Saturday, September 30, 2006
Friday, September 29, 2006
Man of my dreams - From emode
Xiu Ling, A Secret Agent is the man of your dreams
Mystery and intrigue — it's not just for action-adventure movies. It's what you are looking for in life and love. From spontaneous weekend getaways to notes stuck in your jean pockets, you love being surprised and appreciate the extra thought and effort that goes into making it happen.
That's why a secret agent could steal your heart — he's got what it takes to change the world, but he's not about to go around shouting about it. But don't worry, your secret's safe with us. Shhhh.
Courtesy of Emode
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6:05 pm
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Emotional IQ Report
The above chart shows where you fall on the Emotional IQ scale compared to others. You scored higher than 96% of other test takers.
Your Emotional IQ measures how well your emotions guide you towards smart decisions. In fact, increasingly, researchers are pointing to Emotional IQs as better indicators of overall success in life than traditional IQ tests alone. Healthy relationships and flourishing careers are impossible without interacting successfully with others. Even someone who possesses a genius Intellectual Quotient (IQ) can miss out on the wisdom that comes from understanding another human being.
What makes Tickle's Emotional IQ test more comprehensive than others, is that we structured the test to actually isolate different interpersonal skills and how well you use them to your benefit.
As such, each of your scores on the 4 emotional intelligence dimensions, Perception, Expression, Empathy, and Emotional Management, are independent of one another, despite the fact that only in combination do they yield your true EIQ.
That also means that you can score high on all dimensions, low on all dimensions, and any permutation in between. There are plenty of reasons to understand where your strengths and weakness lie. In so doing, you can play to your strengths and work on improving your skills on all the dimensions.
As we noted in your initial results, your emotional strength, or the dimension on which you scored the highest is Empathy. For an in-depth look at those dimensions, read on about your Emotional IQ profile.
The perception scale
You scored 6 out of 10 on the perception scale.
You are fairly adept at picking up on non-verbal cues. You're relatively sensitive to subtleties in people's expressions and gestures, and, in most cases, can feel out the "vibe" of a situation. However, there are times you've missed signals which is why you could still stand to spend more time honing your powers of perception.
For example, if you noticed someone glancing at their watch during a conversation, you may or may not be aware of the various signals this action could be sending. The time checker could be anxious to end the conversation — or they could just be checking the time. You'd want to look for further signs — perhaps the tone of their voice, whether or not they're focusing on you or are distracted — to get at the meaning of their gesture.
Chances are, you would have interpreted the situation correctly. However, there are times when you may have missed this person's cues that signaled they were in a hurry and perhaps did not have time to chat with you. As a result, they may have been annoyed by your attempts to prolong the conversation.
The underlying messages of people's behavior are sometimes complex and inaccessible to us. As a result, it's always best to pay equal attention to what is being said and what is not being said. The goal is not to focus on just one aspect of non-verbal communication but to integrate all the signals to increase your perceptiveness.
The expression scale
You scored 6 out of 10 on the expression scale.
Your score indicates that you are relatively comfortable in expressing your emotions. However, you are not as open with your emotions as you could be and may even be embarrassed to acknowledge or express them. You are fairly in tune with both your conscious and unconscious feelings and why you are feeling a particular way.
For example, if you'd been working for a promotion at work you might have been confiding in a close co-worker about wanting a certain position. Then, a couple days later you might learn the position you'd wanted has been given to your co-worker! Although rationally you understand she wasn't vying for the position behind your back and it was a matter of circumstance that she got the position over you, you still feel disappointment and anger.
Chances are, because you are someone who is relatively comfortable expressing emotions, you probably won't hide your disappointment because it's not "rational." Instead, you might realize this is a situation that needs to be addressed between the two of you. You know that ignoring this touchy situation could breed resentment further down the road. Simply put, you have a need to clear the air. Whether you do this effectively or sensitively is another story, but the point is you do not waste energy protecting yourself from what you feel.
Sometimes people mistakenly equate being self-aware or relying on your emotions for your responses as a sign of weakness. This may be a problem for you. In the above example, it might be hard for you to express disappointment to your co-worker because it shows you have a vulnerable side, that you felt hurt.
However, you are self-aware enough to understand that all the intellectualizing and rationalizing in the world cannot erase your discontent. After all, you recognize you will be compromising your happiness if don't tend to your emotional needs.
The empathy scale
You scored a 9 out of 10 on the empathy scale.
You respond to others with your heart and soul. People sense your genuineness and commitment to being a compassionate person. You are able to not only observe other people's situations, but also understand the importance of empathizing instead of criticizing. You are not one to put down others simply to boost your own self-esteem, and that's because you're good at putting yourself in other people's shoes.
You are astute enough to know that sometimes you won't have all the information about another person you need to make a fair judgment of them or their actions. You acknowledge that you don't know their background, their personal or financial situation, or another key element that might be driving them to do something a certain way.
You wisely realize this, and therefore can look at people in a forgiving light — at least until you're able to process all the information you need to make an educated and fair assessment of the situation. You also realize that you, too, might come under scrutiny by other people and will want them to think about the true motivations behind your actions and realize that circumstances may drive you to act differently than you normally would.
You also have a capacity to understand actions you yourself don't condone or agree with. It is your ability to see many sides of an issue that allows you to do so. All of us need people in our lives who honor our individuality and imperfections.
The emotional management scale
You scored a 8 out of 10 the emotional management scale.
Most of the time you recognize that feeling emotions and acting upon them are two separate things. Whether you believe that all emotions and moods need to be experienced as they occur, or that emotions and moods need to be channeled into something beneficial, you see yourself in charge of how your emotions will impact your life. Although you are fairly adept at this skill, there are probably times when you've acted too quickly.
Ideally, emotions should serve as a guide, not a dictator, for our behavior. Sometimes feelings can be so strong that they hijack our stability and good sense. Fortunately you understand that balance is the key here.
You have a sense that managing your emotions and psychologically taking care of yourself are critical life skills. You are aware that although you may not be able to control the type of emotion you experience or when you experience it, you do have control over its duration and the extent to which it controls your behavior. Putting this realization into practice is sometimes hard for you, but it's one you're most likely dedicated to.
Courtesy of Emode
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4:41 pm
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Passion - You have it!
My horoscope for the day (I know I should be either sleeping/ studying now.... cos exams just 8 hrs away..... anyway.... )
The Bottom LineSo... I am here to advocate.....
Seek controversy -- and play devil's advocate to encourage people to be passionate.
In Detail
If you've been looking for inspiration lately, get with your wackiest friends or family. Surround yourself with the people who look at the world from an odd angle, and you'll be able to see things in a whole new way, too. Seek controversy today -- play devil's advocate as often as you can. You'll encourage people to be passionate about what they believe -- and passion can be contagious. Before you know it, you'll be struck by it.
To all who don't really feels that you have the passion or is lossing your passion, don't give up. Wait and see. I believe that you all have the passion, just that it is not overt enough and the timing is not right for you to be passionate about!
Believe in yourself.... do not care what others say or did to you.... don't let others influence you.... or be affected by what ppl say.... just do what is RIGHT!
Time will tell! Jiayou!
(*but can be influence by me..... +ve ones of course.... can ignore the -ve ones.... lol)
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1:47 am
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Thursday, September 28, 2006
Hard work and sacrifice is the name of the game.
In Jenna M. Lefever 's Occupational therapy: “The possibilities are endless”, it says "Hard work and sacrifice is the name of the game." Though in the article it is referring to the OT majors in Elizabethtown, I believe it is also applicable to us.
Since we are in the midst or our exams, 大家加油吧!
"Hard work and sacrifice is the name of the game."
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2:36 am
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In inspirational, ot0401
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
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11:25 pm
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合:oh you light up my life
oh—you light up my life
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7:47 pm
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Boredom in the Library
These are the things that we will do when we get bored studying in the library:
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4:10 pm
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In ot0401
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
At the end of the day
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9:29 pm
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Disappointed: SMD
Sensory motor dsyfunction prac is over FINALLY....
But I know I am way below expectations..... with so many practises for the past few days, I shouldn't be performing at this level.....
Haiz.... maybe because I expects alot from myself for this prac, and thus increases my stress level which has affected my performance....
More papers to come..... OTs.... lets us all 加油吧!
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2:15 pm
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Monday, September 25, 2006
Thanks for being the magic
Ever since we came to be, you were always there for me
I hear you breathe I see you smile
You have made my life worthwhile
It's your warmth your beautiful touch
It makes me remember so much
Of the pleasure I treasure, so thank you I must
No matter when, no matter where I may go
You know my heart will always stay
For you are here, I know you always will be
It's all because the magic is you
I've had dreams they seemed unreal
I've had hope they gave me zeal
But dreams came true and hopes unfurled
My island's grown into a world
They've been days of laughter and pain
But tears and memories will remain
We have grown here together, let's keep it that way
The above is dedicated to you who are always there for me.
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8:25 pm
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Sunday, September 24, 2006
Jokes of the day night
Last night, ZR, H2O and me, we went to New York Pizza for dinner.
There were lots of people. The crews seemed busy. So we waited patiently to order our food.
Then, one of the 2, excitedly said,
"Hey.... got NYP cheese fries leh......"
Me: (confused.... and thinking hard..... looked around..... smiled) eh.... you look at this (pointing to the signboard)
Me: "NYP = New York Pizza and not Nanyang Polytechnic."
2nd joke:
Crew: "what drinks would you all like to have?"
Me: " Can I have ice-lemon tea please?"
H2O: " Can I changed to root beer?"
Crew:"I'm sorry. We only have pepsi."
Us: "..........."
3rd joke of the day:
(after we have paid for the food and it was already 9pm.)
Crew:"I'm afraid you have to wait for 1 hr."
Us: "........."
Us:"Do you provide delivery sevice?"
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4:46 pm
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Thursday, September 21, 2006
4 s can make a difference to one's life.....
I think I am going to re-take.....
"It does not matter how long you took, so long you reach your destination."(Wong, 2001)
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11:43 pm
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In introspectives, 发牢骚
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
Long day
I can't imagine me still in my FYP discusion at this point of time.... long day
It is really disgusting lar... ... We are less than 2 weeks away from exams, 9 days to be exact and we have yet to prepare for it....
And Tuesday is going to be Sesory-motor dysfunction practical....
Friday handling in FYP proposal and we are still in the process of editing..... don't know how many times le.... Monday got to hand in biomech prac report...... with so many things to complete.... where got time to study..... this is not me only lor..... it is the whole cohert thing la...
And I have missed 2 times of my NAPFA training le..... haiz.... with the RATE I am going to flunk and not reached my standards.
It is all personal expectations......
Now only depends on,
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2:00 am
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In 发牢骚
Monday, September 18, 2006
Lost and Found
I've found a Motorola phone in the library, on my way to the toilet. It was under the chair.
Though it was good to keep it, but I didn't as I know that the owner must have been very anxious over the lost of his/her phone. I have been one too but never lucky enough to recover it back.
It is not the losing of the phone per se BUT is the importance of the contents and the contacts in the phone... ...
Just hope that when people received the help of others and continue to help others, all of us will be able to retrieve back our phones when we lost them.
(But this doesn't promote a person to be careless to misplace his/her phone though.)
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8:52 pm
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Easy Way Out
Sometimes some people just do the easy way out for themselves, without considering that others have the same issues/situations as them.
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7:21 pm
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Fall Prevention Education for the Elderlys from the Lion Befriender
Last saturday, we had to educate the elderlys from the Lion Befrienders on fall prevention.
Thought as OTs, we have done alot of such educations, but this is my 1st time presenting in HOKKIEN......
If you think presenting in mandarin using powerpoint was tedious (for those who get used to presenting in English).... how about presenting it in dialects?
wow.... at first I thought of just translating what the mandarin speaker (H2O) was saying, so I didn't prepare a speech of what to say (was too tired the day before and slpt before 10am)...
BUT, to my dismay, I had to present to the whole crowd at my first session in Hokkien!!! argh....
But luckily, there wasn't much of a problem la... lol....
And to make my day, an elderly said:
" You look like malay. You got very big and nice eyes. You looked very sweet! If I have a camera, I would like to take a photo with you!"
So sweet right?? haha.... but when H2O heard that.... she wanted to puke... haha... =) But you don't mind right? cos
" Those who mind, does not matter and those who matter doesn't mind..... "
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1:52 pm
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Unlucky day
Sequence of unlucky things happened:
- my alarm didn't ring.... it was set at 7pm instead of 7am. (woke up at 8.30am)
- took a cab - PIE was jammed and it costs me $18.00!
- late for handing in Mgt report that was dued at 9am
- late for Biomech assessment with the particpant (thanks my grp members for being so understanding....)
- My NYP supervisor for FYP postpone our meeting with her again... ...
What a day to start with... ...
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1:45 pm
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In 发牢骚
Sunday, September 17, 2006
This is not good
Exams are just around the corner and I have not yet started to revise at all....
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11:34 pm
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In 发牢骚
Thursday, September 14, 2006
For those who has been watching 我叫金三顺 (My Lovely Samsoon) and you didn't know much about the main actor, his name is Hyun Bin (金泰平).
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12:32 am
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Mgt report..... 18 sept
NAPFA Test - 7 more days to go..... and today went to train with lukewarmcoffee.... and my timing for 2.4km sucks.... argh.....
FYP proposal .... 22 sept
Sensory-motor dysfunction practical has been brought forward 2 days..... 25 or 26 Sept
1st jump for clinical reasoning exam..... 29 sept
biomech exam..... 2 oct
psychosocial dysfunction exam..... 3 oct
socio of work exam ..... 4 oct
play and school exam ..... 5 oct
3rd jump for clinical reasoning .... 6 oct
Aiyo.... exams so packed.... where got time to for 2nd JUMP..... later got to JUMP of building le sia.... haha
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12:03 am
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Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Happy Teachers' Day - A late post
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1:35 am
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Tuesday, September 12, 2006
MSN is down
okay... MSN is down.....
Seems like everyone cannot log in to MSN..... suppose to be discussing for MGT presentation tml..... but not everyone can come online to discuss....
I logged in using web messenger..... after trying for at least 1 hr to log in to my windows live messenger....
haiz.... guess only can discuss tml....
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12:36 am
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In computer
Monday, September 11, 2006
Happy Birthday Dad!
Though I know dad never get to read this (he don't know how to use comp...)
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11:44 pm
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Sunday, September 10, 2006
Share a Meal with U @ Thong Teck Home for Senior Citizens
Just helping to get volunteers......
The main aim of the project is to create and raise public awareness of acts of kindness through food sharing session with the elderly. This sharing session is a collaboration between Singapore Kindness Movement and Kampong Ubi CCMC.
Some homes offer vegetarian meals for their residents only due to MOH rules and regulations but in fact, not all residents are vegetarian and they do like to have non-vegetarian food at times. Thus, at the first Home of this project, we will be sharing with Thong Teck Homes for Senior Citizens where 180 in-house residents and 20 day-care patients will get to enjoy a special Dinner (catering of food is arranged by the Home).
Details as follows:
Date : Saturday, 23rd September 2006
Time : 2 to 7pm
Venue : Thong Teck Homes for Senior Citizens located at 91 Geylang East Ave 2, Singapore 389759 (within walking distance from Aljunied MRT station, near to the National Library)
Interested parties, pls leave me a message or get back to the organizer (Chan Ling Chee) at
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11:35 pm
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In volunteerism
Just for Laugh - Doctor and apple
In a conversation with our Ms "chiobu" last week, about her habit of eating apple daily.....
Cheekly me: "Oh, you will not have doctor as your boyfriend."
Her: "Why?"
Cheekly me: "Oh, 'cos an apple a day, keeps the doctor away."
Her: "....... "
Her: "maybe I should start eating oranges...."
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6:21 pm
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Thirteen disabled young artists visit Singapore Biennale to seek inspiration
In yesterday's news, thirteen disabled young artists visit Singapore Biennale to seek inspiration....
Being autistic, deaf, wheelchair-bound or handicapped is not going to stop these young artists from creating works of beauty.
They are in Singapore for three days to visit the various sites of the Singapore Biennale to get ideas for their own creations.
Selected works of these artists will be auctioned off at the Credit Suisse Gala Dinner, proceeds will then go to Very Special Arts Singapore so that other disabled artists will have access to funds to pursue their works.
(extracted from Channelnewsasia)
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3:39 pm
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In disability, talents
Learning to let go
Sharing what we have is a beautiful way of relating to others.
Our friendship are much enhanced by the quality of generosity.
Even more significantly, the cultivation of non-greed becomes a strong force for liberation.
What keeps us bound is desire and grasping in our minds.
As we practice giving, we learn to let go.- Joseph Goldstein
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2:49 pm
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Man and boat
If a man is crossing a riverAnd an empty boat collides with his own skiffEven though he be a bad-tempered manHe will not become very angryBut if he sees a man in a boat,He will shout at him to steer clearIf his shout is not hear,He will shout againAnd yet again, and begin cursingAnd all because there is somebody in the boatYet if the boat was empty,He would not be shoutingAnd would not be angryIf you can empty your own boatCrossing the river of the world,No one will oppose youNo one will seek to harm you- Chung Tzu
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2:40 pm
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Saturday, September 09, 2006
A Nation in Concert: Many People, Once Voice
Today, I went to watch a play/show (drama, song and dance) @ Esplanade Concert Hall.....
"If you don't help people when you can, you cannot expect people to help you when you need them."
- It has educated the public to see the minority as people with talents and ablities rather than their disablities.
- It has empowered the minority to allow them to showcase their talents... to allow them to contribute to the society as well.... and to empower them to educate the public....
- For me personally, it has enriched my life.... and as a volunteer myself, it has inspired me to continue to serve the community....
I really enjoyed the show very much.... and it is my 1st show in the Esplanade Concert Hall!!!!
AND I am very proud of myself and my classmates that we have decided to watch this show...
The Occupational-Therapists-To-Be @ A Nation in Concert:

*argh... my hair is soo messy.... lol....*
Anyway, applaud to all the volunteers who made this a success..... ;)
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11:49 pm
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Visit by Japanese OT Students

Another photo
Group photo with the Japanese Students
OT Yr 3 Students (not all, just some) with the Japanese students
Me, Behind the fan with S and WT

A photo with H2O's hostee....


In the Esplanade
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12:40 am
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Friday, September 08, 2006
Patience, persistence and perspiration
Patience, persistence and perspiration make an unbeatable combination for success.- Napoleon Hill, American author, 1883- 1970
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9:12 pm
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In quote
Clinical Education Preference
Today, had a discussion with THL for CE preference... ...
okay... HL mistaken me for another person... luckily I brought it up.... cos the descriptions of the performances for one of the CEs doesn't sounds like me....
That aside, I told HL that I wanted to try an acute neuro placement as well as pediatrics placement....
Well, as I haven't have my mental health placement, I was thinking of having it in IMH IF I have a community setting in 3B....
But if I am given an acute neuro placement in 3B.... I hope to have a community-mental health-pediatrics placement.....
AND I applied for overseas placement too.....I have applied for Penang (pediatrics) for CE3C..... Although I think my chances of getting it is highly unlikely..... BUT I do not want to regret for not trying....
For it is better that:
"I tried and fail" than "I failed to try"
As even if I didn't get it.... at least I tried and I won't regret and it won't harm in anyway too.... =)
Well, I know my GPA is relatively average (or rather low).... but hopefully all my CE grades help....
See how thing goes ba.....
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8:44 pm
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Sagittarius Horoscope for the day
The Bottom Line
Share your thoughts with the person who intrigues you most and see how they react.
In Detail
If you're ready to push things in a new direction in the romantic realm of your life, today is the perfect day. Share your thoughts with the person who intrigues you most and see how they react. Total honesty is required if you want to do this right, so don't be afraid to fully disclose how you're feeling. After all, if you're going to trust them with your heart, you have to start trusting them with your feelings. The sooner you have this discussion, the sooner you'll know your chances.
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12:17 am
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In love
Thursday, September 07, 2006
Free dramas/ movies download online
Hi all,
Strongly recommend you guys to go to this website.
Esp. for those who watch hk, korean and japanese movies and dramas......
= )
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11:09 pm
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In drama, entertainments, japanese movie, korean drama, movie
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Busy Week
It has been a busy week.... I think I need time to rest after this friday's play and school presentation.....
Updates for the week....
3 sept
Attended Wendy's bday...... sorry wendy... i guess we have been busy playing around ourselves and taking photos instead of playing the game that you planned for us.... But we really enjoyed ourselves.... hehe....
Glad that your parents didn't find us too noisy and crazy..... but rather interesting and fun!!! haha.... OTs are FUN people mah.... hehe....
4 sept
Oh.... I got some injuries while trying to do WHEELIE on a STANDARD WHEELCHAIR with HIGH ARM-REST during some movie analysis..... haha.... but it is fine la.... eh.... just some ruptures of some of the small blood vessels i think.... but no pain la... hehe... what to do? too short la.... then armrest too high for my hands le...
Went over to H2O's hse..... cos she is hosting a jap OT student.... help H2O together to entertain him.... supposingly no one is going to Night Safari.... but in the end.... like everyone's going....
But in the end, it was cancelled cause it was raining..... then we brought him to see Merlion.... ;)
I want to go NIGHT SAFARI!!!! Anyone wants to go??? hehe....
5 - 6 Sept
Tired days..... project discussions.... food to keep me awake.... sorry pals if I had "doze" off for a few seconds..... really really tired.... =p
2 more days to weekends......
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8:37 pm
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Monday, September 04, 2006
Before I forget
Thanks for your help LPK. Really appreciates it. =)
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12:06 am
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Sunday, September 03, 2006
Term Break over soon
Before I knew it, holidays are over soon....
it is too short for us to reflect on ourselves and recuperate....
And 3 more weeks to exams..... and then off for clinicals...
Time passed really fast....
i need rest!!!
* I am going Night Safari tml!!! *
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11:47 pm
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In 发牢骚
Saturday, September 02, 2006
This is a nice show.... don't know how many episodes liao..... but total there are 30.... caught the show on and off....
But it is really nice... maybe I'll catch it when I more free..... or does anyone has the VCDs? haha...
Anyway, it's on channel U, 5-7pm every sat......
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11:11 pm
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Search Blog
"How did you manage to find my blog?"
Confirming whether a blog belongs to a particular person requires dectective work... haha... No one keyword confirms it 100%...... e.g. though I am doggiegal.... it does not means that belongs to me....
it requires linking all the things that a person blogs and to how much you know abt a particular person... whether these things match.... haha...
maybe sometimes it is even harder when a person online is different from who he/she is in reality....
Google is easy.... comfirming is not....
And I have "googled" and found some of my friends' blogs by chance.... don't worry... your blog addresses will be safe with me...
anyway, you won't know I know your blogs if I only read your blogs but don't comments....
Just like I won't know who visits my blog... but I roughly have an idea.... and my 6th sense... ;p I have quite strong ESP wor... lolz...
To all who blogs.... be careful of what you blogs... cause anything that you blog can be found using "keywords".......
To all who doesn't blog, try to google your name.... don't be surprise if you see many websites/ blogs that has your name (and it is you... not some other people that has the same name as you...)
It's true.... cause I always have people who come to my blog (by chance... not looking for my blog... but entered....) using keywords like ot0401, occupational therapy, nyp, and even google using my classmates' name!!! haha... it is scary isn't it?
Well, I even have ppl using lecturers name to search stuff and ended up in my blog!!!
Luckily I nv really talk bad about lecturers.... haha....
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10:33 pm
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In computer
3 more weeks ; 4 more weeks
3 more weeks to NAPFA...... and I haven't been training!!! With the amount of research we have to do for FYP and Play and School, it just leave me too tired to go for a jog.... argh...
Really got to start le.... lukewarecofee.... jubsy_pianist..... when u all want to jog ah..
And well..... after this break week... we are left with 4 more weeks to exam!!!
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3:10 pm
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In 发牢骚
Friday, September 01, 2006
Happy Teacher's Day
" You can count the number of seeds in an apple.
But you cannot count the number of apples from a seed."
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11:31 pm
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In quote
Tagging my entry
Hey friends.....
I am in the process of adding tag to my old entries....
Please be patience..... ;-)
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10:28 am
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In blogger
Happy Teacher's Day
Teacher Dear, Teacher Dear
Happy Teacher's Day!
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2:40 am
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In reminiscence
Blog template
I'm trying to get my blog back to the previous design, without losing some of the function that the beta blogger has.....
I may not even get back to the previous one.... crossing my fingers....
I cannot get back my previous blog address le.... sob...
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1:42 am
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In blogger