God didn't promise days without pain, laughter without sorrow, sun without rain, but He did promise strength for the day, comfort for the tears, and light for the way. And ME to share all the pain, laughter, tears, sorrow,happiness, sun and rain with you! Let us endure all the 暴风雨 and 彩虹 together!

Sunday, July 24, 2005


今天当我看 <<真情>> 的时候, 不尽让我想起去年那段 << 月涉瞳行>> 的旅程.

虽然真正的 << 月涉瞳行>> 是在去年的十二月, 可是我们在二,三月时已经开始筹备了. 从 Adventurers 的面试到 Adventurers 的归纳营 (Induction Camp), Facilitators' Camp, Venturers' 的归纳营(Induction Camp), 到各个地方收集旧报纸和旧衣服, 等等. 更没忘记我们得自己为自己的费用筹款.

Yi Ting 是我们的其中一个领导. 自然的, 我们也不知不觉地参加其他项目的筹备活动, 例如: JPC, National Camp, Charity Adventure, etc.

当然的, 大家的感情也变得更好. 可是,很可惜的, 有些却因为合作关系不好而失去了友谊.

<< 月涉瞳行>> 的旅程中, 也是如此. 有些的友谊变得更坚固, 有些却疏远了. 我想, 这就是人生吧.

有些人是我们生命中的过路客, 而有些也只是我们生命中的搭客, 他们有一天也会中途从我们的生命中下站. 哪, 能陪伴我们我们坐到终站的人, 又有几人?

将来的事, 大家都不晓得. 我们到不如珍惜现在.
至少将来我会说, " 我从来没有后悔过."

当然的, 我还是要谢谢那些已经从我生命中下站的人, 和我生命中的过路客. 因为如果没有你们, 就没有现在的我. 希望你们现在都过得很好.
而现在在我的生命中的搭客们, 你们愿不愿意和我一起坐完人身的旅程呢?

2 comments (click to comment):

Anonymous said...

It's balance. You lose some and at the same time, gain some =) I do hate the fact that some ppl walk out of my life. But I ask myself "have i walk out of other's life too?" Well, we might have inadvertently done it. dear doggie, I've been thinking about this since we had our gathering on Friday too. Great minds think alike =)

Eileen said...

Hmm... thou some ppl may have walk out of our lifes, maybe it made us realize more about ourselves and others. But of course, it would be good if we can learn and still keep the bond. But... the world doesn't stop for any of us. It will still revolves. We just have the memories and experiences for us to keep.... whether good or bad, it is an asset.