God didn't promise days without pain, laughter without sorrow, sun without rain, but He did promise strength for the day, comfort for the tears, and light for the way. And ME to share all the pain, laughter, tears, sorrow,happiness, sun and rain with you! Let us endure all the 暴风雨 and 彩虹 together!

Monday, November 27, 2006

Last week of clinicals

This is going to be the last week of clinicals.

And I am going to see the kids for the last time. I have prepared some gifts for them.

Oh, there is this very sweet parent who got me a christmas gift. She was worried that she won't be seeing me again as she won't be coming the next 2 weeks. So, she gave me in advance.

Thanks for the gift. I have never expect a gift from anyone.

Oh.... there was another cheeky boy......

I was telling his mother that this week will be my last time seeing his son.... and he told the son that the coming week will be my last session with him..... and he asked me when I went near him,

"Next week your last episode ah?"

Following that, he asked:
"Will you miss me?"
Then the mother asked him if I will miss him.
The boy replied something like this,
"She will miss me."
Then cheeky me asked,
"Will you miss me?"

Cheeky boy will always be a cheeky boy.....

He said,
"No." but turning his face away, with a smile.
FYI he is just a 2+ turning 3 boy.....

In another session,

I was telling another parent the same thing.... and this time round, my client is a little gal.
Her reply was she will miss me..... gal will always be more thoughful and sweeter than boys... =)

Monday, November 20, 2006

Learners and Teachers

I was talking to Luppy regarding some learning and teaching stuff, and this phrase that I read somewhere came out from me into the MSN conversation:

"If someone cannot learn the way we teach them, maybe we should teach the way that they learn best."

Maybe, educators should try to teach the way that learners learn best. But on the other hand, if that is the case, learners will not try to initiate their own learning as they will know that educators will provide all for them.

Thus, in conclusion, there should always be a balance of both. =)

Monday, November 13, 2006

Dream of a seagull

My foot does not separate from the ground;
I'm simply afraid,
I'm afraid to fly to the sky.
Because I'm used to the ground,
Sky is an unfamiliar place.

Don't I have the wings?
Don't I have the dream of before?
Am I not the dreamer,
The dreamer of before?

- From Korean Drama, Goong

CRD over @ my clincial placement

My CRD is finally over @ clincial placement.....

Not too bad.... quite okay la.....

Just got to make some changes regarding the comments that the clinicians made and also update on the assessment that I have conducted today!

14 more days to go!

Gambatte OTties!

Wednesday, November 08, 2006


在这段的实习期间,心情象潮水般,此起彼伏 。。。
有时高潮,有时低潮 。。。
看的小孩的情绪也象天气般的变幻莫测 。。。
有时却又晴天霹雳 ,下起了一场大雨 。。。


“ 阳光总在风雨后 。。。 。。。”