End of Clinical Placement
With a blink of an eye, CE 3B has come to a closure and it leads us to a road of new beginning ...
It will lead us to the start of the pilot and actual study of my Final Year Project. It will also lead to the new semster in Year 2007. Till then, hope that the month of December will still be great and allows me to recuperate from all the lack of sleep during this clinical and get myself ready for the next challenge ahead.Looking back in the past 2 months, it has been an enriching experience for me to be working with children, esp. those under the age of 6 under the Early Intervention Programme for Infant and Children (E.I.P.I.C).
Although I have experience in handling children when I was young, handling children with special needs is a different ball game altogether.
During this placement, I've learnt more about the sensory system of a person and how it can affect a child in their every day life.
During this placement, at the end of each day, I often felt exhuasted for I play almost every session with my clients.
Play is an important occupation for a child.
During this placement, I learnt to be more playful. Slowly letting myself out of my serious shell..... climbing out slowly.... and learning how to play... ... with children....
But time is always cruel.... by the time we settle down, improving ourselves, becoming more confidence.... we had to leave....
Nevertheless, the things taught, the people met, as well as memories will be here to stay ... ...
Memories of the past 8 weeks
Exploring the Play sensory and Sensory Integration Room :
Gifts for the clients

Our tables
Before we leave the OT Department
Photos with OTs and TAs

Me with myself trace by a schooler who has problem in body scheme and position in space

Before we step out of CPC

(Sorry, I am anable to upload the photos of the adorable kids due to client's confidentiality)
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