God didn't promise days without pain, laughter without sorrow, sun without rain, but He did promise strength for the day, comfort for the tears, and light for the way. And ME to share all the pain, laughter, tears, sorrow,happiness, sun and rain with you! Let us endure all the 暴风雨 and 彩虹 together!

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Reflections of 2005

A friendster testimonial from my college dragon boat team member, K :

Looking back at 2005, I pondered over what I missed the most.. But never got the chance to do in 05..

Theres what I came up with.. I miss bailing water outta the boat with the pathetic scoop.
I miss rowing whether its rain or shine.
I miss sitting at the SDBA with the other gals to boy-watch.
I miss those uneven tan-lines I got. (well actually.. not really.. Haha..)
I miss the numerous times I heard steadyby, paddles up and go.
I miss the feeling of victory and letting the other teams eat our backwash.
(alrighty, so we DID eat others backwash too at times.. haha..)
I miss dangling my feet in the water at the side of the boat.
I miss having the Police Coast Guards honking at us.
I miss us scrambling to put on our lifejackets when the PCGs go past us.
I miss beaching up at the 500m mark to eat watermelons.
I miss hanging out with you all before/during/after trainings.
I miss being a dragonboater..
Most of all.. I miss all of you..
Have a great year ahead!

My reflection: I also missed being a dragonboater. I missed challenging myself to my limits.... I also missed the feeling of winning..... I missed the times where we rolled with tyres in the sea and sped of when the tyres were up. Though I wasn't close to the whole team, I missed the team. I missed how we trained for the competitions and win glory back to the college....


In the year 2005, I've meet very interesting people, esp the TEAM and Daddy. Every moment with them are filled with joy and laughters. It is so amazing that we were so close. I'm looking forward for more of such moments. =)


The tour to Taiwan with my 7 other classmates was a very enjoyable trip. It was the time when I really got to know alot more of Yiwei, Shu Hui, Weiting, ZhenRu, Meixuan, Xiu Ping and my buddy Huihui. I cannot really recalled when we started to be closer..... but this trip really make us closer to each other.
Things that I missed:
  • The times when we went to night market almost every night.
  • The times when we have to draw lots to bathe and most of the time I was always the last
  • Having to squezze 4-5 people in a room, sleeping on the floor....
  • Taking photos at every location that we stopped
  • Sitting in the bus and hear everyone singing
  • Having "O bin" as our topic everytime....
  • Trying our luck to go to 六福村 but to no avail for at least 3 times
  • Displaying all our shopping and bargaining skills
  • The time spent shopping in Taiwan is more than 21 years I spent shopping in Singapore.
  • Climbing and overcoming mountains after mountains.....
  • Sharing a can of 7-up in the plane.

The rest shall remain in my memories for years to come ... ...


Being a part of NDP has always been my wish list every year. This year, I am fortunate to be able to fulfill this wish of mine with the help of NYP CSC and SADeaf. Thanks to both. It also allows me to learn something that I always wanted to know more about - Sign language. Because of this, it is an advantage when I was at my attachment. I was able to communicate with a member of the place using sign language thou my vocab was so limited. So I started to spell out the word.... but it has been an interesting experience for me to learn another langauge and I see the importance of using Sign Language to communicate....

Thanks for both the instructors for ya guidance..... Maybe, hope to see you guys soon ....


After my attachment, I feel that there are lots more room for improvment, esp in terms of my foundation. Got more to catch up while more knowledge will be taught.... hopefully things turn out well for me....


An evaluation from Daddy, about 1 week ago thr msn:

You are very dedicated and you tend to 'punish' yourself if things don't work out the way you want it to. Commitment is one thing, and you need to balance it well .

Having a stubborn streak can impair your thought process as it stops you from receiving and asking for help... Good to have a stubborn streak and good to be flexible too... Like I use to say, Be rigid but flexible.

You love your fellow mates and that's very comforting for ppl around you...

You're a perfectionist and you need stubborness to be that. Just like Daddy!

My Reflection: "Punishment" is one of the way for me to improve I guess.... Just like I reward myself for doing well..... As for committment.... I will try to work on that... since so many ppl has been talking about committment....
I agree I AM stubborn.... will see how I can be MORE flexible.... maybe I will do more YOGA?? lolz.... Yesh.... I LOVE my fellow mates..... and well... it is because I feel comfortable with you guys!!! I think I am a person who will go all out (within my limits of course) to help my friends, to be with them, etc once I feel that they are friends worth making..... =p

As for perfectionist..... I AM.... cos I believe to do my best in all I can..... =)

Thanks daddy for the comments.... shall improve on my weaknesses and turn them into strengths!


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