God didn't promise days without pain, laughter without sorrow, sun without rain, but He did promise strength for the day, comfort for the tears, and light for the way. And ME to share all the pain, laughter, tears, sorrow,happiness, sun and rain with you! Let us endure all the 暴风雨 and 彩虹 together!

Monday, July 25, 2005

Goals in Life

I was watching the drama Destiny aka "梦在手里" on channel 8, and Tay Ping Hui was talking about what are his goals in life, what is happiness to him. He was saying something like

"Happiness is having a good coffee to drink, a good book to read and good friends for company."
This strikes me to think about what are my goals in life. Come to think about it, I did not really give deep thoughts about it for more than 2 decades of my life. Since I'm turning 21 soon, I guess it is time for me to think about it.

Well, I do agree with Mr Tay, just that I don't really read books... ;p

Life is fine, so long a person is contented with what he/she has.
One of my favourite quotes,

"I complained that I have no shoes, until I see someones with no legs."

But of course, one must have the desire to improve.

I think my goals at the current moment is to do well in my studies and graduate without signing any 1 or 2 years plan with the poly, so that I can go out to work and support my parents.
Sometimes it is really annoying to see that my brother is still taking money from my mother despite him already stepping into the working society.

So much so about my current goals.

What about my Future goals?

Well, hopefully I can make a difference in people lifes and make Singapore a better place to live in, especially for the less fortunate.

Of course, to get married someday and have children of my own. = )
Isn't this the dreams of all, if not most girls?

Well, at the current moment, I am living with this in mind,
"Living my life to the fullest."

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