Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
so heart-warming.... ;)
So cute right? ;)
Another movie off my VCD list....
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6:54 pm
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In disability, dog, japanese movie
I finished watching the show!!!! Courtesy of YW for the VCDs.
The show is very touching.... must watch!!
1 item of my movie/drama list.....
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1:32 am
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In korean drama, love
Saturday, August 26, 2006
Heaty and Herbal Tea
My lips were extremely dry.... cracked.....
And the ulcer on my lower lip hurts (1st ulcer formed when 1 bite my lip last week. On thurs.... I bite on the same location when i ate my almond chocos.... it hurts badly man....)
I seriously need a bottle of hearbal tea.... i missed my daily dosage.... haha...
I walked past the medical hall this evening on the way home.... and wanted to get myself a bottle of herbal tea and I heard this on my mind,
" Herbal tea not good to drink cold one."
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9:40 pm
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In reminiscence
职能治疗 OR 职业治疗
Last few weeks, I was concerned regarding the chinese term for occupational therapy.
And I remembered that there is a copy of newsletter that has an article that wrote about OT in that particular newsletter. And I also remembered that there is chinese version of that newsletter. Thus, I went to take a look to see if there is a chinse term for OT. To my dismay, it was 职业治疗!
Now, I am confused. To whether it is 职能治疗 or 职业治疗...... OR are the both terms acceptable? If not, which shd be the correct one?
Can someone (readers from china, taiwan, hong kong, etc ) pls advise??!?! =)
In other news, coincidencely, I saw what LPK stands for in chinese. =) But it was alittle too late to be discovered.
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2:11 am
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Okay..... since Break week is here.... I am going to relax myself with VCDs!!!!
These are the VCDs I hope to watch (in no particular order)
最后之舞 ( korean)- 我叫金三顺 ( korean)
- Helen, the baby fox (Japanese)
Quill (Guide dog - Japanese)- I am Sam (English)
- Rory O'Shea was here also know as Inside I am dancing(English)
- Mozart and the whale (English)
Of which, the last 2 is recommended by CSM... which is currently shown on CH58 of SCV which I don't have!!! And Rory O'Shea was here is one of the movies that I have been finding... maybe... can go and check it out at VCDs rental shops.....
And if you noticed (if you know that the movies are abt) the last 4 movies are all related to disabilities..... ;)
If you all have the above... pls msg me!!! or if you wish to watch the above... pls msg me that maybe we can watch together... haha... ;)
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12:17 am
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Friday, August 25, 2006
BrEaK WeEEEkkk
But then... it's so fast..... seems like clinical just ended not too long ago....
Past few weeks were really hectic.... with FYP... MGT.... Psychosocial....
And finally I can take a slightly longer rest...
But then again.... we still have to go back to sch sia.... hehe... but at our own time own target...
So.... my friends out there..... long time nv meet me? want to meet? pls book me soon.... before my schedules are all booked for projects!!
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11:32 pm
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Kendra - 1st Guide Dog in Singapore!
Today, we were very fortunate to have Mr Kua Cheng Hock, 1st person in Singapore to own a guide dogto speak to us @ OT Learning Community.
Mr Kua Cheng Hock, who is born blind, gets around with his golden retriever - Kendra.
Kendra is 3 years old now. Kendra has travelled 3 times to U.S (much more fortunate than me...)
It is very inspiring to listen to Mr Kua and how much he did to help other people with visual impairments and how he helps to advocate for himself and others. And I believe there's alot that we can do as OTs to help clients with visual disability.
Hope to see more guide dogs in Singapore!
(hmm.... maybe can get Singaporeans to go overseas for trainer course.... then can come back and train the dogs.... then will have more guide dogs.... )
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1:39 am
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It has been along week.....
If you didn't know what I've been up to for the past few days.... these are the updates....
In prep x (for.. hehe..) august babies celebrations on 23 aug..... I am tasked by the welfare rep to buy present for lukewarmcoffee.... was suppose to get hui2 present too.... in the end... it was purchase by lukewarmcoffee..... =)
August babies.... on their actual days and the august babies celebration:
(sorry.... don't have pam's one....)
"Maria"'s 21st - 18th August
How I got the present for lukewarmcoffee
I was suppose to get present for hui2..... then in the end, we wanted the bags ourselves too... cos the bag was so ergo.... it has padding on the sling... (职业病) ... in the end, we didn't get the present... cos we wanted to sound hui2 out... I was bluffing hui2 that I am getting for lukewarmcoffee and visa versa..... see how clever I am? LOL.....
AND on 8 AUG.... lukewarmcoffee went back to the shop and sms me that the GREEN bag was sold out but pink is still availabe.... this shows that she likes the bag.... ;) (clinical reasoning.... haha... )
Last week, we were suppose to look for present for "Maria" and in the end... we went to NTUC to buy our own food.... hehe.... and this lukewarmcoffee wanted to buy this biscuits but it was expensive (save $$....) and I thought it could be a good present for her... lol...
AND SO.... I got her a bag and the biscuits..... ain't me CLIENT-CENTRED?? haha.... not I say one la.... lukewarmcoffee said it herself.... (hahaha....)
Last 3 days
I volunteered to do bday wishes for hui2.... hehe.... and guess what I made??
I made poker cards.... with wishes... and photos.....
hehe..... and my sense of schievements .......
Babe poker cards 2
Babe poker cards 3
Babe poker cards 4
Piglet with the Babe
Piggy in the center
Babe in the Centre
Ms Piggy with Piget
Guess how long I took?
3 nights.... compiling... cutting... and I only laminated with scotch tape yesterday night (took back the cards from hui2.... haha... ;) )
AND... do you all know that the cards can really be played??? It is so functional.... and client centred too... lolz.... cos .... our Ms Ong play DAI-DEE!!! haha....
I can't believe how creative I am... WaHahaha.....
Don't you think so?
Happy Birthday to all August babies!
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12:32 am
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Sunday, August 20, 2006
8th Singapore Stroke Conference
Haiz... gonna missed the above event on the 16sept.....
OT students are involve in edcating some elderly from the Lion Befrienders on fall prevention on that day....
hopefully, there is someone that we know goes there.... so that we can get some informations or even the ppt slides... ;)
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10:09 pm
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VCDs shop
Today, I went out to buy some stuff.....
Went past 2 VCDs shops and decided to go in.... very tempting to buy afew movies VCDs.....
But I will wait for korea movie: HELEN-THE BABY FOX to come out!!!!
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8:06 pm
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Plans after NYP
okay... I have decided....
To start working after completion of education in NYP.... I will put my further studies for a hold 1st..... until I save enough money(may it be onshore or offshore) to support myself and my parents.....
Met one of my relatives in the lift the other day.... she was asking when I am graduating..... and that I can support my parents once I graduate as my dad is alrdy so old... my dad is turning 62 this yr btw..... and still working hard physically.... as a odd job labourer.....
hmmm... and guess my brother haven't been really contributing though he is alrdy working for so many years..... don't even know if he saves any money for his future..... maybe he does have current acct... I don't wish to know anyway....
Ya.... so my degree will be put on hold.... I don't know how many years... but.... maybe in the end, I may no longer needs it. =)
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2:31 am
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Saturday, August 19, 2006
McClelland's theory of needs
McClelland's theory of needs states that people vary in the type of needs they have. Their motivation and how well they perform in a work situation are related to whether they have a need for:
- Achievement
- Afflilation OR
- Power
Achievement needs:
- attaining challenging goals
- setting new records
- successful completion of difficult tasks
- doing something not done before
- Prefers:
- work that has moderate possibilities of success
- frequent and specific feeback about performance
- work alone or with other high achievers
Affilation needs:
- behaviours towards others that are cooperative, supportive, and frienndly and which value belonging and conformity to the group
- great satisfaction from being liked and accepted by others
- Perfer:
- work with others who prefer group harmony and cohesion
Power needs:
- influencing others, defeating an opponent or competitor, winning an argument or attaining a position of greater authority
- Perfer:
- work which has supervision/leadership
Time for reflections:
I think I am one who has all the 3 needs!!! =X
I think I am one with moderate to high achievement needs. For I like to challenge myself to achieve goals with moderate possibilities of success, set new records, doing something not done before AND I require constant feedbacks about my own performance (do you all think so ??? ) I will feel uneasy if there is no feedback regarding my performance....
I think I am one with moderate to high affilation needs. For I value belonging to a particular group. And I attained great satistaction from being liked and accepted by others. AND I hate POLITICS.
I think I am one with moderate to high power needs too.... for I like to influence people..... challenge myself to defeat my competitor or to win an argument AND I like leadership roles.
I have to adjust myself at different situations... to see whether I have more achievement, affilation or power needs......
But since I am a more FEELING person.... I think I would have more affilation needs... =)
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9:49 pm
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The magic is you
Ever since we came to be, you were always there for me
I hear you breathe I see you smile
you have made our lives worthwhile
It's your warmth your beautiful touch
It makes me remember so much
Of the pleasure I treasure, so love on we must
No matter when, no matter where you may go
You know my heart will always stay
For you are here, I know you always will be
It's all because the magic is you
We've had dreams they seemed unreal
We've had hope they gave us zeal
But dreams came true and hopes unfurled
My island's grown into a world
They've been days of laughter and pain
But family and friends will remain
We have grown here together, let's keep it that way
( Repeat Chorus )
Music: Iskandar Ismail
Lyrics: Gregory Chan
The above can be found at Sing Singapore Website.
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7:13 pm
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In entertainments, lyrics
Quick reference dictionary for occupational therapy
A new book has been detected in the school library....... under the usual OT shelf : RM735.
This pocket-size reference(4.5x7") provides quick access to words, their definitions, and important resources used in everyday practice in occupational therapy (OT) and in the OT classroom. In this edition, some 3,600 terms (400 more than the last edition) are defined in alphabetical entries, and 60 appendices are presented (nine more than the previous edition). Appendices list and define laboratory values, standards, syndromes, precautions, and frames of reference used in occupational therapy, and provide checklists and useful foreign phrases to use with patients.
Annotation ©2004 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (
This book also includes the attachments, actions, nerve innervations of muscles, etc....
The content of the book can be found here.
This has been classified as my favourite book now...... =)
Guess this is going to help alot of us in our clinicals.... esp. with all the abbrevations that the doctors write..... as well as the diagnosis and what is it about.....
Isn't this cool? Go and grab one from the shelf and take a look if you haven't. =)
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12:36 am
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Repost: Feelings Island
Once upon a time there was an island where all the feelings lived; happiness, sadness, knowledge, and all the others, including love.
One day it was announced to all of the feelings that the island was going to sink to the bottom of the ocean. So all the feelings prepared their boats to leave.
Love was the only one that stayed. She wanted to preserve the island paradise until the last possible moment. When the island was almost totally under, love decided it was time to leave. She began looking for someone to ask for help. Just then Richness was passing by in a grand
Love asked, "Richness, Can I come with you on your boat?" Richness answered, " I'm sorry, but there is a lot of silver and gold on my boat and there would be no room for you
Then Love decided to ask Vanity for help who was passing in a beautiful vessel. Love cried out, "Vanity, help me please." "I can't help you," Vanity said, "You are all wet and will damage my beautiful boat."
Next, Love saw sadness passing by. Love said, "Sadness, please let me go with you." Sadness answered, "Love, I'm sorry, but, I just need to be alone now."
Then, Love saw happiness. Love cried out, "Happiness, please take me with you."
But Happiness was so overjoyed that he didn't hear Love calling to him.
Love began to cry. Then, she heard a voice say, "Come Love, I will take you with me."
It was an elder. Love felt so blessed and overjoyed that she forgot to ask the elder his
name. When they arrived on land the elder went on his way.
Love realized how much she owed the elder.Love then found Knowledge and asked, "Who was it that helped me?" "It was Time," Knowledge answered. "But why did Time help me when no else would?", Love asked.
Knowledge smiled and with deep wisdom and sincerity, answered, "Because only Time is capable of understanding how great Love is."
The Facts of Life:
1. At least 5 people in this world, love you so much they would die for you.
2. At least 15 people in this world love you, in some way.
3. The only reason anyone would ever hate you, is because they want to be just like you.
4. A smile from you, can bring happiness to anyone, even if they don't like you.
5. Every night, SOMEONE thinks about you before they go to sleep.
6. You mean the world to someone.
7. Without you someone may not be living.
8. You are special and unique, in your own way.
9. Someone that you don't know even exists, loves you.
10. When you make the biggest mistake ever, something good comes from it.
11. When you think the world has turned it's back on you, take a look, you most likely turned your back on the world.
12. When you think you have no chance at getting what you want, you probably won't get it, but if you believe in yourself, you probably sooner or later will get it.
13. Always remember compliments you received, forget about the rude remarks.
14. Always tell someone how you feel about them, you will feel much better when they know.
15. If you have a great friend, take the time to let them know that they are great.
So, to all my friends who read this blog..... you all great! =)
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12:08 am
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Thursday, August 17, 2006
CE 3A Results
CE 3A results are out..... finally.... =)
Didn't expect to get that grade for my clincial... = )
my CRD result was more or less expected.... but it was better than my CE2B's CRD... =)
Something that I am looking forward for, for the 1st time....
But I guess it all still depends on where we are and which supervisors we are following.... cos all have different working styles......
But I looking forward to do better in my next clinicals....
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11:26 pm
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Wednesday, August 16, 2006
Beta Blogger
okay... I have decided to UPGRADE to the beta blogger... so it will log in using google acct....
BUT... now I cannot hide the BLOGGER BAR at the top!!!!
Argh... and... since it is at the beta stage, I can only use the tags function if I use their templates.... cos they haben develop the function where I can change or view the HTML of the tag function!!!!
argh.... wasted my time... but never mind la... sooner or later all have to convert... ;p
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11:27 pm
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Yeah!!!! I finally finished all my presentations...
It was really like a marathon.... Viva... mgt... psychosocial....
oh.... while I was searching info on mgt.... I found out that SLH is the bronze recipent for 2005's HEALTH Award by the HPB. =)
Finally psychosocial was over too.... not too bad... just perhaps need to improve on the "preparation" part....
oh yes... guess what? today lukewarmcoffee and me suppose to buy some stuff... and in the end... we ended up buying FOOD for ourselves.... We got the mini maggi mee... it is not the normal maggi mee that we eat... but the packet has many many mini maggi mee.... it is sooo cute.... and I bought my jap seaweed too....
And of course.... my HERBAL TEA for so many days of late nights.... =p
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11:11 pm
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Tuesday, August 15, 2006
A Nation in Concert
The objectives of the event is about education, empowerment and enrichment for people with disabilities.
Isn't this what we as OT always talk about? =P
Educating people with disabilities, empowering and enriching them.... helping them to integrate back into the community?
This concert features over 100 performers from:
- Association for Persons with Special Needs
- Handicaps Welfare Association
- Singapore Association for the Deaf
- Singapore Association of the Visually Handicapped
- Spaces CommunityStudent Advisory Centre
- Yellow Ribbon Fund
And future OTs are going to this A Nation in Concert to show our support! =)
If not us, who? If not now, when? If not here, where?
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11:52 pm
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Money Luck
Finally, my pay for being an outdoor instructor for the past months has come in/is coming in.....
There's seems to be something wrong with the cheques or daddy Sanath(aka boss) has been too busy and forgetten about it. I think if I didn't needed badly for cash... I think daddy might have thought that I have received the cheques.....=P.... and seems like all the others other than me have alrdy received their shares.... and some, alrdy spent all... =)
Nevertheless.... I'm glad that I have my pay.... been really broke esp. during clinicals (taking cab ride from tamp to bt. batok is ex..... cos if not sure late one ma) and of cos the cycle goes round (cos will take next 2 wks pocket money earlier) .... Oh and since I got my pay... I have decided to go to the A Nation in Concert 2006 with my classmates!!!
Oh... I also picked up $4 on the way out from school yesterday..... there's no one infront.... so.... =)
I share it with Joan who was walking out of the school with me....
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9:13 pm
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Back to back presentations
This is mentally draining with presentations and viva on monday onwards....
with so many things to do and so much things in my mind....
But in less than 1 more day's time it will be over....
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9:04 pm
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Monday, August 14, 2006
FYP Viva over.... here comes Mgt and psychosocial presentation
FYP Viva finally over.... no need to worry over it and can no need to eat,sleep,sh*t also journal articles at the moment....
Now time over to mgt and psychosocial....
Mgt presentation tml.... grp ppt done... my script also done.... just need to rehearse tml....
psychosocial presentation on wed.... flow is more or less ready le... just need rehearsal too.....
2 more days...
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10:32 pm
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Sunday, August 13, 2006
What if
I was chatting with lukewarmcoffee on the way back home.... and we talked about clinicals....
And I was wondering, there were suppose to be 2 supervisors taking me and XY during our CE3A and whether which OT we were suppose to follow individually....
And if that is the case..... would things still be the same, if we both followed different OTs?
What if......
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9:15 pm
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Fireworks, ASD Talk and Young Explorer
Just an update of what I did today (sat).....
In the morning... tried to rush out my mgt ppt and send to J before I went out for the talk by the parent with ASD child @ marine parade library.....
When I finished sending over to J, I realized that it was alrdy 1pm... and i suppose to meet SH at 1.50pm... thus I went to open the POKKA noodles that I bought the other day.... together with lukewarmcoffee..... I cannot resist myself and bought my froot loops cereals toooo..... (lukewarmcoffee.... it's not fruit loops la... lol)
Oh... like I was saying.... my POKKA noodles.... due to time constraint, I put the noodles in a metal bowl and pour the hot/warm water over it.... then leave it for few minutes..... and there it was.... my noodles was ready to be served DRY.... cos it is suppose to be dry noodles la... haha....
Then went to Marine Parade Library..... the parent of the ASD child is very knowledgeable.... there were quite a handful of parents with ASD child around..... special Ed. educators....... not sure if there's any OT around......
From the talk, I found out that TAMPINES is going to open an AUTISM CENTRE..... =)
Hmm... then after that came home before I went out again.... cos my hp was low batt... need to charge..... as I do not want to miss the short moment of the fireworks w/o capturing them....
And of course to have my dinner..... really BROKE le.... ; (
The fireworks were fantastic..... had a hard time "squeezing" into the crowd..... furthermore, I think I am someone that don't really like BIG crowds.... Cos I dislike really LOUD sound..... (is it a autisic symptom? haha.... don't worry... i HATE ROUTINES.... ) while squeezing through, felt so embarrassing as we had to stand in the way of the public who had been there for few hours maybe? But don't worry.... we didn't take up their places.... We went to squeeze into the bushes.... members of NPCC are always GOOD at squeezing.....
The scene was nice.... it was also a great time to hang out with ppl that I have not seen for a long time... good to spend with good friends..... but such scene are still better with loved ones.... ;p
( don't think my mother can tahan such crowded places.... maybe my future partner ba... if they still going to have fireworks when I found my other half.... )
Next, I am teaching a "bunch" of kids to bake PIZZA tml!!!!!
Got to sleep already..... before a panda goes into the room to teach the kids how to bake pizza tml.... ;p
(p.s. will upload the fireworks and pizza baking session soon)
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2:59 am
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Saturday, August 12, 2006
Brain dead
Today was a long day....
FYP mtg itself can kill millions of brain cells in me.....
Started FYP ard 6pm.... and ended at 10+pm....
My eyes are closing.... but still have to finish up my other presentation stuff....
4 more days!! then all my presentations will be over... except fyp of course..... ;)
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12:58 am
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Friday, August 11, 2006
How fast time passes
It is amazing how time passes....
Two years ago... this time..... there were 3 complete strangers of one another(I know 1 of them and heard abt the other one)..... were all in a place called NPCC Campsite having National Camp 2004.
There were a point of time where all of them were in a room called the command post.... and strange enough... these 3 people are pursuing the same profession now. Two years later from that time, one of them has already completed her Honours in OT, one is currently in her 3rd year and the other in her 2nd year.
During that time, there were only 2 OTs- to-be..... one in yr 3 and the other is still a newbie in the profession, i.e. that's me..... Little do I know that the other person is joining the profession... until I saw her in school on orietentation day 1 yr back......
That was fast.....
2 years had past......
None the less, experiences, knowledge and passion has gained..... for the lost of time.....
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1:01 am
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Thursday, August 10, 2006
Today, for the 1st time.... I was disorganized after being organized for so long (except for all my lecture notes that are always so messy).....
I totally forgetten about my mgt meeting in the afternoon.....
I also totally forgetten about the discussion with Jo regarding my psychosocial....
Lost..... Don't know what has gotten into me....
Lack of sleep? Lack of time? Lack of concentration??
Anyway, Luckily, I am able to tune back.... pretty soon....
My psychosocial stuff was alrdy more or less done up.... just after some discussion with YH.... all our stuff were put into place before mtg Jo.... and discussion with Jo went pretty smooth... we were on the right track..... =)
There were also some time for me to touch up on my mgt before the mtg starts...... and managed to get everything back in time....
Time to get more things done up.... bathe.....drink my bottle of herbal tea (i miss herbal tea...) read journal articles.... tie up the loose ends of psycho....and sleep.... ;)
I seriously need more slp.... yesterday's only slpt only 4 hrs......
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10:36 pm
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Happy 41th Birthday, Singapore

I was at the NDP yesterday...... took lots of fireworks photos... but it looks nice when you looked at the photos at a fast rate.....cos I took the photos using multi shots mode... so I have zipped all up. To download, please click here.
Before that... on the way to the kallang stadium, i spotted few nice art works:

The arobat........ during pre-parade........
More to see......
Singapore Lions.......

Yeah..... landed safely......

Taking a photo in the stadium before I left.......
Not forgetting to take a photo with Serene who where there too!!!!
See how happy we are?? =)
Me again!!!!
Before I left, I took the UGLY side of Singaporeans....... something that disturbed me very much.....
The rubbish that people left behind
That is not the end..... the worse thing that Singaporeans can ever do is...... THROWING YOUR OWN NATIONAL FLAG ON THE GROUD!!!!
I've picked up 5 from the bench and placed it on the seating area. @ least it is not stepped on my people who are "Blind" @ the slight of rubbish they have created at the scene.
Last photo outside Kallang Stadium before it tears down....
Back at home, before I reluctantly removed the tattoos..... I took a few more pictures....
In the lift......
In my dark room.....
Last one.... really last one.....
See last one I told you.....
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9:17 pm
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Love and warm
"Love is missing someone whenever you're apart, but somehow feeling warm inside because you're close in heart."-Kay Knudsen
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2:48 am
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Wednesday, August 09, 2006
Happy Birthday, Singapore!!
Going to watch NDP later with my YEC committee.... ;)
Though I already went for the NE Show (NDP Full Dress Rehearsal but open for Primary 5 kids to attend.... I am not primary 5 kid la... but I just happened to have tix...) I will still go for the NDP.... cos the feeling will not be the same.... cos it is actual day!!!
I missed last year NDP @ Marina South..... it is the far most FUN NDP I ever attended.... cos the ppl attending are all sporting.... fun.... youthful!!!!
Not to mention because OT people are FUN to be with... esp. from OT0401... right?? haha....
Photos of Yesteryear :
See how much fun we are having last year......
while waiting to try out the guiness record of the most number of people signing (sign language)
(photo found in webshot, uploaded by SADeaf in 2005)
OT students making a difference @ the NDP... ...
We always know when to be PLAYFUL and when to be SERIOUS......
See how serious we are...... can you spot me??
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1:14 am
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In birthday, disability, ot0401, singapore
“Somewhere there is someone that dreams of your smile, and finds in your presence that life is worthwhile, so when you are lonely remember it’s true, someone somewhere is thinking of you.”
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12:02 am
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Monday, August 07, 2006
两个 cool 的事件
1) 千千静听音乐播放软件 (TT Player)
今天从Wei Ting 那里打听到这个完全免费的音乐播放软件。TT Player 在播放歌曲时,还可自动下载并同步显示歌词。可是这个软件是中文版的。 虽然我比较喜欢华文,可是我还是有一点不习惯用中文版的软件啊。
TT Player 网页:
2)MSN Remote Assistance
今天帮了几位同学的 laptops 安装了华文的 input language. 好有成就感喔! 哈哈。。。刚刚也用了MSN Remote Assistance 来帮 Shu Hui 安装了华文的 input language。。。。
今天也是第一次使用MSN Remote Assistance。。。。。
MSN Remote Assistance很 cool 喔。。。。 因为从我的电脑荧光屏可以看到 Shu Hui 的一举一动。。。。 哈哈。。。 没有啦。。。。
MSN Remote Assistance 可以让我 step-by-step 的 跟 Shu Hui 说怎么 configure 她的 laptop, 又能知道她懂不懂我在说什么。。。。
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10:58 pm
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In computer
Sunday, August 06, 2006
Occupational Therapist is 职能治疗师!
Occupational Therapist is 职能治疗师 and NOT 职业治疗师 and NOT Professional Therapist!!
The title- 职业治疗师 and Professional Therapist are given to the occupational therapist who are filmed for the show - 关怀角落 - Channel 8 , 06/08/06, 10.30pm.
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11:10 pm
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Saturday, August 05, 2006
I realize I have a shift of my passion.....
Not too sure when it started. But I think those who know me will know. I used to be very active in NPCC in 2004. I can be at the headquarter(HQ) till 1+am in the morning.... almost evry evening I will be packed with activities..... there were numerous activities that I was involved in....
But now, I can feel and see that there is a drift of my passion from NPCC to my future career - OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY. Sometimes at the beginning it is hard to let go... esp. when so much time and effort has been put into it.... I have been with the corps since 1997.... imagine the amount of effort and time spent?
But come to think of it.... I must admit that I learnt alot from it. My leadership skills, communication skills, outdoor skills.... which all helps in my personal dev't. It is time to move on....
But that doesn't mean I will not involve in the corps anymore. It just meant that lesser time will be spent. It is also time for the junior to learn the ropes.... we cannot be there all the time....
It is hard to let go... but once the 1st step is taken, it will be easy.....
That's life.....
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10:10 pm
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Occupation for health
I saw this verse when I was searching for my health and safety mgt presentation and I personally like it very much and would like to share with my fellow OT counterparts:
"In Charlottetown I heard one day
An OT to an old man say
'You look so happy and fit
Can you tell me the cause of it
'It's what you do
It's being true to all the talents given you
It's taking time, and listening to
Your inner needs in all you do.'
'If you do this you will become
A person full of love and fun
A happy soul who's fit and well
By doing what your needs foretell.
If doing does not meets your needs
Your health will suffer with your deeds.
Not being true to Nature's lore
You can become sick to the core.'
The old man smiled to the OT.
He said 'Help people do and be
Help them transform their lives this way
By living health day by day.'
It's very simple, but so hard
When social pressure so retard
Our vision of what ought to be
The essence of a good OT. "- Wilcock, A.A (1998)
- Wilcock, A.A 's Occupational for health(1998). British Journal of Occupational Therapy, 61, 340 - 345. In Occpational science: Bridging occupation and health. (2004) Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 72(1), 5 - 12
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2:52 pm
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House of quotes and reflections
Hi friends,
I have created a simple blog just for quotes and things that evoke reflections...... enjoy!
If you wonder how on earth I got time to do all these when I have so many presentations in 2 weeks time..... I can only say..... it is a form of motivation for me..... =)
I like quotes and more quotes..... ;)
By the way the house of quotes and reflections can be found here
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3:36 am
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In introspectives, quote
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People (Covey, S.R, 1994):
- Be Proactive
- Begin with the end in mind
- Put first thing first
- Think win/win
- Seek first to understand, then to be understood
- Synergize
- Sharpen the saw
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2:56 am
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In introspectives, quote
"Unity begins with you and I."- Quek, X.L., 2006
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2:19 am
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In quote
Youth Fiesta
Hi all, my community centre (CC) that I volunteered in is having a Youth Fiesta in September.
There will be games, pop corn and goodies bag!! haha.... there will also be activities such as flying fox and sports climbing if I am not wrong......
Details are as follows:
Date: 3 September 2006
Time: 2-6pm
Venue: Tampines Central Park along Tampines St 82
Fees: $2 per person
I have some tix with me... if you are interested, pls leave me a msg or sms me.... ;)
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1:27 am
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Friday, August 04, 2006
The “itch” is getting bigger……
I thought that the itch has been changed to the itch that I /we gave myself/ ourselves. Apparently, more “itch” has been given by external forces.
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12:46 am
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Wednesday, August 02, 2006
Advantage of reading people's blog
Hi all,
I came across this website through other OT's blog:
This website has some FREE chapters in some occupational therapy textbook.
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11:51 pm
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Tuesday, August 01, 2006
Reason why I should blog more
Because I read my blog more than I read my notes. Thus by blogging my notes
in my blog, I am increasing my chances of reading my notes. ^_^
Brillant isn't it?
And since my classmates are reading my blog too.... it increases your chance
of revising them right?? Maybe..... I should stARt blogging notes soon.... hehe
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10:21 pm
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Life experiences
Today, HB shared with us his experiences as a clinician and as a student .
He disclosed quite alot of himself today as compared to the past. Or rather, there were more interaction today.
I always enjoyed listening to people's life experiences/story whether is it clinicians, patients or even anybody. I felt that through people's experiences, I know more about others and myself.
As what HB has said, the life of a student during his era and ours are completely different. There are lesser distractions and more time. Not that his era has more than 24hrs a day but rather, there are lesser time to spend after school hours as shops closes at 5pm, no internet access yet during that time. No such thing as regular gatherings with primary sch, sec sch, jc classmates etc. Thus, that extra time was spent on reading books and journals. Maybe that is one of the reasons why he was so knowledgeable.
Sometimes, when a person disclose themselves, I try to put myself into the person's shoes, though I know, no matter how, it will not be exactly how the person feel. But sometimes, when the experience is similar, I will link back to the similar experience that I have.
Life is all about experiencing..........
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9:43 pm
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Clinical Reasoning 1
Today, we had our 1st (Clinical Reasoning) CR lesson.
We were asked what we think is CR, what we like and dislike about our own CR, what are the CR that we like about our supervisors/OTs who we have worked with, etc.
What we gave for what CR is:
- Logical thinking - systematic analysis of patients and intervention
- analysis of data related to patient
- generate choices of mgt
- asking why, how , when (I gave this answer.... haha)
- being pragmatic/ realistic about choices of mgt
- formulation of ideas about patients to assist decision making
- using knowledge/ theory practically
- interested in your client
- being observant about pt. output
- trial and error to achieve the best for pt.
- interest in the field that you are in
- seeing the "big" picture (evironmental relationship with pt.)
- subjective observation is validated/shared by others (shared reality)
- see things from multi-perspective
We were also told to list out what we like and dislike about our own CR as a class:
- good @ trial & error
- focus/ devoted/ serve society when I focus planning mgt for pt.
- experience a "high" when getting the correct Rx for pt.
- communication opportunties
- not enough knowledge
- chaotic
- too much trial and error
- lack of confidence
- not enough exposure
What we like about the "experts":
- excellent observation skill (attention to details)
- feel the "vibes"
- effortless efficiency in making decisions that appear profound
- reflective skills + ability to faciliate reflection in others
- systematic
- "like a fish in the water"
HB mentioned that expert clinicians can be classified in any of the following:
Clinicians with/have
- intellectual abilities (likes to read) OR
- passion (have the drive to achieve towards their dreams) OR
- very good ability to teach what they do and able to communicate their thoughts across (like to communicate with people, likes to talk)
But there is still existance of clinicians with more than one of the above qualities.
HB asked us where do we see ourselves to be in. I don't think I will fall under the 1st category. Thus most likely either the 2nd or the 3rd. But there is higher chance to be the latter. (cos I like to listen and talk to people. ;) )
So..... what do you gather about CR?
Clinical Reasoning is:
- a cognitive process (knowledge, integration/applying, meta-cognition)
- affective
- contextual (E.Q during work/clinical, communication with pt.)
- communication (asking the right qn, the ability to communicate to other professionals)
- comfortable with the chaos (the ability to create a structure out of it)
What is a reflective practitioner? (gold standard of clinical reasoning)
- knowing-in-action
- reflection-IN-action
- reflection-ON-action
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8:39 pm
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Quote on wallpaper
Saw the following quote on xp's laptop wallpaper and decided to "steal" it:
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8:28 pm
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In quote
Shocked.... Surprise..... SMILE.....
I was shocked to find out that my blog was under the "links" in an overseas OT blog!!!!
It must be that I have link her/him.... and she/he "came" over and "take a look" and found out that I am an OT student and "link" me too.....
Hmm... but my blog is more of my perceptions of things in daily life...... feelings and thoughts.....
But on/off there are still issues related to OT. =)
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2:01 am
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Horoscope for the day (Vulnerable = strength)
"Someone wants to help you with your problems, but you
need to be willing to talk about them first.The ability to be vulnerable shows how much strength you
have where it truly counts. So lean on someone, okay? "
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1:16 am
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Clock, countdown and countup timers
Ya ya ya....
I know I either should be sleeping or be reading on my articles for my psychosocial dysfunction presentation......
But then.... I thought of just update you guys regarding my blog.... lol
A real-time clock has been setup... or rather I have "cut-and-paste" HTML codes from the website. =)
I have also setup a count down timer for my birthday.... haha... you guys know what to do?? LoL... anyway, my birthday coming also means CE3B is going to end (why am I toking about ending of CE3B when it is not even started?? hehe...)
Another countdown timer is for our break week!!!! 大家加油!How many more days?? (hint: see the timer... lol)
OH..... another timer is a countUP timer..... It is AMAZING how long we have been in this OT profession as a student.... over 700 days.... haha...
Of course our over 700 days cannot be compared to the lecturers and clinicians out there who have been in the profession for sooo long ( > 5 years) ...... ppl who I know like LHB, THL, JH, GC, LPK, and of course Carolyn Baum (41 yrs!!!!!) ...... kudos to all.....
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1:01 am
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