Wednesday, August 31, 2005
Tuesday, August 30, 2005
Yr 1 Gathering - Attack of the OTties
Yesterday, the OT yr 2s had a gathering with the year 1s @ sentosa......
We had an amazing race.... I was a game master with my 2 other friends.....
I always feel that such event always provide opportunity for friends to talk about things other than school work......
And we did! The gd man vs gd bf came into our conversation too.....
Things like 人之初,性本善..... families.... etc
It provides an opportunity for us to know each other better.....
Nothing much to talk about the game.... what was more interesting to blog about was after the amazing race....
Other than eating the food, we started playing volleyball. Then after a while, we had to gather for prize presentation. After that, some of us, went down to play with "water". Suddenly, we thought of getting people into the sea. Cannot remember who was the 1st one that we thrown, cos in the end, our whole class who stayed behind were all thrown into the sea. Laughs.
And well, that includes the only guy in our class who didn't expect the GALS in his class to do that to him. We practically "catch" him while he was untying some stuff and asked him if he brought a change of clothes. But he requested to have his hp out of his pocket.... so we did! How client-centred are we right?? keke....
We also "stripped" of some of our classmates of their clothes to their bikinis.... before we threw them down...
Soon, all from our class were all down!!! We started habouring the thoughts of throwing the other yr2 grp and the yr1s.... 2 yr 1s and jessica from yr 2 were thrown down....
I was quite surprised to hear that the other yr2 grps were not as "crazy" as us..... lolz... IT seems like we were the only ones who stayed behind to enjoy ourselves.
We played fribee and water captain ball..... We stopped playing water captain's ball when more and more people started to get leg cramp under the cold water.
When was the last time that the class really have time to play and enjoy ourselves?
When will be the next time then?
Today, in 1/2 hr time, I am going to school AGAIN for project discussions...... it suppose to be holidays, isn't it?
Photos to share.. more are on the way.....
Our Lecturer Mentor, Chamaine Magnus's son... cute?
Palawan Beach
Me at Palawan Beach while waiting for the teams to come
More photos will be uploaded soon...
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6:21 am
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Monday, August 29, 2005
Area 9
I was back from Area 9 ATC on Sunday afternoon.
Basically, everything was quite alright, just that I lack company.....
All my kakis were all at Noordin campsite, leaving me strangled at the Bahru campsite....
But was glad that I saw Jian Sheng, for at least I am not the oldest eldest in the campsite and of course, he was someone at least I am more comfortable to talk to in Bahru.
The first night slpt at 3+ and woke up at 5+ the next morning. Almost overslept until Raduah woke me up.
As usual, I like sunrises and sunsets. These thus they became my art of photography. Some of the photos will be posted here soon.
On the 2nd day, brought them for Introductory Tour around some part of ubin. It was a long 4 hrs and thus I thought of playing initiative games with them. The 1st station was at Bermuda Triangle..... and we ask them to be in cirlce and sit on each others lap... The video taken for this game has accidently been removed when I wanted to clear my Cam memoty.....
The 2nd activity was ATF.....
The 3rd activity was at Noordin jetty, it was BSS there... I cooked my bamboo pineapple rice too.
Soon, it was dinner time.... but the thought of having dinner at noordin was tiring... reason being, I had to bring the campers from noordin beach, back to bahru campsite via noordin campsite. Then, I had to go back to noordin campsite. The journey wasn't very short, with upslopes and downslopes along the way.... but the dinner was nice!!!!
Had campfire too.... nothing much to blog about since it is the common activity for camp But the officers were participating too.... which was the rare case....
Ya, had a debrief with my grp. I always think that it was important to share the reflections of what they did with their friends.
I have been trying out different methods to see which is the most effective methods to make people/campers/cadets reflect more.
I asked them to close their eyes, to think about the things that happened for the past few days, having to come to camp after school, moving logistics, pitching tents, etc. Being as a team, with sweats, tears and laughters.... the game that they played together, sitting on each others lap, lying on each other stomachs.... and of course their grp mates..... (can't really remember what else I had said...)
I asked them to strech out their right hand and tap on the person on their right to thank them and congrat them for going so far.....
Of course, not forgetting the promise that I had made to them... the rewards for their participation in the games outside campsite.
First, I made them close their eyes and stretched out their hands. I put a M&M each on their palms and until I have distributed to all, I asked them to open their eyes. They were very surprised. But they were very happy to receive them, though it was only a M&M each. They even thanked me for it as a grp.... even those who had brushed their teeth eat the M&M too...
It is always towards the end of a camp that you will see initiative and teamwork etc....
Other than that, had an unit meeting at bahru from 12+ till 2+
Can't believe how effectively we used our time..... guess it was the best time to have meeting since all of us where there....
Third day nothing much, just need more sleep and COFFEE!
Break camp quite early..... think there was nothing much to blog after that....
I missed the OLD campsite.... small but resilient!
Photos to share......
Sunrise on the 2nd day
Ubin new tour Guide??
Sunset on the 2nd day
Me with the campsite caretaker
Sunrise on the 3rd day
Me on bumboat, on the way to changi jetty
NASS Instructors
More photos can be found at my multiply website.
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10:25 pm
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I shall blog it tml together with the year 1 gathering.... too tired to blog and reflect on anything.....
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12:46 am
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Friday, August 26, 2005
Good BF vs good man
My classmates and I were discussing about our Intro to mental health PBL when we "side-tracked" into Good BF vs good man....
The conclusion after the "side-tracked",
Good BF is a man that treats his gal well.....
While a good man is one who treats all girls(and perhaps everyone) well.....
Do you agree?? =p
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1:07 am
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Thursday, August 25, 2005
职业 means profession or job or occupation.
职能 means functions or role or occupation.
Though occupation can means 职业 or 职能, it doesn't means Occupational Therapy is 职业治疗.
We don't treat jobs or profession, nor are we working like job agencies.
We help to treat people with problems with their functions.
Below is a defination of OT , an abstract from SAOT's Website:
Occupational therapy is a health profession that uses activities with specific goals to help people from all ages prevent, reduce or overcome effects of disabilities. The fundamental purpose of occupational therapy is the development and maintenance of a person's capacity, throughout life, to perform those tasks and roles essential to productive living, including self-care, dailyliving, leisure and work.This is an abstract form WFOT's website:
Occupational therapy is a profession concerned with promoting health and well being through occupation. The primary goal of occupational therapy is to enable people to participate in the activities of everyday life. Occupational therapists achieve this outcome by enabling people to do things that will enhance their ability to participate or by modifying the environment to better support participation.
Occupational therapists have a broad education that equips them with skills and knowledge to work collaboratively with individuals or groups of people who have an impairment of body structure or function due to a health condition, and who experience barriers to participation. Occupational therapists believe that participation can be supported or restricted by physical, social, attitudinal and legislative environments. Therefore, occupational therapy practice may be directed to changing aspects of the environment to enhance participation.
Occupational therapy is practised in a wide range of settings, including hospitals, health centres, homes, workplaces, schools, reform institutions and housing for seniors. Clients are actively involved in the therapeutic process, and outcomes of occupational therapy are diverse, client-driven and measured in terms of participation or satisfaction derived from participation.
To conclude, we are 职能治疗师. Though it is only different by a word, it makes a huge difference.
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8:33 pm
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An incident that Siti encountered on her way to institute of Mental Health. Heard from a third party.
Were you wondering why she was going there?
This is the story:
Siti hailed a cab and got in.
Siti: IMH please.
Driver: (acknowleged and drove off)
Driver: (few minutes into the journey) How long have you been receiving the treatment?
I can't imagine what was Siti's reaction at that time but this definitely shows the stigma that the society has on IMH.
This incident happens to me and company who decided to take a cab to IMH too.....
We got in, WT took the front seat.
While she was entering the cab, she ask," How to say huh?"
Basically, we were wondering what the driver will think when tell him we were going IMH.
Nevertheless, we did.
The driver was like... erm.. okay.... but we do not know what was he thinking at the point of time.
Now, the question in your head is, what are we doing in IMH???
Well, I have a module this semester: Intro to Mental Health.
So we went in to have a better understanding of how IMH works and the role of OT in mental health.
Last but not least, hopefully people will view IMH as another general hospital in Singapore.
Something told by the CEO of IMH (a stigma that he told us humorously):
Patient who has received treatment in a general hospital:
" Hey, the doctor that treats me is very good. I recommend him/her to you...."
Try the same phrase to your friend if you have received treatments in IMH.
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8:07 pm
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In disability
Treasure those around you....
I came cross someone's friendster and decided to share this with ya....
Under his profile, it wrote how much he missed his sister... and how strong his sister was when she passed away....
She was only 19 years old. Tears rolled down..... it is too young for her to die.... How would life be for her if she is still around? 3 years of battle with her illness, she lost.
But her courage and determination will always stay with her family and friends. I hope that they are coping well now.
This also served as a reminder to us, whether have we treasure those that we love? Have we said what we wanted to say or still left unsaid? Life is fragile....
you do not know what will happen tomorrow, for tomorrow may never come.....
So, DO it now!
Addendum: Apologies if I made it sounds very pessimistic... I am not a pessimistic person, it is just some sudden feelings that I have.....
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1:27 am
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Wednesday, August 24, 2005
Nature or Nuture?
Hmm... taking a break off my physiology revision... thou I still have alot more.... but was too excited in sharing something with you guys.... =P
Something that I only discovered few minutes ago... i.e. I was once a LEFT-HANDED!!!
Actually, I supected some time ago.... can't remember on what occasion... maybe was the time when I decided to choose which side I want to row for dragonboat.... but didn't really go and confirm it with my mom....
It was until yesterday when we did some muscle strength testing during biomechnical and sensorimotor practical. I volunteered to be the subject. And the results, my right hand has a strength of 30kg, while that of my left hand is 32kg. (used an equipment to test)
Then HB popped the question: " Which dominance are you?"
"Right." I replied.
"You must be one of those who was left-handed and changed to right-handed." he answered.
I asked my dad yesterday.... but he didn't know anything about it.
And few minutes ago, my mom was back from work and I asked her in hokkien if I was once a left-handed.
She said, " Yes." and I asked why I changed to left handed then? She said I changed myself....
Did I? And she asked, "How your lecturer knows?" Laughs....
And the funny thing is that, she asked me if I write with left hand or right hand now...
Hmm... maybe I can try writing with my left hand....
Then again, since I am suppose to be a left-handed, does that means that I am creative??
But that is if I use my left side more.... but currently, I am more right dominance..... am I as creative as if I were to be a left-handed from start?
Got to go back to revision liao.... will update again soon.... ;p
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12:00 am
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Tuesday, August 23, 2005
If not you, who? If not here, where? If not now, when?
I'm glad that I've made the difference. I'm sure there are others who made the difference too.....
I am glad that I've asked to partner members from the other grp during Biomechnical and sensorimotor lesson.... at least, for the 1st time, I saw people from grp 1 partnering with grp 2 ppl....
And of course, in the end during the review qns.... instead of 2 grps... there are 3 grps.....
with mixure of the 2 classes....
At least after 1 yr..... something has finally started.....
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6:28 am
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Busy Schedule.....
Time seems to pass very fast..... now is already the 8th week..... break week coming next week....
Why am I not that happy??
Well... Wednesday is physio test.... 10 chapters.... but how many have I studied??
I'm going to ubin either on Friday night or Sat morning.... for my AREA ATC..... will only be back on Sunday Afternoon....
Having gathering with OT yr 1 on the following Monday at sentosa.... I will be the game master for one of the stations..... there may be advanced party on sunday.... Hmm... have not decided to go or not.... see how ba... ;p
So Monday is taken....
Tuesday.... I think I am meeting my PPR group for discussion....
Wednesday....... my Abnormal psychology grp for discussion..... and I have teachers' day dinner on that evening... (if you guys wonder why I am attending this Teachers' Day Dinner when I am not even a teacher... you didn't see wrongly.... me and my peers are invited to Ngee Ann Secondary School's Teachers' Day Dinner, for our services to the school... it has been few years liao.... but only attended twice... ;p
Thursday... hopefully have nothing on.... hope to go for a workout... haben been exercising...
Friday.... there is a COP1 examination trial in sch.... so will be going to take a look....
Not forgetting my other project grps that have not booked me yet..... for e.g. my entrepreneurship grp..... we have yet to discuss our business proposal and presentation....
Still have the mental health PBL that was assigned to us this morning....
more to come.... ;p
But still glad that holidays are here.....
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12:46 am
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Monday, August 22, 2005
Saw this in someone else blog... thou that it is meaningful.... perhaps it happens to you too.... happy reading....
The reason I'm called tree is because I'm good at painting trees. Overtime I start to use a tree on the right hand corner as a trademark for all my watercolors painting. I have dated 5 gals when I was in Pre- U. There's one gal who I love a lot but never dare go after her. She doesn't have a pretty face, doesn't have a good figure, doesn't have outstanding charm. She is just a very ordinary gal. I like her. I really like her. Like her innocent, like her frankness. Like her cuteness, like her intelligence and her fragility.
Reason for not going after her is because I felt somebody so ordinary like her is not a good match for me. I'm also afraid that after we are together all the good feelings will vanish. I'm also afraid other's gossips will hurt her. I felt that if she's my gal, she will be mine ultimately & I don't have to give up everything just for her. The last reason, made her accompany me for 3 years.
She watch me chase after gals, and I have make her heart cry for 3 years. She wants to be a good actress and I'm a very demanding director. When I kissed my 2nd girlfriend, she bumped into us. She was embarrassed but smile & say "Go on!" before running off. The next day, her eyes was swollen like a walnut. I purposely didn't want to think about what causes her to cry but laugh at her the whole day.
When everybody go back home, she was alone crying in the classroom. She didn't know that I returned from soccer training to get something. I watch her cry for an hour or so.My 4th girlfriend didn't like her. There was once when both of them quarreled. I know that based on her character she's not the type that will start off the quarrel. But I still sided with my girlfriend. I shouted at her and her eyes was filled shocked. I didn't care about her feelings and walked off with my girlfriend.
The next day, she still laugh & joke with me like nothing has ever happened. I know that she's very hurt but she didn't know that my heart ache is as bad as hers.When I broke up with my 5th girlfriend, I asked her out. After going out for a day, I told her that I have something to tell her. She told me that coincidentally, she has something to tell me too. I told her about my break up and she told me about her getting together.
I know who is the guy. He has been going after her for quite a while. A very cute guy full of energy, lively and interesting. His pursuit for her has been the talk of the school.I can't show her my heart ache but could only smile & congratulate her. When I reach home, the heart ache is so strong that I can't stand it. It's like a heavy weighted stone on my chest. I couldn't breath. Wanted to shout but can't. Tears rolled down & I broke down & cry. How many times have I seen her cry for the man that doesn't acknowledge her presence too.
During graduation, I read a sms in my hp. It was send 10 days ago when I broke down and cry. I haven't read it since then. It says "Leaf departure is because of Wind pursuit. Or because Tree didn't ask her to stay".
During Pre-U days, I like to collect leaves. Why? Because I felt that for a leaf to leave the tree she has been relying on for so long it takes a lot of courage.
During the 3 years of Pre-U I was on very close terms with a guy. Not BGR kind but as buddy kind. But when he had his 1st girlfriend, I learnt a feeling I never should have learnt - Jealousy. The sourness in the heart can't be describe by using a lemon. It's like 100 rotten sour lemon. Sourness to the extreme limit. They were only together for 2 mths. When they broke up, I hide my strong sense of happiness.But after a mth, he got together with another gal.
I like him & I know he like me. But why won't he pursue me? Since he love me why he doesn't want to make the first move? Whenever he had a new girlfriend, my heart would hurt. Time after time, my heart was hurt. I begin to suspect that this is a one sided love. If he don't like he, why does he treat me so well. It's beyond what you will normally do for a friend. Liking a person is very heart wrenching. I can know his likes, his habits. But his feelings towards me I can never figure out. You can't expect me a gal to ask him right?
Despite that, I still want to be by his side. Care for him, accompany him, love him. Hoping that one fine day, he will come & love me. It's like waiting for his phone call every night, wanting him to send me sms. I know that no matter how busy he is, he will make time for me. Because of this, I waited for him.
The 3 years were the hardest to go through & I really want to give up. Sometimes, I wonder should I continue waiting. The pain and hurt, the dilemma accompany me for 3 years. Till the end of my 3rd year, a 2nd year junior begins to go after me. Everyday he pursuit me relentlessly. From outright rejection to a point in time when I felt that I'm willing to let him have a small footing in my heart. He's like a warm & gentle wind, trying to blow a leaf away from the tree.
In the end, I realized that I didn't want to give this wind a small footing in my heart. I know this wind will bring this badly battered leave far away & better land. Finally I left tree, but the tree only smile & didn't ask me to stay. Leaf departure is because of Wind pursuit. Or because Tree didn't ask her to stay.
Because I like a gal called leaf. Because she's so dependent on tree so I have to be a gust wind. A wind that will blow her away. When I first met her, it was 1 mth after I transfer to the new school. I saw a petite person looking at my seniors & me playing soccer.
During ECA time, she will always be sitting there. Be it alone or with her friends looking at him. When he talks with gals there's jealousy in her eyes. When he looked at her,there's a smile in her eyes. Looking at her became my habit. Just like she likes to look at him.
One day, she didn't appear. I felt something amissed. I can't explain the feeling except it's a kind of uneasiness. The senior was also not there as well. I went to their classroom, hid outside and saw my senior scolding her. Tears were in her eyes while he left.
The next day, I saw her at her usual place, looking at him. I walked over and smiled to her. Took out a note & gave to her. She was surprised. She looked at me, smiled & accept the note. The next day, she appeared & pass me a note and left. Leaf's heart is too heavy and wind couldn't blow her away It's not that leaf heart is too heavy. It because leaf never want to leave tree I replied her note with this statement and slowly she started to talk to me & accept my presents & phone calls. I know that the person she loves is not me. But I have this erseverance that one day I will make her like me.
Within 4 mths, I have declared my love for her no less than 20 times. Every time, she will divert away from the topic. But I never give up. If I decide I want her to be mine, I will definitely use all means to win her over. I can't remember how many times I have declared my love to her.
Although I know she will try to divert but I still bear a small ray of hope. Hoping that she will agree to me my girlfriend. I didn't hear any reply from her over the phone. I asked "what are you doing? How come you didn't want to reply?" She said, "I'm nodding my head". "Ah?" I couldn't believe my ears. "I'm nodding my head" She replied loudly. I hang up the phone, quickly changed and took a taxi and rush to her place & press her door bell.
During the moment when she opens the door. I hugged her tightly. Leaf departure is because of Wind pursuit. Or because Tree didn't ask her to stay.
那换来如果你是叶子呢? 你会因为风的追求而离开那棵树吗?
而如果你是风, 你知道叶子可能离不开树, 你还会继续追求叶子吗?
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1:11 am
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In introspectives, love
Sunday, August 21, 2005
Meaningful activities....
A summary of what I did today:
- finished my counselling lab report at 4am this morning and realize that it is only 15% of my whole module... does it worth all the effort
- went to teach tuition..... is it me who do not know how to teach or him who does not want to put in any effort? In any way, I've tried my best.....
- went to bookshop to get stuff that can help to organize my desk..... i can't even study on it.. cos it was too messy....
- pack my soft toys into a big box, left only a few of my favourite ones... of course is the BIG doggie that zJ and gang gave few years back on my birthday.... still remember it was at kallang bubble tea house... it has been so long since we last met up....
- shifted some of my stuff from my desk to on top of my wardrobe(my shoulder level.. so not too tall a wardrobe...), and that includes my trophies and National flags..... Didn't realize that I have few other medals(thought that I only have medals for my dragonboat....).
Other medals include captain's ball (1998-1st), Javelin (3rd-1997) and cross country (team, 3rd - 1999).... hey... I'm writing here not to boost about it... just realize that I have forgotten about such an achievements that I have when I was younger. Now that I am older, what achievements I have so far after I've turned 20? ya...
I have also discovered that I have 4 small national flags at home... all belonged to me of course.... hmm... this shows how many NDP I have been to... but this year I have 2. One for NE show and one for the actual day. So, I went to 3 NDPs.... but that's excluding the one I've participated.... therefore, the total number of NDPs I went to, as a spectator or a participant, is 4!!!
I also filed up all the papers that I have.... arranged them as well.... and well.... it seems like I have spent lots of money photocopying articles, journals,etc for my past assignments.... gonna keep them as I know there will be high chances that I will use them again. Even if they are not, isn't that very wasteful to use them as rough papers? =p
Now that my desk are cleared of books and junk.... I can't give excuses that I have no place to study liao... haha...
Looking forward for ATC... I think it is more of Puala Ubin!! I miss the peace... the silence.... the sunrise... and of course.... the company that I had.. esp. OEPians.....
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9:52 pm
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Saturday, August 20, 2005
Tears of Masculine
I was watching a Taiwan variety show (爱情万万岁) just now (despite having to rush my counselling report). In the show, the guy wanted to propose to the gal. Before that, there were "tests" to find out about how much she is willing to give for the guy. But the intelligent gal found out during the 1st test (there were 3-4 tests altogether)
Hmm... then when the gal was brought to a kid's amusement park that the guy has planned, the gal pretended to be angry (she was told of the plan by the hosts while the guy was kept in the dark). The gal said that his proposal plan was lousy, etc. The guy almost teared.
The gal left. The guy was left in the amusement park and he teared. He was afraid that he will lose her because of this...
Well, the producer of the show wanted to have the ending of the show even though the proposal was not a success. They also asked him how he felt etc. He was saying that he was afraid that he will lose her.... again... he teared (I almost teared too) .... Iwithout knowing that the person in the bear costume beside him was his gal (cos it was previously wore by one of the hosts)....
When the female host remove the gal's "bear head", the guy was suprised... but he smiled.
So what is the moral of the story?
Hmm.... some reflection from me...... it is rare to see guys cry. All, if not most guys will only cry if they feel they are helpless and there is nothing they can do to salvage. The above is from what I have observed for the past few years? Guys only cry for few reasons:
- Love
- Family
- Work, maybe?
For the two times I saw my brother cried was because of Love. One being broken up with one of his Exs(some 4 years ago) and the last time was when his Ex was admitted for stroke(around 2 years back).
Nevertheless, tears from guys should not be seen as act of a coward but as a medium to release their emotions. Guys are humans too. ;p
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4:47 pm
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In love
Xiu Ling's Library Fund
Maybe, NYP should set up a Xiu Ling's Library Fund. I think all the fines fund that I have contributed for the past 1 year can accumulate to $20 already. Today, I paid for another $2.80. Another $2.80 added to this $20. I will be glad to donate this fund to the needy students, including myself, if NYP permits. ;p
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2:47 am
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Today's Entrepreneurship Lecture was boring.... no one was listening to the 2 lecturers.... and that's including me....
Well, to entertain myself, I came out with a name for a company (IF I have the money to open one) related to OT profession.... and that is:
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12:52 am
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Friday, August 19, 2005
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2:27 am
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Counselling Lab Report
I am in the amidst of preparing my counselling lab report that is going to be dued on Monday. The challenge here is not not having enough words to write but having too many words to cut down. The word limit here is 750 words. Hopefully, I do not exceeds 1000 words.
Then again, if I try to use point form, the chances of me exceeding 1000 words will be low right?
The next challenge is to evaluation on our strengths and weaknesses. How am I going to write that, "I am good in giving solutions to my client" and "I am able to find out the main cause to the current problem."
You get what I mean?
Unless I am going to say that,
I am good in giving solutions to my client as commented by Friend, 2005.
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2:08 am
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Thursday, August 18, 2005
Missed call
Just found out that the missed call I had the other day was from CHINA!!! My caller ID shown a country code of +86....
Hmmm.... Who was that who called me from China? Don't tell me is 王大姐??
I don't think I have other friends who are in China at the moment, other than the officials who were so nice to us during the our OEP.....
Hmm... hope that it wasn't her.... at least I won't feel bad of missing the call and not picking it up.
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9:21 pm
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Mahjong - more than a game for the elderly
Dementia and Alzheimer's disease, conditions that usually affects older people(65 and above) and the risk increases when one get older. My dad being 61 years old this year, definitely has increasing risk of getting them.... but well, why am I not too worried for him actually?
Well, it is because he plays mahjong almost every weekends....
Researches have shown that it is effective in preventing elderly in getting dementia....
and is currently used as therapy interventions with elderly patients, especially the demented patients.
Some articles/ researches included for your interest:
- Playing mahjong may prevent dementia
- 5-person mahjong system for senile dementia (Hong Kong)
- The game of mahjong - therapy and cultural heritage
Addendum: So, those who likes to play mahjong, please continue playing them BUT the above does not take into account the consequences when one loses MONEY. = p
And please don't forget to ask me along if you are short of one "LEG" in a mahjong game. = )
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8:24 pm
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Wednesday, August 17, 2005
Uniquely you....
Hey.. this is not NDP- Uniquely you!!! This is SHS Entrepreneurship Day( for those who chose Entrepreneurship for the Yr 2 elective).....
Uniquely you team consists of two groups.... one is my group- I-DEAL... the other is... erm... I actually do not know their group name... but anyway, Uniquely You team consists of nurses and OTs... of course, OTs are the majority.... maybe because we are too creative... lolz...
Was surprised to see a crowd at our booth....
Cos we thought that no one will want to personalize their lanyards....
I was the DRYER for the day and didn't even stop for awhile to rest... was drying the fabric paint on the plastic cover, one after one.... guess the rest of my team members also didn't have any time to stop working with their hands....
Nevertheless, WE DID IT!! lolz... we were the last booth to pack up and leave the place as well.... cheers!!!
Below are some of the photos to share with you all... (some are removed because it hinders the loading time but all can be found in my multiply website..)
In Front of our Booth
The Last Booth to Close Shop!
I-DEAL (Where's Shah and Gia Gia?)
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10:12 pm
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In ot0401
人在异乡与 Singlish
Was surfing around A's Blog and saw that he spoken more Mandarin than English.....
Suddenly, I remembered an incident that happened last year in China...
Well, it was the last few days of our OEP, otherwise known as YEP by most.
We were at a place of interest, think it was the Tiger Leaping Gorge 虎跳峡....
we were walking down the gorge.... then we saw this group of people who we suspected to be Singaporeans.... and it proved us right when we heard, "LaH!!"
We turned and asked.... you all singaporeans? lolz...
And we were right... they were from NUS, also doing their YEP.
Well, although we did not know each other, we or is it only I, felt very happy to see them... at least, I saw people of our homeland after being away close to a month.... ;p
A, maybe you can try to see if you can find a singaporean at your hall by hearing the way that he/she speaks? Hehe... but then again, he/she may only speaks to Singaporeans with Singish... ;p
Addendum: It is still a nice experience being overseas...... Hope I didn't make my friends who are overseas to miss home.... If I do, I didn't mean to do it. But isn't that makes you treasure your loved ones and friends even more when you come back?
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12:31 am
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Tuesday, August 16, 2005
Another 21st Birthday... 2 more to go...
Yesterday was Weiting's 21st birthday!!! Our class gave her a MP3 player.... ;p
A thorn among the roses?
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11:34 pm
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Monday, August 15, 2005
Choices: Sign Language Course
Just received a mail from CSC ppl.... as Adrian has mentioned(seems like he has the news faster than us... hehe), NYP CSC will be organizing a sign langauge course , conducted by the SADeaf....
When will it be, I have no idea...
Now the choice is to sign up under CSC or with my NPCC Kakis....
My NPCC kakis that side supposingly to be more or less confirmed liao but now, Z seems to be more interested in her tennis and bike, while kl seems to be bz and requested to have it postpone and hamster has ATC on one of the course dates if the course is to be conducted on a saturaday and I have YEC BGM on that same saturday as well... but Hamster and I are still fine with Sundays thou....
Seems like I have to make a decision fast... got to reply to CSC by Friday if I am signing up with them..... that is also the deadline for SADeaf - Introduction to the Deaf Community, Culture and Language.
Hmm... guess most likely I will sign up with CSC side ba, unless my kakis decided to carry on with our plans.... Hamster... pls leave me a message when you see this....
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10:02 pm
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Lost my Syvester Glass painting/window painting design
I was sooooo sad.... I lost my syvester (that cat in looney tune.... not the one in Singpore idol ok....) design the very day I made it....
haiz.... It all happened because I overslept in the bus, on my way home from school....
Thank God someone woke me up.....
But I was little panicky and quicky stand up and think I dropped it....
Before I went downstairs (I was in a 72 double decker bus), I suddenly remembered about it....
went to find.. but can't find!! And the bus door seems to be closing...
Thus I decided to give up... and the bus drove off a short distance.... and decided to let me alight...
What is not meant to be, is not meant to be....
Anyway, thanks to those who wake me up! =p
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9:49 pm
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Sunday, August 14, 2005
Way to Tuition....
I was on my way to tuition.... at a coffee shop, I saw few Singapore flags hanging outside....
1 of which, the bottom part of the flag was stained with blue ink!!!! And they still hang it outside!!!
On the way, a very stupid question came to my mind.
" How can we have more than 24 hrs a day?"
Fly to a country that is lag behind in time... lolz...
Well, today the tuition kid was trying to sing the supposingly patriotic song - Home.
But in the end, this is what he sang (in tune with the song - 家) ,
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6:48 pm
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New Blog design
I have changed a new blog design... still in the process of upgrading....
Apologises if it loads very slow....
Let me know if this design is better than the previous one...
or any other comments are also welcome!
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4:11 am
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Saturday, August 13, 2005
Pictures of the dead
Recalled something farnie aka diao aka three sweats on your temporal side......
During behaviour modification lecture last week, the lecturer asked:
Lecturer: Will you all keep my dead grandfather photo/picture in your wallet?
Us: No. Who will keep someone not related to us in our wallets?
Lecturer: So, that means you all wouldn't keep someone not related to you all in your wallet?
Us: Yah.
Lecturer: Can someone show me your wallet?
One of the students took out her wallet and passed to the lecturer.
Lecturer opened the wallet and took out something from the wallet and the conversation continued.....
Lecturer (holding on to a $2 note) : So, this doesn't belongs to you, does it? Cos you all don't keep dead person's picture who is not related to you in your wallet.... Why you all keep his (Our 1st President) picture but not my grandfather's?
Us: Because it has a value......
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11:27 am
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Still good to be indepedent
An addendum to the entry titled "Independent", I still think I prefer to be independent. If not, I will not be who I am now. ;p
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9:02 am
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Friday, August 12, 2005
I may be strong but I will not be strong forever
I may be strong but I may be putting up on a front
Thou deep in my heart I longed to be pampered
To be strong is my strength and yet,
my greatest weakest
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10:08 pm
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Thursday, August 11, 2005
Happy Birthday Hui Hui!
11 August 1984, the day when our Ms Ong Hui Hui was born.
11 August 2005, the day when our Ms Piggy aka 臭豆腐 turned 21!
Happy Birthday Gal! May all your wishes come true this Bday!
Below are the photos that we took on Ms Piggy BDay (taken down because it hinders the loading time. For photos, please visit my multiply website)
Addendum: Almost all who supposed to turn 21 this year are already 21. Now on the road to the golden keys are Weiting(This coming Monday), and two December babies - Me and Feranika!
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11:59 pm
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Nurses' Day and National Day Celebration
Today we had Nurses' Day and National Day Celebration. This was our last event for School of Health Science Club Committee for AY2004/05. FYI, I was Vice-Chairman for the Sports Secretariat. ;p
I started helping with the deco and logistics at ard 12.30pm..... Then we started the event at 2.30pm.... well, nothing much to blog about but since this was our last event, we took lots of photos.... basically the following are those that I like most(photos taken down because it hinders the loading time). For more photos, please look at my multiply website
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12:30 am
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Wednesday, August 10, 2005
Happy Birthday Singapore!
Hmm.... I'm having the National Day mood!!! Gonna have 8am lecture and I am still here..... anyway, gonna share what happened today, Singapore's 40th Birthday
Anyway, some of us were locked outside the school... luckily for me, it was only for 5-10 minutes. The security guard didn't want to let us in, as he claimed that they wasn't informed of the event. But after few minutes of conversation with him, another security guard radio com him and then he let us in.
This time round, there were NYP's "goodies bags" as well, but we only took 3-4 for the 10 of us, as we already had our potluck food.....
The following is the photo taken before we left NYP.
We were trying to break the Guinness World Records of the largest number of people signing simultaneously. Intially, it was quite
Then, came Adrian and Evelyn....
Yes... but don't worry, it is nothing bad la... It is just that we were worried that we might disapoint the both of you. ;p
Thus I tried not to look at you all...
Hmm... and we had our potluck.... my crab mayo nice hor?? lolz... of course nice la... I made one mah.... and well, Hui Hui and me were too full to had our wonderful KFC dinner after our potluck (I had crab mayo and seafood sandwiches) but well, I brought it back.... and just finished eating the burger before I wrote this entry....
We did enjoy ourselves.... we sang.... waved the flag.... basically we had fun!!! Just that we didn't get the seats that we got during the preview.... and the people (those at the place that we sat during preview) threw the confetti thingy at the wrong time.... I'm sure we can do better if we were put there.... lolz.... anyway, our place got better view for the fireworks.... lolz... shouldn't complain much right, at least we are still at the main stand.. ( I wasn't complaining anyway, I am just stating the fact.. hehe.... ;p)
Oh ya, I managed to catch Adrian and Evelyn to take a photo..... actually saw them afew times infront of our stand... but don't know to call them or not... not sure if they were free.... and of course, I am a shy gal!! haha.. LOL...
And I also passed them the token of appreciation.... hehe... hope you all like it.....
And guess what? I walked home when I reached Tampines Interchange..... cos the queue for 293 was too long....
Below are some photos that were taken during NDP... some not very clear... please bear with it.
Evelyn and me
Adrian and us
Adrian and me
More NDP photos will be up at my multiply website.
Please stay tuned.
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12:12 am
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Tuesday, August 09, 2005
Seafood Mayo and Crab Mayo
After Degree conversion talk just now, I went to Tampines NTUC to buy stuff for tml's potluck!!
Decided to make seafood mayo and crab mayo for tml!!! yeah....
Hopefully the food doesn't turn bad tml...
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12:23 am
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Monday, August 08, 2005
Finally finished doing the last alphabet..... phew..... this last alphabet is slightly tougher than the rest... and it didn't turn out as nice as it should be....
Hmmm.... the rest of the items are done as well.... ;p
I have spent the whole day finishing all... hehe.... guess I can rest tml after the degree conversion talk which will end at 7.30pm.... so most prob will reach hm ard 9pm.... gonna take a rest b4 the long day for NDP on tue...
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12:16 am
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Sunday, August 07, 2005
Thanks to those who accompained me
Thanks to cH, Hc, Wc (this does not mean toilet, nor does it mean wheelchair =P ) who accompanied me to buy stuffs at art friend and popular when all the things that I bought doesn't concern you all....
Hope that Wc leg get better, after my STRETCHING... Hope I didn't make it worse....
Anyway, I finally went to the new National Library. Wanted to go the other day when I went to art friend but was rushing off to Pam's Bday party.
Managed to find some health related books... maybe somedays can do research there... but isn't that a bit far?
Hmm... there are also some books that I found interesting, some of the titles if I remember correctly are, "She", "How to fix a broken heart", etc. Can't rememeber the rest that I saw.....
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12:12 am
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Saturday, August 06, 2005
Fortunate Dog
I was thinking how fortunate my dog is. I am willing to spend $60+ (sharing with my brother 50/50 and he better return me) on her..... yet, I have to consider twice or more than that, even to go to the dentist...
Still remember that I rather get her a shirt than getting myself one... Guess the only time that I got clothes for myself after a very long time was my taiwan trip...
It is good to be my dog.
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11:52 pm
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Suppose to go to Marina South to see fireworks..... but dunno is them or me....
They thought is near marina square....
ended up near esplande....
we didn't know which direction the fireworks will be....
but we monkey see, monkey do.....
in the end, the fireworks were to our left.... lolz...
will upload some of the videos of the fireworks as well as some of the scenery photos into my mutiply soon.....
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11:38 pm
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National Day brings back memories of college days
As National Day is approaching, memories of college days where I was involved in the parade/ceremony came back to me....
Still remember that the worse thing that ever happened in TPJC was that the college flag and the State flag was both in the wrong position. And I am glad that I had made a difference by letting Mr Edward Chew know and make the changes. Actually, I was shocked to see that the very first time I stepped into TPJC and was wondering why nobody brought it up at all. Isn't there any Uniformed Group Leaders in TPJC at all?? I am sure there were... but why there isn't anyone who bring it up??
It was during the National Day Flag Bearer rehearsal that I brought it up. That was in 2001. It seems like the flags has been in wrong position ever since the college started.
The most challenging part was in 2002. I was the Parade Commander (PC). Perhaps it was because I was a retainee... haha... the PC in 2001 was also a retainee.... BTW, I didn't retain to be the PC okay.... haha....
The only thing that I was and still is unhappy about was not allowing us to put on our own uniformed group uniform. Isn't that looks more like National Day?? Instead of the Green college uniform with the Green Blazer??
Hehe.... Below were some of the photos....
When I was the PC in 2002
Singing National Anthem in 2002
Getting ready to receive flag from the flag bearers (2001)
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2:15 am
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Friday, August 05, 2005
Irony of Life
When we were young, we were praised for talking anything. Now that we are older, we are reprimanded if we talks too much.
When we were young, we were encouraged to walk freely. Now that we are older, we are scolded if we are walking around aimlessly.
When we were young, we raised our hands and make alot of noise just to answer questions. Now that we are older, we kept quiet and wait for answers.
When we were young, sorry seems so easy to say. Now that we are older, it seems to be stuck in our throat.
When we were young, we cried when we are sad, we smiled when we are happy, we kissed our loved ones to show our affections. Now that we are older, how many of these do we really do?
When we were young, fights and quarrels among friends were common. Today we fight, tomorrow we friend friend again. Now that we are older, are we still the same friends after yesterday's fight?
When we were born, we cried and others rejoyce. When we die, others cry while we rejoyce.
Sometimes I really hope that adults can behave like children. Be that innocent and kind soul, always truthful to oneself and others.
Sometimes when an adult tells a while lie, although it supposes to relieve some sufferings, sometimes it can cause more harm that it may seems to be....
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10:23 pm
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Hectic yet Fun Semester
Time flies very fast and I'm already in my 5th week of my semester 1. This sem is a very hectic yet fun semester..... with lotsa projects and assignments... and lab works (which is known as play to me)
Though we have like 7 main modules BUT some of the modules are further broken down into smaller units...
e.g Behaviour Science 2A - Patient - Practitioner Relationship(otherwise known as PPR), Cognitive and Behaviour Modification and Abnormal Psychology (3 units, 1 module)
Occupations as Therapy - Mobility, Biomechnical and Sensorimotor, Art as
Therapy (3 units, 1 modules)
Projects are all piling up.... discussions after discussions... sometimes I don't even remember who is in my group for which projects...
Counselling report is up in 2 weeks time, physio test is also coming in 2 weeks time... not forgetting the Entreprenuership Day(for my elective) on the 17 August
Not forgetting there are other projects like OTTP Problem-Based Learning(PBL), PPR, Abnormal Psycho, Behaviour Mod, etc.
Sometimes I wonder why are we ever so busy with so many things as compared to PTs.....
and sometimes I wonder why we are so busy with so many things.... issit really the content of the course or does the problem lies with us?
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1:11 am
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Thursday, August 04, 2005
We gonna have Potluck as lunch/snack/dinner for NDP......
Some of the items are, drinks, chicken wings, sausages, sandwiches, salads, etc.
We gonna enjoy ourselves till we drop... lolz...
Looking forward for it!
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11:54 pm
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What is pain? What does pain mean to you?
Pain is subjective and private. It has different meaning to different
So, don't tell someone that you understand their pain. Cos you never will.....
Quoted from Biomechnical and sensorimotor lecture by HB
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11:39 pm
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One more to go...
Finished another alphabet.... one more to go...
Gonna take photos of the alphabets before I give them away....
Hmm... maybe should try to make an animal after I finished the last alphabet. ;p
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6:31 pm
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Wednesday, August 03, 2005
Wake up Reminders
I was preparing to go to bed, so I was setting my alarm clock in my hp. Knowing that if I am very tired, I will just off the alarm even without me knowing, I set reminders in my hp as well. The reminder will be named "Wake up". Just as I wanted to set the reminder, the following appears on my hp, " Memory Full. Clear old reminders?"
And guess what? Out of the 10 reminders, 8 in my hp are all titled, " Wake up."
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1:04 am
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Tuesday, August 02, 2005
Feelings Island
Once upon a time there was an island where all the feelings lived;
happiness, sadness, knowledge, and all the others, including love.
One day it was announced to all of the feelings that the island was going to sink to the bottom of the ocean. So all the feelings prepared their boats to leave.
Love was the only one that stayed. She wanted to preserve the island paradise until the last possible moment. When the island was almost totally under, love decided it was time to leave. She began looking for someone to ask for help. Just then Richness was passing by in a grand
Love asked, "Richness, Can I come with you on your boat?" Richness answered, " I'm sorry, but there is a lot of silver and gold on my boat and there would be no room for you
Then Love decided to ask Vanity for help who was passing in a beautiful vessel. Love cried out, "Vanity, help me please." "I can't help you," Vanity said, "You are all wet and will damage my beautiful boat."
Next, Love saw sadness passing by. Love said, "Sadness, please let me go with you." Sadness answered, "Love, I'm sorry, but, I just need to be alone now."
Then, Love saw happiness. Love cried out, "Happiness, please take me with you."
But Happiness was so overjoyed that he didn't hear Love calling to him.
Love began to cry. Then, she heard a voice say, "Come Love, I will take you with me."
It was an elder. Love felt so blessed and overjoyed that she forgot to ask the elder his
name. When they arrived on land the elder went on his way.
Love realized how much she owed the elder.Love then found Knowledge and asked, "Who was it that helped me?" "It was Time," Knowledge answered. "But why did Time help me when no else would?", Love asked.
Knowledge smiled and with deep wisdom and sincerity, answered, "Because only Time is capable of understanding how great Love is."
The Facts of Life:
1. At least 5 people in this world, love you so
much they would die for you.
2. At least 15 people in this world love you, in
some way.
3. The only reason anyone would ever hate you,
is because they want to be
just like you.
4. A smile from you, can bring happiness to
anyone, even if they don't like you.
5. Every night, SOMEONE thinks about you before
they go to sleep.
6. You mean the world to someone.
7. Without you someone may not be living.
8. You are special and unique, in your own way.
9. Someone that you don't know even exists,
loves you.
10. When you make the biggest mistake ever,
something good comes from it.
11. When you think the world has turned it's
back on you, take a look, you
most likely turned your back on the world.
12. When you think you have no chance at getting
what you want, you probably
won't get it, but if you believe in yourself,
you probably sooner or later will get it.
13. Always remember compliments you received,
forget about the rude remarks.
14. Always tell someone how you feel about them,
you will feel much better when they
15. If you have a great friend, take the time to
let them know that they are great.
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11:25 pm
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Politics, Fairy Tales and romance into Puppetry
Today we had puppetry for our creativity modules. We were told to bring a soft toy each. Some bring dogs (suprisingly I didn't bring my soft toy dog. I brought a healing angel), some bears (btw, my angel is a bear. ;p), some finger puppets,etc.
Our class are divided into 4 groups. One group consists of the small soft toys, the other group, which is my group, is the bear group, the third group is the string puppet group, while the last one is the mixed group.
Well, the storyline of the four groups revolve around fairy tales - cinderella, fairy god-mother, prince.....
Politics has also been brought in by one of the groups.... they mentioned of a GKF - God-mother Kidney Foundation, where the proceeds of those who call the fairy god-mother hotline will all go to this fund.
hmm... of course, my group is about romance..... and the last scene was that the male bear was telling the female bear , "Let's us go and apply a HDB flat."
Of course, the last scene is thought of by me... lolz....
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1:53 am
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Creativity --- my soft toy....
Yeah.... just finished another soft toy making.... think i took ard 2 1/2 hr to complete....
Last round I've made a fish.... this time round, I've made an alphabet "X"... wanted to put my name "XIU LING" there... but seems a little unsucessful.... maybe I can include the names in the two other alphabets that I am making... ;p
see how ba...
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1:31 am
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Monday, August 01, 2005
Remember that Zac say something like this before:" I felt handicapped when I cannot communicate to the Deaf"
Hmm.... well, I believe this is quite true. Just imagine that we are in a deaf community, not knowing sign language.... isn't the frustration the same as someone who are deaf and not knowing what we are talking about if we do not know sign language?
Today, while walking into NYP, I saw a girl signing. hmmm.. how great will it be if I understand more about it...
During the NDP preview. my friends and I were trying to interpret some of the signs that the volunteers used to communicate.... but the only few that we know were, "time" , "be" , "we" , etc. These are those we learnt in the songs or pledge....
That's the different views of being handicapped.... we can be handicapped too.....
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10:06 pm
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Secret Recipes - For those who didn't manage to catch it in my mutiply website
Only For 2, no more than that
Love Dish
2 Tbsp of Tender
3 Tbsp of Loving
4 Tbsp of Care
4 Tbsp of Understanding
Unlimited Laughter as you like
2 Tbsp of Touch
1 tsp of Personal Space
a pinch of jealousy
few drops of tears of joy
1) Mixed tender, loving and care together with understanding and touch.
2) Don't forget to add a little personal space into the Love Dish to let it expand.
3) A pinch of jealousy is added to make it expand more and make it tastier.
4) Few drops of tears of joys and laughter should be added to it before you put into the oven for unlimted warmth.
Please remember that Love Dish cannot go through coldness as it will shrink!
So, please do not leave it in the fridge.You may leave the dish in the oven as long as you want as it will not get burnt.
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2:23 am
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Neighbour - Mass Signing Project
Forget to blog about it yesterday.... guess I was too tired....
I was waiting for the lift after I came back from NDP Preview, I saw someone wearing red walking towards my block. I was wondering if she went to watch the preview or she went to participate in the Mass Signing Project.
Guess what?? I saw the SADeaf logo on the left sleeve!!! And I remembered that MJC was there and she was from MJC.... so guess there shouldn't be any doubt about it..... ;p
One block, two volunteers, signing sitmutanously, out of 3700+ ppl at the same time, same place....
Not forgetting Jasmine and some of the 303 ppl from East View Sec who I took them for their Sec 3 camps during last June holidays..... They are also taking part in this Mass Signing Project!!! Cheers...
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12:21 am
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