God didn't promise days without pain, laughter without sorrow, sun without rain, but He did promise strength for the day, comfort for the tears, and light for the way. And ME to share all the pain, laughter, tears, sorrow,happiness, sun and rain with you! Let us endure all the 暴风雨 and 彩虹 together!

Thursday, September 15, 2005


Why is it that nobody or so few people believe that Occupational Therapy student who is in POLY is that busy?

I'm sure that many of my classmates would agree with me, as this was mentioned few times in the causal conversations with them.

It is not that we cramp all our projects to the last minute but rather we have too many projects and presentations to handle. Some are even given to us to prepare within 2-3 weeks, which actually disrupted the datelines that we had planned for our other presentations that we were given earlier on. Some of our gatherings and outings with friends may also be disrupted.

Sometimes I feel that it is useless to explain to people that we are really busy..... cos NO one believes that... just because we are POLY students......

But nobody is aware that even a POLY student like us has MUCH more the same workload that as Uni student......

Thus, sometimes I just give up explaining that we are really busy..... and..... PLEASE DO NOT SAY the why-go-poly-after-JC.....

Maybe I shall explain it once and for all.....

I believe most of the OT student qualifies to go to an Uni.... some even went to an university but decided to take OT instead.....

FYI, courses like Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy and Radiography are only for students with A-LEVEL qualifications. So, does studying in a POLY makes us different from UNIVERSITY students just because POLY is primarily for O-LEVEL students?

Sad to say, the answer is YES. This is perhaps due to the public not knowing such courses exist in the first place, which I don't blame them. I didn't know that they exist until when I was looking for alternatives other than choosing a degree course in case I didn't get in.

Well, I didn't meant that OT was my other alternative in case I didn't get into NTU or NUS. In fact, I was offered common engineering in NTU. But after much considerations, I decided that OT was more suitable for me though I know that I have to bear the consequencs that comes along like, friends and relatives asking:

"Why you go poly after your JC education? In that case, why don't you go poly in the first place?"

"Now, that you are in poly, what are your plans after that?", etc.

Perhaps more promotions or talks should be given to such courses. Maybe, things will get better when full-time degree courses are being offered in Singapore in the future.

Talking about degree courses, if I remember correctly, HB was mentioning that Occupational Therapy are one of the most popular courses, after medicine and Physiotherapy, in one of the overseas university and that the cut of point were much higher than to enter into their law faculty. I am not trying to compare which course should have higher cut-off point but to emphasize that OTs and PTs have more recognition in other countries and that they see the importance of the professions.

Perhaps, OT is still a young profession relatively to Singapore..... hopefully things will change for the better..... of course, if our starting salary can increase.. that will be great....

2 comments (click to comment):

Anonymous said...

hey, I can totally understand how u feel..I was also really upset initially but guess we cant blame them since they are not aware of our course and its prerequisites..honestly if i din have any knowledge abt OT, I wld also pose the same qns..well I guess it has come to a stage where I realised that many times we get upset not because of all the explaining that we have to do but simply because we are not confident and proud of tis course ourselves. Im not implying that u are feeling all these but juz wanna encourage you to take more pride in OT and to see that ultimately tis is going to be our profession, our life and we dun have to be accountable to others and since we are going to face more of these questioning and doubts as we go along...why dwell in this and make ourselves unhappy rite? Lets choose to take it lightheartedly instead! Like you said, only our coursemates can understand all these emotions thats going on in our hearts so lets help one another in this area and lift each other up ya!!

Eileen said...

yoz.... I actually not unhappy abt it la.. I am just grumbling... just dis-stressing you see... after so many endless projects that we have.... as in more pride in OT... of course I am proud to be an OT man... lolz... who else can be as theapeutic and as creative as us?? hehe... this entry was actually written after someone from our class was talking abt it...as her friends are thinking that she is trying avoiding them... which wasn't the case... so i tot of sharing it... ;-)