Didn't managed to say "hi "
Perhaps I was too shy
Your near makes me smiles
Yet we seems like miles
Looking around for you
Yet turning away from you
Before I left the place
I saw your special face
A place where behind the clouds, the sun is shining.....
A place where I share my reflections, dreams, hopes, life, frustrations.....
Didn't managed to say "hi "
Perhaps I was too shy
Your near makes me smiles
Yet we seems like miles
Looking around for you
Yet turning away from you
Before I left the place
I saw your special face
Woofed by
12:10 am
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hey.... anyone wants to go Carnival@Marina??? Most prob on the 2 or 3 aug.....
Cos I foresee that I may not have time to go round the carnival on the actual day....
if any of you want to go, pls drop me a mail or sms or msn me.....
Woofed by
11:56 pm
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Today, I was very excited!! Cos I can participate in NDP again!!
Beginning was quite bored... cos nth to do... but thanks god jace brought her Pictionary where we played for nearly 1/2 hr....
We had learnt few more signs too.... but the duration was too short to perfect it la...
Hmm.... we were at the main stand!!! and the host there were bryan wong, desmond koh and celeste chong ( i think... dunno her name.. oops)
They were like directly behind us!!! ;p
We had to shout "Hello Singapore".... and pop the popper?
yeah.... must bring camera to take photos with them...
I was very happy that marina bay was the most active one i think..... despite Padang suppose to be the most active one.... maybe... because majority of us are students? I dunno....
Hmm... signing the song and pledge is not that frightening after all.... ; )
Just that the pledge is alittle faster... but i'm still fine with it.
Must thanks Evelyn (I finally found out yr name... so sorry) and Adrian for putting us at the main stand.... ;p
Must find time to take photos with them oso during actual NDP.... yeah....
Cheers to all of Us!!
Have enough rest and see ya on 9 August!
Anyway, just realised that I am not the only one reading Adrian's Blog.... few of my classmates are reading too = X
Woofed by
11:27 pm
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In NDP, volunteerism
I'm looking forward for the National Day Preview later.
Once again, I'm able to participate in National Day! =p
The National Song - Uniquely you, that I am going to sign during NDP is always on my mind.....
It seems to be playing non-stop in my head.....I always knew that would be the day........
Woofed by
11:55 pm
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Here is my analysis:
Addendum: Hmm... I think this is quite true... lolz...
Woofed by
12:44 am
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Yesterday was a long day.....
Had to go to CC after the sign langauge training..... was thinking of not going at first, as I was so tired.... but since I've already promise dap, I went in the end....
We folded the letter, put it into the envelop, stick the envelop, paste the address sticker, paste the stamps...... total of 690 letters to be posted out....
we started from 8.30pm to around 11.30pm... 3 hrs.... 150 letters yet to be stamped.... cos last minutes cannot get stamps....
wow... 690 letters.... but how many from these 690 youth members will come for the BGM?
Woofed by
8:40 pm
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The most important thing in your life is a person you like.
The type of friends that you want is charming.
Take this test.
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7:59 pm
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You are friendly, adaptable realists. You rely on what you see, hear, and know first-hand. You good-naturedly accept and use the facts around you. You look for a satisfying solution instead of trying to impose any "should" or "must" of your own. You are sure a satisfying solution will turn up once you have grasped all the facts.
You solve problems by being adaptable, and often can get other to adapt, too. People generally like you well enough to consider any compromise you suggest. You are unprejudiced open-minded, and tolerant of most everyone--including yourself. You take things as they are and thus may be very good at easing a tense situation and pulling conflicting factions together.
With your focus on the current situation and realistic acceptance of what exists, you can be a gifted problem solver. Because you are not necessarily bound by a need to follow standard procedures or preferred methods, you are often able to see ways of achieving a goal by "using" the existing rules, systems, or circumstances in new ways, rather than allowing them to be roadblocks.
You are actively curious about people, activities, food, objects, scenery, or anything new presented to your senses. Your expert abilities in using your senses may show in:
You make your decisions by using the personal values of feeling rather than the logical analysis of thinking. Your feeling makes you tactful, sympathetic, interested in people, and especially good at handling human contacts. You may be too easy in matters of discipline. You learn far more from first-hand experience than from books, and do better in actual situations than on written tests. Abstract ideas and theories are not likely to be trusted by you until you have been tested in experience. You may have to work harder than other people to achieve in school, but can do so when you see the relevance.
You do best in careers needing realism, action, and adaptability. Examples are health services, sales, design, transportation, entertainment, secretarial or office work, food service, supervising work groups, machine operation, and many kinds of troubleshooting.
You are strong in the art of living. You get a lot of fun out of life, which makes you good company. You enjoy your material possessions and take the time to acquire you. You find much enjoyment in good food, clothes, music, and art. You enjoy physical exercise and sports, and usually are good at these.
How effective you are depends on how much judgment you acquire. You may need to develop your feeling so that they can use your values to provide standards for your behavior, and direction and purpose in your lives. If your judgment is not developed enough to give you any character or stick-to-it-iveness, you are in danger of adapting mainly to your own love of a good time.
Suitable CareersAddendem: Among those above, vet, police officer and teacher are my childhood ambitions. While animal groomer, fitness instructor, fund-raiser, recreation worker, social worker and special events coordinator are those that I am interested in.
Of course, Occupational Therapist is what I want to be at the moment. =P
Woofed by
7:39 pm
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We should find out the situation that a person is in, before we blame it on the personality of his/hers.
Woofed by
6:51 pm
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Just now was our last sign langauge training. We went in late 'cos we were having Dr Pram's lesson.... din go for our PPR tutorial which is at 4pm.
Well, when we went in, they had already started. A and the other volunteer were there. Hmm... then we had 2 round of practices first. A came over to see how we sign as we just came in and..... he came when we were signing the chorus... oh gosh....
Then we were told that we had to go to the front to sign.... hmmm... Pam, Jac, Joan and Waiyin went first. Pam and Joan stayed with the next group and that is US!
Before that, A came over to us and asked if we want to go up and try..... maybe 2 persons.... nobody responded.... then I think he was like asking me if I want to try. But in the end, we all went up.
Hmm... Me, Sze Jie, Feran and Chunyi were assessed by the other volunteer (sorry, I've forgotten your name..) and the rest are being assessed by A.
The first time I sign my pledge, the volunteer said that it is either she didn't see my mistakes or I don't have any mistakes at all!!! ;p
hehe... but second time got mistakes la... my democratic...
Then came the song.... phew.... luckily not as bad as I thought....
At least SHE say my chorus is good.... did she say good or okay?? can't remember...
At least, my effort of practising everyday has not gone to waste!!! ;P
Anyway, some of us stayed longer to give Sid and Zhenru moral support....
I'm actually looking forward for NDP Preview!!!
But most importantly, I must get my tooth done first... so sad...
Lastly, my face was warm and red just now.... think it encompasses many emotions.
Addendum: Hopefully, we didn't disappoint A and the other volunteer. ;p
Woofed by
12:29 am
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I am sad.... my front tooth crack.... i think it is the same place that I've crack at 3 years back... *sob sob*
Hopefully I can get it done before NDP Preview.... if not ....
Woofed by
12:22 am
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I am sad that the other VWOs are kinda affected by the NKF issues.
Volunteers shouldn't be shoo away! If you don't wish to donate, please kindly give a smile and say, "No." or at least say "I've donated" even though you didn't. At least, you bother to lie to make the volunteers feel better.
Please do not vent anger on the volunteers. They are innocent people. They got nothing to do with the NKF issues.
To the volunteers, please do not give up. These VWOs depends on us. Always remember, even though there may be 1 who do not want to donate but there will always be someone else who will donate. = P
Woofed by
11:58 pm
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Your view on yourself:You are intelligent, honest and sweet. You are friendly to everybody and don't like conflict. Because you're so cheerful and fun people are naturally attracted to you and like to talk to you.
The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:You like serious, smart and determined people. You don't judge a book by its cover, so good-looking people aren't necessarily your style. This makes you an attractive person in many people's eyes.
Your readiness to commit to a relationship:You are ready to commit as soon as you meet the right person. And you believe you will pretty much know as soon as you might that person.
The seriousness of your love:You like to flirt and behave seductively. The opposite sex finds this very attractive, and that's why you'll always have admirers hanging off your arms. But how serious are you about choosing someone to be in a relationship with?
Your views on education: Education is very important in life. You want to study hard and learn as much as you can.
The right job for you:You're a practical person and will choose a secure job with a steady income. Knowing what you like to do is important. Find a regular job doing just that and you'll be set for life.
How do you view success:You are afraid of failure and scared to have a go at the career you would like to have in case you don't succeed. Don't give up when you haven't yet even started! Be courageous.
What are you most afraid of:You are concerned about your image and the way others see you. This means that you try very hard to be accepted by other people. It's time for you to believe in who you are, not what you wear.
Who is your true self:You are full of energy and confidence. You are unpredictable, with moods changing as quickly as an ocean. You might occasionally be calm and still, but never for long.
My Personality Love Style
You are the type to fall quickly and passionately in love, but will commit to a person forever when this happens. When you choose to love someone, it's going to be a strong relationship and nothing will come between you and your lover. But beware: love can turn you blind, and the rest of the world might cease to exist while you are in that honeymoon phase. When you come down from your high, you may find you have neglected other people and things that you love.
My Personality Style
You are Kind and Gentle.
Your kindness is your charm - you are also gentle and sweet. Everybody likes to be around people with your personality. Like a psychologist, people like to talk to you to discuss their problems because you are proper and discrete, as well as confident. You look mature and people respect you. People with this kind of character are few and far between.
Jealousy Test
Jealousy Level: 30%
You harbor no feelings of jealousyYou are calm and often think differently compared to other people. You don't get jealous because you believe that other people's business is theirs alone. So what if they're beautiful and score all the guys? That's their luck! Some people may think of you as being a bit of a loner.
Team Test derived from choosing seat in a bus??
You can take care of all members in the group very well. You make sure that everybody gets his or her plates during mealtime. You act like a caring mother all the time.
My Hidden Talent
The Mass Communicator
You have a cheerful personality and you are a naturally kind person. Your hidden talent isn't really that hidden at all: you shine among a crowd. You would make an ideal news announcer, flight attendant or model - any position that would give you an opportunity to deal with plenty of people. A tip for you is to avoid getting too deeply involved in others' personal lives - otherwise you might find yourself constantly being asked for help.
Woofed by
11:25 pm
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I was watching the drama Destiny aka "梦在手里" on channel 8, and Tay Ping Hui was talking about what are his goals in life, what is happiness to him. He was saying something like
"Happiness is having a good coffee to drink, a good book to read and good friends for company."
"I complained that I have no shoes, until I see someones with no legs."
"Living my life to the fullest."
Woofed by
10:20 pm
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Your dating personality profile:
Big-Hearted - You are a kind and caring person. Your warmth is inviting, and your heart is a wellspring of love.
Athletic - Physical fitness is one of your priorities. You find the time to work athletic pursuits into your schedule. You enjoy being active.
Liberal - Politics matters to you, and you aren't afraid to share your left-leaning views. You would never be caught voting for a conservative candidate.
Your date match profile:
Big-Hearted - You want someone compassionate, someone gentle and kind. A loving, nurturing person will fill that hole in your life.
Practical - You are drawn to people who are sensible and smart. Flashy, materialistic people turn you off. You appreciate the simpler side of living.
Athletic - You aren't looking for a couch potato. You seek someone who is active and who keeps his body in top shape.
Take the Online Dating Profile Quiz at Dating Diversions
Addendum: I haven't been exercising since Sab last ask me for a jog!!!
Woofed by
12:29 am
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今天当我看 <<真情>> 的时候, 不尽让我想起去年那段 << 月涉瞳行>> 的旅程.
虽然真正的 << 月涉瞳行>> 是在去年的十二月, 可是我们在二,三月时已经开始筹备了. 从 Adventurers 的面试到 Adventurers 的归纳营 (Induction Camp), Facilitators' Camp, Venturers' 的归纳营(Induction Camp), 到各个地方收集旧报纸和旧衣服, 等等. 更没忘记我们得自己为自己的费用筹款.
Yi Ting 是我们的其中一个领导. 自然的, 我们也不知不觉地参加其他项目的筹备活动, 例如: JPC, National Camp, Charity Adventure, etc.
当然的, 大家的感情也变得更好. 可是,很可惜的, 有些却因为合作关系不好而失去了友谊.
从 << 月涉瞳行>> 的旅程中, 也是如此. 有些的友谊变得更坚固, 有些却疏远了. 我想, 这就是人生吧.
有些人是我们生命中的过路客, 而有些也只是我们生命中的搭客, 他们有一天也会中途从我们的生命中下站. 哪, 能陪伴我们我们坐到终站的人, 又有几人?
将来的事, 大家都不晓得. 我们到不如珍惜现在.
至少将来我会说, " 我从来没有后悔过."
当然的, 我还是要谢谢那些已经从我生命中下站的人, 和我生命中的过路客. 因为如果没有你们, 就没有现在的我. 希望你们现在都过得很好.
而现在在我的生命中的搭客们, 你们愿不愿意和我一起坐完人身的旅程呢?
Woofed by
5:55 pm
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What's Your Goddess Identity?
You're a Phoenix!
You go, girl! Like a Phoenix, the beautiful, soaring bird that represents vision and a thirst for life, your quest for adventure never dies. Whether parading around in a flashy, red dress at your next party, volunteering to tutor kids in reading, or signing up for a photography class, you possess a natural creativity and curiosity that guarantees a life filled with all sorts of exciting twists and turns.
People around you marvel at your energy — how is it that you're able to whiz through a jam-packed day, rush to your kickboxing class, and then still feel lively enough to hang with friends and family? Just chalk it up to your undying love of life. You've never met a challenge you didn't like — even when it comes to romance. No one can resist your diva-like charms, not even that scorching crush who leaves everyone else weak in the knees.
Chances are that with your confidence and radiance, you have plenty of invitations to movie dates and nights out with the girls. So go to it, Phoenix. The world needs more people like you!
What Inspires You?
You're inspired by Being a Trailblazer
Were you the kind of kid who was always starting up lemonade stands or selling candy bars door-to-door? Even if you weren't an early entrepreneur you definitely like doing things your own way. And why shouldn't you? There's a huge rush when taking (somewhat calculated) risks and heading into uncharted territory — whether that means starting your own business, or just heading to some underdeveloped mystical and magical vacation spot.With your creativity, vision, and loads of leadership skills, you're a natural at knowing how to get everyone — your friends, your family, or your co-workers — on board with your plans. Of course, that probably also has to do with that positive vibe you're projecting. So keep moving to your own beat. With a pulse as strong as yours, others are sure to follow.
What Renews You?
You're renewed by trying new things.
Setting off on an adventurous trip, finding a new hobby, or even introducing yourself to the new neighbors — these are the things that help put that spring back in your step. You're more curious than many, and it's the pursuit of new places, sights, sounds, and experiences that revitalizes both you and your perspective on life.Because of this, things can start to drag when you get trapped in a routine. Exploring — whether in your own back yard or beyond — keeps you feeling fresh. And why shouldn't it? There's always a new city to discover, a new restaurant to try, or a new friend to make, and they all add to the experience you call life. Of course, there might also be times when you're tempted by some of life's more passive pleasures (watching movies, sleeping late). But ultimately, your true replenishment comes from getting involved and plugging into your keen interest in the world around you.
Do You Have a Balanced Lifestyle?
You really know how to focus on Work.
But everyone needs a break — even from things they're great at. Whether your work centers around an office or a home, you're extremely dedicated. Of course, just because you work hard doesn't mean you don't know how to play hard, too. But finding the time to get out there and pamper yourself can be tough.Take a few minutes to enjoy lunch, instead of eating it at your desk or while running errands. Getting away from stress can be beneficial to you and your responsibilities. It's a lot easier to be creative and efficient when you're relaxed and rested. And when you're not consumed by duties, you're free to be fully present in the moment...even if that moment is back at the office or helping the kids with homework. And isn't that what life is all about?
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1:45 am
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Today, I went to KFC. There is this paper that always serve together with the tray.
But, today, the paper is not the one that I usually see. Not that it is made of different material but the contents on the paper was different. Usually on the paper, it is about the food that they sell. The one that I saw today was about the DEAF. It also have some infomation about the deaf culture - Not all deaf can lip-read, deaf people can appreciate music, etc. There were also 4 signs on it. They were : please, thank, hello and help.
For the first time, I took away the piece of paper that people always use it for their sauces. = )
Woofed by
6:54 pm
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These are some movies that I feel like watching..... anyone out there wants to watch?? Leave me a comments/email/msn/ sms me!! ; )
Since I am one who is interested in supernatural, psychology, romance..... , Bug-Me-Not is included into my I-want-to-watch movies list
Bug Me Not - It is about people in the Psychic park all having supernatural power and one day, a disaster strikes but supernatural power seems to be of no use to help to save the world. It was then they came to realize that Love and courage that is the most magical force.....
How can I miss anything that is related to DOGS!!!
All About Dogs - It is about the relationship of dogs and people. All the joys, smile and laughters.... (Hmm... why does this sounds familiar?? lolz)
Well, the following is a horror movie, paediatrics-related, therapy-related, something that I think I wouldn't want to miss too......
Red Candy - It is about a nursery teacher who studies child therapy part-time. She has a boyfriend and one day, when she visitd her boyfriend who works part-time in a chinese restaurant, she received an errie ringtone played on her handphone. It was then she realize that they have been cursed.
Woofed by
11:44 am
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Had our NE module just now.
Don't believe how imaginative our group was.....
We were suppose to come out with problems/issues/ factors that can lead to the end of the Singapore Story, which means END of Singapore.
Of course we had answers such as Terrorism, diseases, no water supply, etc.
But we gave another answer and i.e. Alien Attack and it is rank the highest for severity. Well, we wouldn't say it wouldn't happen, just that we do not know how sever the alien attack will be... maybe AI will take over? But of course it is rank the lowest for probability. Maybe it will happen, maybe in the year 3000? Who knows, maybe it is the time where machines take over.... lolz...
anyway, we were named the group that watches too many movies by the lecturer.... ; p
Woofed by
1:38 am
1 comments (click to comment)
I just realize that anyone who is searching for lyrics for uniquely you by wendy koh in the yahoo search, will definitely have a chance to tumble upon my blog. You may ask why. 'Cos it is FIRST in the list!!! No wonder my counter report states there are people visiting my web when they searched for the uniquely you lyrics. ;-)
Woofed by
12:56 am
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一路上, 我们遇到很多人.
他们曾带给我们欢乐,哀愁, 和痛苦.
让我们喜欢他们,讨厌他们, 甚至怨恨他们.
走了一段路后, 当我回头看看他们时,
却发现他们不知何时, 早已失去踪影.
因为你们, 才有现在的我."
Woofed by
10:10 pm
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Saw this mail when I was looking at my past emails and decided to share this with you all:The paradox of our time in history is that we have taller buildings but shorter tempers, wider freeways, but narrower viewpoints. We spend more,but have less, we buy more, but enjoy less. We have bigger houses and smaller families, more conveniences, but less time. We have more degrees but less sense, more knowledge, but less judgment, more experts, yet more problems, more medicine, but less wellness.
We talk too much, love too seldom, and hate too often.
We've learned how to make a living, but not a life.
We've been all the way to the moon and back,but have trouble crossing the street to meet a new neighbor.
We've learned to rush, but not to wait.
We build more computers to hold more information, to produce more copies than ever, but we communicate less and less.
These are the days of two incomes but more divorce, fancier houses, but
broken homes.
A time when technology can bring this letter to you, and a time when you can choose either to share this insight, or to just hit delete.
Remember, spend some time with your loved ones, because they are not going to be around forever. Remember to say a kind word to someone who looks up to you in awe, because that little person soon will grow up and leave your side.
Remember, to give a warmhug to the one next to you, because that is the only treasure you can give with your heart and it doesn't cost a cent.
Remember, to say, "I love you" to your partner and your loved ones, but most of
all mean it. A kiss and an embrace will mend hurt when it comes from deep inside
of you. Remember to hold hands and cherish the moment for someday that person will not be there again.
Give time to love, give time to speak, and give time to share the precious thoughts in your mind.
Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.
I don't need a certain number of friends. Just a number of friends I can be certain of.
Items Needed to brave the World:
1) TOOTHPICK - to remind you to pick out the good qualities in others
2) RUBBER BAND - to remind you to be flexible, things might not always go the way you want, but it will work out.
3) BAND AID - to remind you to heal hurt feelings, yours or someoneelse's.
4) PENCIL - to remind you to list your blessings everyday.
5) ERASER - To remind you that everyone makes mistakes, and it's OK.
6) CHEWING GUM - to remind you to stick with it, and you can accomplish anything.
7) CANDY KISS - to remind you that everyone needs a kiss or a hug everyday.
8) TEA BAG - to remind you to relax daily and go over that list of blessings.
A verbal wound is as bad as a physical one. Friends are a very rare
jewel,indeed. They make you smile and encourage you to succeed.
They lend an ear, share a word of praise and they always open their
hearts to us. Show your friends how much you care.
Woofed by
9:19 pm
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Suddenly remember a joke(not exactly a joke) that I heard when I worked Temp as a receptionist.
Me : Hello, Good morning! xxx company.
Caller : Can I speak to Karen please?
(I check at the machine that you transfer call to... forget what is the name of that machine)
Me : I'm afraid that she is engaged at the moment.
Caller : Then can you help me to get someone who is single.
Me : ............
Woofed by
12:35 am
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I had my 2nd sign language just now. Went there on time thou it suppose to be Dr Pram's Lecture.... but he is on 2 Days MC - Yesterday and today. Thus, we manage to attend on time.
Hmm... had little revision on the National Pledge. Made few modifications to the ones that I have revised through out the holidays. The challenge is not make changes at the one that I signed wrongly but the challenge is to sign the whole song - Uniquely you.
The starting is still not too bad until it came the chorus! I had some difficulties to catch up with the chorus. Signing w/o the song is still quite okay.... but because not all the words need to be signed, sometimes playing with the song I may tend to wanting to sign those words that I need not sign..... hmm.... guess practice makes perfect.....
Jace, Joan, huihui and me didn't go for the break/ refreshments..... we were trying to get our signs right......
Hmm.... will Gambatte thou.....
Next week, the training will start at 4pm and we have PPR lecture till 5pm.... guess we give PPR lecture a miss? Shall see how.....
And well, we got to sign in front of everybody during the next training..... hopefully i dun fumble when I can't catch up....
Hmm... A was there. Guess he took leave. If not there will only be one volunteer from SADeaf.
=P or maybe because we are too enthusiastic, that he cannot don't come down.... hehe... just kidding...
Woofed by
10:49 pm
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Just went to check my bank.... finally got my pay for the camp that I had attended as a freelance camp instructor....
Hmm... so now half of my remaining school fees is settled.... the other half.... I shall see how....
Woofed by
12:56 am
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Found a bookmark with the following words while I was mopping the floor just now.
"Compassion breeds no enemies and wisdom brings no worries."
Woofed by
11:50 pm
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In inspirational, quote
Was looking at my friendster's horoscope for the day and guess what?
This is what it says:
The Bottom Line:"You're good, somebody should name a street after you. Maybe they will in the future."
If there is, I think A deserve it more than me.... ;-) For I think he is "gooder"
In Detail
Hmm... haha... sign language?? KL, Theresa, Zac?? How? Why not?? ;-)"It's time to let go and let the universe drive. Anything is possible now, and the heavens are in such a fine mood that it can't help but turn out well. Your job is to surround yourself with loved ones who are famous for saying 'Sure. Why not?' before you've even finished your question. You know exactly who to call, and you know they'll be delighted. All the lights are green. So what are you waiting for? Get going!"
Woofed by
1:48 am
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Saw this on MSN as Maki's Nick:
(edited by me, without changing the meaning)
From Man to Woman:
Woofed by
11:13 pm
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Some quotes from Zachia(Hope you don't mind.... if you do, I'll bring it down. If not, I will remember to quote you... don't worry..... ; ) )
Woofed by
9:45 pm
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In quote
Today, I went to PREYEC BGM and I saw a very senior NPCC personnel.(not sure if he is still serving)He is in the pervious and current term for PREYEC. Hmm... guess there are more people getting involve in YEC, grassroots organizations ,etc.... just like me... =X
Hmm.... went to help out in the Racial Harmony Carnival... the event supposed to start at 2pm... but then, the TC which suppose to "deliever" the logistics were not there at 2pm. In the end, the game stall started only at 2.45pm.
Though I was tired at the end of the day, having to repeat my everytime and telling them how many turns that they had left, I felt happy to see the smiles on each and every child's face.
There are also some who were very determine and came back many times just to WIN a prize.... though she knew that the prize is just a pen....
There was this Teddy Bear Clinic stall which I think is helping to raise fund for the Children Cancer Fund (CCF).
The rest of the stall were the common stall that we saw at carnival.... nothing much to blog about it.
Woofed by
7:03 pm
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In volunteerism, yec
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6:54 pm
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I remembered I read somewhere in a bookstore while killing time to wait for my friends many months ago.....
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12:10 am
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If I haven't told you guys what elective I'm taking this semester, I am going to tell you now. I'm currently taking : Entrepreneurship in Healthcare.
In this module, we are going to look into the link between healthcare services and business.
And one of the content is that we will be taught the implication of "Not for profit" status in public health care organization.
This actually leads me to think about the recent NKF incident. Many bloggers has been blogging about it and think there is no need for me to elaborate on it. Just wondering if the lecturer will bring up this incident as a case study? ; )
Oh, guess what? We had to come up with a booth during Entrepreneurship Day, a proposal presentation as well as a Business Entreprise Plan report for this module. Hmm... it looks like we are business men now... lolz...
Hmm.. we have to look into few healthcare organization for this module. They are
Remembered that Mr Bala, the main lecturer for this module asked why we wanted to take this elective. Mostly were because there weren't other modules available for them.
As for me, the reason of why I choose this module is because of my DREAM.
Thus, the question now is what is my DREAM.
My DREAM , not known to many, is to set up an organization to allow the mentally and/or physically challenged people to enage in outdoor activities, esp. the children and youth. I feel that they shouldn't be left out in these outdoor activites because of their disabilities. The OT skills that I am learning and going to learn will thus enable me to be able to plan suitable activities for these group of people. Whether is it going to be a "Non-profit organization" or not, I have yet to think about it. But even it is not going to be one, I don't mind giving subsidies to those who needs it.
Furthermore, I like the nature. I like outdoor activities. I like helping.
Therefore, I choose this elective rather than the Fitness for Life module that I previously wanted to take up.
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11:27 pm
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Do you all know what does IIRC stands for??
Now I know....
In case if you all didn't know, it stands for " If I recall correctly"
Did you get it right?
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11:20 pm
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Was surfing Mr Brown 's blog when I came across this post by him regarding his daughter. If you guys didn't know, Mr Brown is Singapore's most popular blogger and he has an autistic daughter, Faith.
From what I see from the ST article , Faith has a very supportive family - all thanks to Mr Brown and his wife. ; )
Those who were attached to AWWA Special School last semester may have seen her.
Mr Brown has even set up a blog for the OTs and teachers to keep track of the happening's of Faith and at the same time, it serve as a communication channel.
Mr Brown has really done well for his part as a parent to help Faith.
Does this inspire you and motivate you to become a future OT to work with autistic children?
I'm not sure for you all but I think it sure does for me!
If fate allows, maybe I will see Faith in my next attachment if I'm attached to AWWA? = )
*Actually I'm curious about the blog that helps to keep track of the happening's of Faith* ; )
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8:13 pm
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Today had a gathering with the past/present instructors of NASS.... those present were cH, Pingsheng, Zhihao, Mas, Suhaila, Luppeng and Ridzwuan. Tho photos will be uploaded soon when Suhaila send me the photos. =)
We were having ice-creams at Swensen after our lunch at Long John. Swenden is helping the Singapore Children Society to raise fund by selling handphone straps. Sooo, I got one for myself!! ;) It cost $4 each. Wanted to get it the other time when we had Ex-area 11 gathering @ Tampines Swensen but didn't get it in the end. So, next time if you happens to pop in Swensen, do get one for yourself! ;-)
After that, decided to go to the Tampines Library. Finally, I decided to borrow the book " The curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time." AGAIN. Why again? Cos I actually borrowed it before I went to Taiwan but it was overdued when I came back from my trip. Thus, I have to returned it unfinished. This time round, I decided to borrow it again. Hopefully I will be able to finish it.
I have also borrowed some books on soft toy making and teddy bear making. There are for my Creativity assignment. I have decided to do on teddy bear/soft toy making instead of the water-colour painting that I have thought of previously. It is because I feel that soft toy/teddy bear making has more therapeutic functions than water-color painting as it can be used to express the emotions of the person after it has been completed, especially in children. (This is according to my analysis.... not too sure if it works... have not attended activity analysis yet!! ;> ) Though water-painting can express one's emotions as well but I prefer to look into the area of paediatrics. ;)
Hopefully I can get started doing my teddy bears and soft toys... will update you guys here!!!
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7:05 pm
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Your sign is in charge of education. There's nothing you love more. You see the world as your classroom and everyone you meet as a potential teacher. At the moment, however, you're craving an actual classroom, a real, live teacher and a set curriculum. Even the prospect of homework doesn't sound too bad. Obviously, it's time to sign up for some classes. Pick a subject you really want to learn, and get busy.
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12:35 am
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Yesterday in class during PPR lesson, we had some discussions whether we should tell the spouse of the a gay who are HIV positive about his condition. We had few discussions agruments over patient's confidentiality vs protecting the partner from getting infected.
Today, in CNA report, it reports that CDC will inform spouses of partners who are HIV positive.
Quoted from Dr Balaji at an ethics seminar for doctors ,
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2:06 am
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There is another death that take places in SAF today. This is the 3rd cases of the year.
I have wondered if safety measures have been taken to prevent such things from happening or is it that the physical fitness of Singaporean is dropping.
There has been many deaths reported since last year. If there are more such cases again, will parents ever entrust the safety of their children to the SAF? Will the soldiers be worried or tramatize with serving NS?
Anyway, I think I have no position to judge the above as I have never attended any BMT or Army training. Maybe my friends out there will like to comment about it?
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1:28 am
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In singapore
Please take a few minutes to think about the answers.
Guess what:
* Most of my classmates put 1985 as the year that they are born. *
*Some put 2003 and 2004 as 38th and 39th Birthday of Singapore*
Well, as for me, of course I remember the years 1819,1942, 1945, 1955, 1965,1993 and 2003.
How about you?
If you guys didn't do too well, it is time to read up more about Singapore before the National Day! ;-)
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9:17 pm
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In singapore
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8:36 pm
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Today, I feel like a kid once again!!!
Guess what I did?? I did paper making!!!
This is something that I did when I was in primary school??
Still remember that we went out for excursion to see how to make recycled papers....
Think I even tried at hm that time... but then think I almost spoil the blender... lolz
Yesh.... and today, I played with the paper mash using my hands like nobody's business....
thou it is dirty and wet... but it is fun!
Guess I'm tired now... like a kid... I want to sleep liao.... *yawn*
Good night!
BLog again maybe tml.... ;-)
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12:37 am
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Channel 8 was showing this show Destiny (梦在手里).
Tay Ping Hui played the role as Shen Jingwen in the show.
In the show, he is suave, mature and abit attitude (but to me,I think that is character!! ;-) )
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10:04 pm
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Was watching a show on channel 5......
it was toking abt sucidal...
abt ppl who do not know how to cope with depressions, stress, hopelessness.....
they think that suicidals are the best option for them....
but often than not, it causes more harm, to their loved ones and friends....
Thus, when anyone out there feel like there is no more route for you, no more hope... and you are depressed....
always remember.... there will always be others who are less fortunate than you... there are definately other solutions around.... choosing death is not a solution.
Remember, no matter how difficult times you are going through now.... your family and friends will always be there for you.....
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9:31 pm
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Sign Language training will be on next wednesday at 3pm.... Well, my lesson ends at 4pm (provided there is no PPR lesson....) and no one is going to miss the Physiology lecture.... so I guess I'm not missing it to.... but we will still miss the 1 hr of sign language training.....
haiz.... it may be worse for the next few weeks if we have PPR on that week... as our lessons will end at 5pm... then this time we will miss 2 hrs of sign language trainings.....
hmmm... actually I don't mind missing few hrs of lectures.... as I don't think I will remember and understand much thou.... lolz.... and well, I have missed 1 weeks of lessons before... lolz... I still passed thou... hehe.....
but then again..... no one is gonna miss the lesson..... so is it peer pressure that I'm gonna attend the lecture?? I dunno..... I just worried that we cannot catch up with the training and make a mess of everything....
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12:18 am
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Recently, I came to realise that I am interested in people's life stories.....
Maybe that's why I choose OT?
but then again... ... I'm already like that before I choose OT!
I'm interested in relationships of people. How and why people behave in certain ways that they behave. Even things like why such pretty/handsome person doesn't have a gf/bf.....
and things that some people go thru that I didn't.....
I enjoyed reading at people's blog... not because I'm a sadist or I enjoyed "putting my happiness onto others' pain" (direct translation from 把自己的快乐健在别人的痛苦上) but believe it or not, sometimes I can feel how the person feels... maybe because I am an emotional person? but sometimes I wonder what actually happens to the people.... I am curious... sometimes I will even think and make up a story in my mind... (wait... isn't that what OT suppose to do??)
Sometimes reading others' blog makes me think and feel how fortunate I am.... sometimes it makes me think why do I do the things that I do.... sometimes it makes me think that I am spending lesser time with my family and friends....
of course, all the reading of blogs makes me reflect on myself......
Last but not least, a blog is something to update your friends on your well-being. At least, that is why my blog is here.....
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12:19 am
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8:32 pm
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Forget to mention that I feel proud to be a Singaporean, where you see the whole parade singing National Anthem together.
But well, these are kids. I wonder if adults sing as well? Maybe some....
But definately, I sang! I missed the times when we sang National Anthem in school......
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11:38 am
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As an INFP, you are Intraverted, iNtuative, Feeling , Perceiving.This makes your primary focus on Introverted Feeling with Extraverted Intuition.
This is defined as a NF personality, which is part of Carl Jung's Idealist (Identity Seeking) type, and more specifically the Healers or Idealist
As a weblogger, you have wonderful words to express your feelings because of your idealism. Because you don't like conflict, you may be likely to make one list of links and leave it for a long time without updating for fear of offending.
For more info about me:
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3:32 am
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Hmm... went to NDP NE Show 1 just now....
Feelings kinda affected by the Red Lions...
One of them actually sustained injuries from the waist down.....
He is Master Sergeant Chua Koon San.
Though I have witness the scene, I was kinda shocked and worried... and can't really remember how he fell and injured....
but I remembered that after he fell onto the ground, he was lying there motionlessly.....
He looked so helpless.... and the medical team /medics took like 30s - 1 min before they approached him... perhaps they were waiting to see if Master Sergeant Chua could stand up on his own.... but I feel that it was far too long... he didn't move at all... after he fell....
Well, of course the show has to carry on.... But it is kinda discouraging when you see someone lying down there and the whole parade is cheering.... haiz....
The medics took a spine board with them to carry Master Sergeant Chua. This resulted me to think at that point of time whether he has injured his spine..... Thou I'm not related to this Master Sergeant Chua but I kinda worried for him......
I've always respected those who particpate in NDP.... for, they are the pride of our nation...
I always respect them for the effort that they have put in..... For, I was once part of NDP....
I feel proud to be part of the NDP and I will always be.... whether as a participant or as a spectator..... Most importantly, I'm proud to be a Singaporean!
Thus, I wonder why Singaporeans want to give up their citizenship....
Though I am not in the era where Singapore fights for its independance... its self-government, etc
but I see how Singapore grow..... I see how Singaporeans fight together during the SARS period.... how closely we worked as a nation....
Sometimes in life, we shouldn't think of what the Nation can give us but what we can give the nation!
Our 6 NE messages (if you guys can remember) :
All these can be found in http://www.moe.gov.sg/ne/aboutne/sixmsgs.htm
Now when the world is vulnerable to bombings, attacks, terrorisms....
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12:14 am
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Serene, Wendy and me helped out in the Blood Donation Drive today.....
Practically there is nothing much for us to do.
We were suppose to ask the donor to fill in some feedback forms and write down their particulars....
But it was not the last station.... wrong arrangement.....
Then Serene and I were asked to attend to a gal (A) as she was not feeling well.
Haiz.... but the doctor like cannot make it like that...
Do you know that he actually says he was "gan joing" meaning panicky in hokkien??
and he did not really know what to do???
I was like.... erm..... and in the end I suggest to him to give her some warm drink.... lolz....
dunno if it helps... but she din shivers after that....
Guess I do not want to have him as my doctor if I am in her states.....
guess she already got well.... A see you around in sch!!! ;-)
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12:47 am
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Hmm.... this is the 1st blog ever since I started my YR 2, Sem 1, Wk 1......
Things are getting on pretty fine....
btw, thanks jace for volunteering to be this year class rep!! ;-)
Hope this year will be a fine year..... the modules this sem looks interesting....
For Behaviour Science, I'm actually learning abnormal psychology, practitioner - patient relationship and behaviour and cognitive modification. These sounds interesting isn't it?
Studying topics relating to social sciences has always been my interest. Thus, hope to do well in this module.
Other then Behaviour Science, I have a counselling module which we will be taught some couselling skills. This is also one of my interest as well. Perhaps because I had counselled my friends and juniors before, I may have done a little well for my "role-play" the other day... lolz... Hmmm... well but I guess those I did in the past and what I am going to learn are alittle different. Counselling is to give them options and not advices. =)
Another interesting module will be components of occupational performance 1A. This has many parts to it. They are : Biomechnical and sensorimotor, creativity, intro to mental health and occupations as therapy.
These are very interesting, especially the lab lessons.... but sometimes not enough time to practise what has been taught during the practical sessions.
During Biomechnical and sensorimotor Lab lessons, we are suppose to locate and palpate muscles, etc on a living person. This is cool man.... as what we did last year in anatomy is "muscle man" and candavers.... but this time round.... the subject is a real human being... of course we have to try on a real human being.... who want to give treatment/therapy to a dead person anyway?
As for occupations as therapy, it was interesting.... we are learning ART as therapy.... and will be learning "caring and nuturing"
Looking forward to "caring and nurturing".....
Of course, not forgetting OTTP 2A.... where we had to do case study = PBL again.... lolz...
We were also taught mobility in Human occupations.
As for mobility, we were taught how to sit a person up from lying down aka pronation, with different level of assistance, to turn a person in bed, to shift a person up and down the bed.
I must admit that Hua Beng has very good mobility skills.... he has a very firm touch and you feel comfortable with him..... (hey... you guys don't anyhow think.... anyway if you all do not know who is Hua Beng, he is our lecturer. He showed us how to move/ shift patient and he did it to us, to let us feel how the patient should be feeling. If I were HB's pt, I will feel comfortable and have trust on him....) Guess we still have LOTS to improve if we want to have even 75% of HB's skills..
Not forgetting Dr Param with his and his neuroanatomy and neurophysiology.... hehe
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10:14 pm
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Went to watch Intitial D yesterday.... or is it this morning?? ;-)
anyway it was a midnight show.
GX and me had nothing to do and so we decided to go for a movie and.... i left my hse 10 mins!! haha....
Anyway Thanks for the movie, GX.
Actually not really interested in watching Initial D.... cos i thought that the show is good because got JAY inside.... and I'm not a person who is crazy abt stars, etc....
but after watching the show, I would say.... not bad..... the racing scenes are nice....
JAY's image in the movie is cool thou I'm not into Stars thingy.....
but it ends kinda sudden.... so i guess there might be a part 2?
Let's wait then......
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11:25 am
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I went to the weekly parade by the Juilet Batch on Friday.
Hmm... not too bad for a first timer taking over the unit.... by well, there are still room for improvement.
Still need to improve alittle more on their initiatives....
Basically not too bad la... but guess did not have enough time to debrief them... well.. as usual.... the top.... haiz... Don't want to talk about it.
Will email them things that I've not debrief on yet.....
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11:21 am
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Well, I've decided not to join SHS Club for the next Academic Year. SHS Club is not just a CCA but it is also requires alot of committment. Just take a look at the last academic year. Sad to say, the people running the show are mostly the OT Students.... Taking alook at next semster timetable, I wonder how much time I have for myself. With 8am lecture and that means I must leave my house at 6.30am and that's if I not intending to be late.... and with lessons ending at 6pm.... that means even if I have nothing on aft that, I can only reach home at 7.15pm - 7.30pm?
And in another 11 hrs time I gonna leave the hse again.... haiz.... this will be my routine for the coming semster.... then again... that's IF I have no project discussions... no research to be done..... IF not, Library will be ours again..... and that's 9pm?
Just take a look at my timetable then..... do you think I have time to Volunteer in SHS?
Now even have to solve the problem of Volunteering in NPCC.... cH has officially hand over his work to me... and that means I not only have to guide the Cadets but also the instructors. With my elective ending at 5pm on Friday, how am I suppose to Volunteer myself?? And my instructors cannot make it as well.... Well, it's all 5-day week fault...
And sometimes, it is not that we don't want to volunteer.. but volunteers also need to study and/or work.... therefore, our only free time is SAT.... Volunteers are willing to turn up on weekends... but the rest? think that is sth that really needs to be solve.... if not, there may not be many volunteers left.
Guess, there's a will, there's a way..... but then, there's always a limit to how much a person can volunteer.....
There's always priorities..... things that are Far more impt... like earning money to pay for expenses and school fees and stuff....
As the saying goes,
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1:45 am
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In volunteerism