God didn't promise days without pain, laughter without sorrow, sun without rain, but He did promise strength for the day, comfort for the tears, and light for the way. And ME to share all the pain, laughter, tears, sorrow,happiness, sun and rain with you! Let us endure all the 暴风雨 and 彩虹 together!

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Letting Go... ...

In life, sometimes we have to learn to let go. To some, letting go is difficult because you may have spent so much time and effort in that person/work/situation/life. Letting go is difficult because the road before you gets cloudy or blurred and you do not know how to walk the road anymore.

Is there something that you guys hold on tightly that you do not know whether to let go or not? Even letting go requires alot of courage and determination. We know about letting go of job, letting go of a friendship/relationship, letting go of opportunity, etc.

How about letting go of your life? I guess this require alot of courage to do that as well.

God bless my ex-adult client who has decided to choose this path after days and 2 weeks of struggle. I will always remember the good times during therapy, where we chatted anything under the sun from food to technology to soccer to places in Singapore/overseas, etc. You displayed the strong determination in therapy despite other medical conditions that you had. Though the last journey of yours was tough, you still displayed your strong willpower to survive, before you decided to make the decision to allow your family to LET YOU GO.

I pray that the road will lead you to a place with happiness and no sufferings for you. May you have internal peace and you will always be remembered in our hearts.

From this incident, I learnt that we should cherish our time with our loved ones and hestitate no more to say how much we care for each other and love each other, before it is too late. Though birth, aging, sickness and death is part and parcel of life, we will never know when it will occur and how long it will be. Before we know it, it might be too late to regret.


3 comments (click to comment):

Cyren Asteraceya said...

When faced with the issue of Death, I honestly do not know how to react. I'd imagine there would be equal ammounts of anxiety and wondour. Perhaps some fear even.

But a close friend of mine told me once, that for her, it felt suprisingly liberating. It was like she no longer had to care about what other people thought. And for the first time, in her life, she was free.

Free from society, free from expectations, free from constraint. She could do anything and everything she wanted, and she did.


Eileen said...

Well, death has different meaning to different people.

Like you say, some death may mean freedom.... while to some, they feared them.

What comes may. All of us do faced death sooner or later. Esp. when you are growing older. We will start to see we will attend funerals more often.

That is part and parcel of life I guess.


missX said...

I dreamt of the death of my loved one once, and it scared me...

Reality would be more frightening!

Death and goodbyes are hard, I know.