God didn't promise days without pain, laughter without sorrow, sun without rain, but He did promise strength for the day, comfort for the tears, and light for the way. And ME to share all the pain, laughter, tears, sorrow,happiness, sun and rain with you! Let us endure all the 暴风雨 and 彩虹 together!

Friday, September 23, 2005

It just don't worth the effort

Before I start to complain of what happened during my Entrepreneurship Presentation, I would like to thank those who tried to wake me up..... thanks theresa for giving me the morning call!!! I was up at 7am already... but fell asleep again after messaging my classmate....

Not forgetting the kind soul who said that he would call me.. but doesn't have my number.... ;p
Thanks guys!!! I really appreciate that!!

As the title goes, It just don't worth the effort.........
After burning 1 day during the term break and 1 weekend @ char's house..... not forgetting the intense research that we did and the burning of midnight oil to touch up for the presentation - total of 52 slides, the search for our blazers, pants and skirts in order to look presentable for the presentation..... your " your time is up" stops us from presenting.... it is not the content I am talking about... but is the effort..... the student's effort.....

We were supposed to be given 15 mins of presentation but you cut it into 10 mins of presentation and 5 mins of Q&A only told to us at the day of presentation. Never mind about that..... but WTH are you taking our 1o mins of presentation to ask questions?? Can't you just leave it to the 5 mins Q&A?? Can you guys just imagine that we only presented like 10 slides out of the 52 that we had?? Just because the lecturer stopped us and asked us question?? And there was a little technical fault in the beginning.... and we wasn't compensated for even a minute....

The 10-min presentation for each group got shorter and shorter..... unlike the first few groups who presented.... they were given the full 10-mins.... and well... these people who presented first consists of certain people related to this lecturer. I can't help but think there might be some kind of bias here.... but well... in the end, I decided to give him some benefit of doubt. Perhaps it all goes back to expectations..... Maybe like what Char and CY said, perhaps he just want innovative stuff instead of all the marketing stuff.... but how can 1 don't feel the way I feel when you are only given 10 minutes of presentation, with 6 members in your group and it is 50% of my whole module!!!

Out of the 6 members in our group, only 3 people presented.

Anyway, since WE did the presentation for US and NOT for YOU, it doesn't really matters much now..... so long we know that we did put in our best.....

In the first place, there wasn't much good impression of you and respect for you WHO pick up your calls when you were lecturing and left halfway to attend to the call w/o apologizing after that...... yes... we are student.... but shouldn't YOU showed us respect as well? does being a lecturer gives him the previlage to do so? I don't think so....

How about leaving a whole LT of students in the LT when you said you or another lecturer will be back but never return after that? Where is all the sense of responsiblities that as a educator should show?

After this, there is still a 2000 word (40%) report to write.....
We are going to PROVE you that we had done our research well.....

Because of this, I didn't have my breakfast or lunch till 4+ where we went out of the LT and went to the North canteen to eat....

Well, though we were disappoint about how the lecturer handled this presentation, it did not damp down our spirit.

We went on to take photos of us in business suit.... it is a rare chance to wear such attire as we don't really need to be so formal in our other presentations...... Photos will be up after S send it to me... ;p

I seriously think that you have a problem with your time mgt.... perhaps you should see an OT because you have a problem in your job performance as a lecturer....

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