood was so down..... but well.. in the end I turned up for the gathering....

(I don't like to take photo on my left side.... see... so ugly... lolx)

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10:33 pm
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Changes... ...
This is the 1st time I dislike changes so much... ...
Why just a few weeks and so much things happened....
Different thoughts and emotions between past few weeks and now....
When will there be stagnation and peace... ...
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10:04 pm
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生命过客 - 童安格
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11:07 am
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In lyrics
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Watches for me and mummy!
Last Wednesday, I went to bought a watch for my mum and myself each for my mum's bday as well as mother's day..... and my watch is dead....
Thanks for accompany me to buy the watch SY! Really appreciates it..... Especially when it is after work for you and you have to travel to Tampines with me and back home after!
Well, I spent quite a long time deciding on the watch to buy..... bascially because this is the 1st time I spend some much on a pressie...... haha.... I'm a stingy thrifty person lor.... and basically also trying to stick to my budget of $80 per watch.....
Went to Penisula Plaza to look for 25 hours(as suggested by SY)...... but we couldn't find the shop!!! I guess they didn't update the website.....
Then went back to Raffles Shopping centre to find Swatch...... we were so blurred that we couldn't find the Swatch Shop.... until SY remembered that it was near the entrance.....
See liao.... I guess it was above my budget.... and that.... some are abit more fanciful..... so decided to take a look at City Chain..... Haaha.... so coincidently that SY saw his air cooler there.... hmm.... I took quite some time deciding on the watch..... walked here and there..... so undecisive....
Anyway thanks for being patience with me SY...... =D
So..... here's the watch.......
HAha.... and we went to Ahjisan for dinner..... wa cao.... suan me again.... say all these can be found in Tampines..... lolz.... next time I think of places to eat Tampines don't have one okay? Lol.....
Thanks for "sending" me back to Tampines! =P
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6:47 pm
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It is so tiring..... I think I need a break from everything....
I guess the trip to Pahang next week would be a good opportunity for me to take a break.... away from work as I haven't taken long leave yet ever since I've worked since June 2007.....
..... away from comfort of technology and home..... I've been getting very comfortable at home.... time for me to challenge myself and to allow me not to touch the internet for at least 3 days...... I've realised I've been sticking to the internet/computer for since dunno when..... at work.... at home.... you will always see me online...... perhaps this is the time for me to lose touch of it....
..... away from .... maybe these 3 days would help to decide whether it will be A PART or APART........ of cos i hope it will be A PART and not APART
So much about away.....
Let me welcome the nature! Gonna go back to where I used to belong to and find myself again.....
I shall blog again on the details of my trip when it draws nearer...... =D
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6:29 pm
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In overseas
Saturday, May 03, 2008
2 free photo shoots
Yesterday, I went for 2 free complementary photoshoots by NbyN. Apparently someone referred me there......
Hmm..... had a causal photo taken..... I was in my office wear la.... er.... didn't like most of the casual ones.... cos i saw my tummy la....
In the end..... selected the korean ones..... so... here it is.....
When I left the place.... it was already 10+pm...... didn't like to be at boat quay area alone at this point of the time.....
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5:00 pm
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