God didn't promise days without pain, laughter without sorrow, sun without rain, but He did promise strength for the day, comfort for the tears, and light for the way. And ME to share all the pain, laughter, tears, sorrow,happiness, sun and rain with you! Let us endure all the 暴风雨 and 彩虹 together!

Saturday, September 03, 2005

Creative Activity , Crea-tivity

Creativity Assignments to be handed up on Monday, 09 00hrs......

Guess it will be too boring for you guys if I were to tell you what I will be writing in my assignment.... so I am not going to do so... but well, this time round, we don't have to follow the NYP Presentation Guidelines!!!! But I guess, still have to do in-text citation and references.....
so.. I am going to present my assignment in a scrap book format.... printed the pictures of my soft toys... just need to finish up my written assignment and get it printed outside (no more ink @ home) and gonna cut and paste into the "man-made" scrap book that is half-way done.... and so coincidently that the construction paper is called/branded "Creativity paper".

Below are the photos of the "soft toy" that I have done... wanted to do teddy bears one... but too time consuming.... but well.. one is on the way... but I think I am not gonna to include that for my assignment. The bear still lack a body, 2 legs, 2 arms and 2 forarms.....

P.S: Please feel free to give any comments too....

My 1st product: an ugly fish

(made with banner cloth and stuffed with TOILET PAPERs)

2nd product: X-factor?

(no lah.... it's my inital.. XL.... didn't do the L thou)

3rd product: Blue heart with pink love

4th product: Pinky E with Blue Evelyn

5th product: Orangy A with brown Adrian

Anyway, if you all didn't know, from product 2 onwards, I uses felt and stuffed them with some wool type material... not exactly know what is the material...

Product 1 is stuffed with toilet paper and made with cloth is based on the assumption that client does not know about sewing and needs to explore on it 1st, without knowing what material to use,etc....

P.S: The last 2 weren't meant to be part of my creativty assignment. They were made as token of appreciation in mind in the first place.... but I came to realize that I have nothing much to write if I do not include them in....

The therapeutic potential in the last two can be self-expression, which I can add into my report. Then I can say that by doing it for someone in mind to give to, it can provide intrinsic motivation for the clients and thus increase the rate of recovery. =p

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