There are so many nice movies to watch!!!!
Anyoooneeee interested??
(extracted from Golden Village Website)
A place where behind the clouds, the sun is shining.....
A place where I share my reflections, dreams, hopes, life, frustrations.....
There are so many nice movies to watch!!!!
Anyoooneeee interested??
(extracted from Golden Village Website)
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8:37 pm
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In movie
"Love is like a catching a butterfly.
The more you chase after it, the more it will fly away from you.
But often it will appears when you least expects it."
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1:30 am
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I just realize that I still have a website somewhere in the world wide web.....
I guess spider must have taken over my WEBsite.....
One day I will go and revamp it all over again..... one fine day.....
My WEBsite : (last updated: May 2005)
While looking at what I had in my TPJC's file manager (place where I upload all my background music, etc), I listened to all the midis that I have uploaded and I decided to give my blog a change of background music.....
so...... here's .............
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10:35 pm
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Does increase of stress = increase of food intake (esp "junk" food) ?
Does you all eat more when you are stressed?
I realize we became hungry very soon.... esp when we are in the library doing research.....
I also realize I pamper myself more often this week.... eating over my budget.... lol.... chocolates.... mac..... seaweeds..... chips......
I wanted to buy chocolates just now too... lol... when I went downstairs to buy dinner for my dad and myself... but I decided to get cereals (Froop loops..... those round round colourful colourful ones...... ) instead.... at least abit healthierthan chocos.... haha... I bought creamy tom yam instant noodles and creamy corn soup too.... ;) Gonna have cooking therapy tml.... haha....
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8:40 pm
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Woofed by
6:44 pm
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In disability
Well, was so frustrated with the Access datebase as there was sth wrong with my comp... it cannot create the activex object... i cannot use the wizard to create forms and the switch board!!!!
haiz... thus can just key into the table.... haiz... but then again, it cannot print everything into a page.... thus if i want to file up, I have to cut and paste into excel....
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2:52 pm
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In computer
I had heart attack twice for consecutive 2 days.
My heart stopped for few seconds twice.
Both for the same cause - Reseach paper for my FYP.....
Yesterday, we came to realize that there is something wrong with the Reseach topic:
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10:45 pm
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I was surfing the SLH's website and went on to surf St Luke's ElderCare website. I have always wondered whether there is rehab services at the St Luke's ElderCare centre. Wanted to ask durign my placement but always forget about it.
Just now, I went in to see.... to my surprise, they have!!! But I do not know the frequency of therapy services......
hmm... maybe when I graduate if they still have the service.... can work at the Tampines Branch one... hehe... haha... se how la... ^_^
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11:21 pm
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Today, we had our 1st sensory dysfunction practical.
We were doing some mov't analysis.
The example that Charmaine Magnus gave was sit -> stand. She was asking which muscle is contracting, which is relaxing; which is ecentric contraction, which is concentric contaction. She also asked what is needed to perform sit -> stand.
All these looks soooo familar. Does it? = )
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9:15 pm
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Yesterday, I waited for the 5th SBS Service No. 72 before I could merely boarded the bus.
I just watched 3 single deck and 1 double deck buses went past me.....
This reminds me of an analogy:
Our lives are like the buses. The passengers are the people who come into our lives. These people all boarded the 'bus' at different bus stops. Some boarded few stops before others and they all alight at different stops. At some point in time, we will all realize that the bus that was once full are now more spacious.
And sometimes, because the bus is full, we do not allow more people to come in. We close our doors against their faces. When the time is ready to open the door for them, they had already boarded other buses.
And sometimes, we wonder, how many passengers will we have when we reach the bus terminal.
And if we are now passengers and the bus is person who came past us,
How many a times do we choose not to board a particular bus because it is single deck, it is non-aircon (though it is hard to find one now...), it is too crowded, etc.
How many a times do we choose to board other service bus that can bring us to the same destination instead of the bus that we wanted to take initially?
And how many a times because we "嫌弃" the bus and decided to wait for the next bus BUT also to find out that it doesn't meet our expectations?
And worst of all, what if the next bus turns out to be much worst of and you regret of not taking the previous bus?
And to make situation even worst, what if the bus that you decided not to take is the last bus?
And let's say if you managed to board a better bus, who can say that it will never break down in the middle of the journey and you have to carry on the journey ourselves?
Sometimes in life, we always think that the things and people that we have are not suitable for us/up to our expectations..... but later in life, you will realize that actually they (things/people) are not that bad after all.....
It takes another experience to acknowledge/appreciate previous experience.But why not appreciate the experience now before you regret in the future?
“如果你一直把想说的话放在心里,万一你没有机会说,怎么办?”- 《禄光森林》 最后一集
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7:44 pm
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In introspectives, love, quote
You've been feeling your way through the fog quite nicely -- some would even say you're developing a sixth sense when it comes to a certain someone. Today however, you no longer need to utilize such extrasensory abilities to connect with that person who's been beguiling you so. As soon as you awaken, you'll feel clearer about your feelings than ever before -- and you might be very surprised at how your expectations change as the day moves on.
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7:15 am
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1:19 am
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I want to watch this movie!!!! I haven't watch movie for a long time!!!! Wanted to watch Garfield 2 the other time (anyone has Garfield2 VCD r DVD??) .... but couldn't find any ppl to go.... cos all so busy.... haiz.....
This movie looks so sweet and interesting.... anyone wants to watch??
About the movie:
Feeling that it's time for a change in her life, Dr. Kate Forster (SANDRA BULLOCK) leaves the suburban Illinois locale where she completed her residency and takes a job at a busy Chicago hospital. One thing she is reluctant to leave behind is the uniquely beautiful house she's been renting - a spacious and artfully designed refuge with large windows that overlook a placid lake. It's a place in which she felt her true self.
It is a winter morning in 2006.
On her way to the city, Kate leaves a note in the mailbox for house's next tenant, asking him to forward her mail and noting that the inexplicable painted paw prints he might notice by the front door were there when she moved in.
But when the next tenant arrives, he sees a much different picture. Alex Wyler (KEANU REEVES), a talented but frustrated architect working at a nearby construction site, finds the lake house badly neglected: dusty, dirty and overgrown with weeds. And no sign of paw prints anywhere.
The house has special meaning for Alex. In a happier time it was built by his estranged father (CHRISTOPHER PLUMMER), a renowned architect who allowed his professional acclaim to grow at the expense of his family life. Alex feels a sense of peace here now and commits to restoring the property to its original beauty. He disregards Kate's note until, days later, while painting the weather-beaten jetty he sees a stray dog run across the fresh paint and then towards the entrance of the house, leaving paw prints exactly where she said they'd be.
Baffled, Alex writes back, saying that the house had no occupant before him and wondering how she could have known about the dog; while Kate, who just left it a week ago, imagines he is playing some kind of joke on her and fires back a reply.
Just for argument's sake, what day is it there?
April 14, 2004.
No, she says. It's April 14, 2006.
The same day, two years apart. Can this be happening?
As Kate and Alex continue to correspond through the lake house's mailbox they confirm that they are, incredibly, impossibly, living two years apart, and each at a time in their lives when they are struggling with past disappointments and trying to make a new start. Sharing this unusual bond, they reveal more of themselves to one another with each passing week - their secrets, their doubts and dreams, until they find themselves falling in love.
Determined to bridge the distance between them at last and unravel the mystery behind their extraordinary connection, they tempt fate by arranging to meet. But, by trying to join their two separate worlds, they could risk losing each other forever.
(extracted from Golden Village Website)
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10:08 pm
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In entertainments, movie
So many deadlines to meet..... now is week 4 BTW.
Looking forward to week 9..... but then again, when do we ever have breaks during our break weeks? Life is still the same during break weeks.... still have to come to school.... just that, we are more flexible in time.....
Woofed by
8:43 pm
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While waiting for my mom to come home with dinner, I shall blog about the day:
Nothing much in the morning.....
H.B is not feeling well.... so our clinical reasoning lecture is postponed. This week supposed to be a 4 hr lecture due to Carolyn Baum's workshop last week. Therefore, it adds up to 6 hrs of clinical reasoning next week!!!!!
Well, thus we make use of the time to discuss Management Presentation. After that, went to find articles for my FYP.
While finding articles, I found myself losing my focus. There are so many things that I need to find - literatures on management of health and safety, Depressions related stuff for my psychosocial dysfunction and of course the perspective of parents regarding support group.....
One moment I found myself finding for mgt... the other moment finding for psychosocial dysfunction.... and the next moment on support group.......
And... the library's trolleys are full of journals..... and at any one time, you can expect to see at least 1 OT student at the photocopy machine in the library.....
I guess I will spend most of my time in the library for the months to come....
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8:27 pm
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True or not:
Ordinary life, living just for oneself and one's own personal happiness, will never be enough for you. Deep inside you identify with all of humankind and you are strongly concerned with collective issues. What we experience in common - the major victories and tragedies of our times, and especially the expansion of consciousness and understanding - is very important to you. You have strong spiritual inclinations and your intuitive and ESP abilities are very developed.
You are an idealist and a reformer at heart, and can be intolerant and even scornful of those who do not share your views on life. Human weaknesses and needs are something you don't always have much sensitivity about.
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7:17 am
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I was researching some stuff when I came across this:
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11:18 pm
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I just realized that I have been blogging alot for the past one week..... at least 1 entry per day I guess.
haha.... guess I haven't been blogging for alot since my CE3A placement due to clients' confidentiality..... although there are some interesting things that happened in CE3A, some are just not meant to be blog to protect all involved.... though it can be interesting to share... lol.... perhaps it can be through "word of mouth" if you ask me la.... lol.... but well, I do "store" it somewhere in my comp for future viewing and memories. ^_^
I can't really remember what is the reason that cause me to start blogging.... was it the trend during that time? I can't remember..... but the reasons why I continue to blog is because:
I believe there are more reasons that keeps me blogging for so long....
Did I say that I enjoy reading blogs too?
Sometimes it is really amazing to see another perspectives of your friends through their blogs.....
Their feelings..... their real self...... their life stories that we never know.....
Blogs also bring a person closer to one another..... 'cos although you may not have seen the person/met up with the person for sometime, you can still feel close to the person and you know,
" She/he is doing fine."
And friends, as days progress, I will have more project meetings and discussions and thus may have lesser time to leave an entry here..... but no worries..... I will still come in at least once a week to blog on my happenings..... Cos blogging has become a leisure now....
Though I may not blog that often once I get busier, I will still take my time off to read my friends blog.... so... please update your blog!!! hehe.....
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10:42 pm
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There was a OT learning Community for OT student. The invited speaker was Sid, our 1 yr senior. Currently, he is an OT in a private setting for pediatrics.
He was invited back to talk to us about his CE3C overseas placement where he had this opportunity to work with AIDS/HIV patients in Australia.
In his slide, there was this quote where I like very much.
"Human beings have the power and ability to change and transform anything into possiblity."
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10:35 pm
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Today, I got the topic for my research paper :
" Investigation of parents' perspectives towards support group for ASD children."
"Sports and recreations for ID and physical disabled."
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9:47 pm
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I (Tampines Central YEC) was stationed at Marina South for N.E.X.T Challenge on Wheels organized by NorthEast YECs.
We went to People's Association (PA) first before setting off to the station we were manning.
We got the t-shirts for organizers. It was soooooooooooooooo big can........
And guess what? sizes were submitted beforehand...... and they can tell us no sizes (left with XL, XXL and XXXL). If such a case, then why ask for sizes in the 1st place?? haiz....
Woofed by
8:05 am
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In yec
Last Saturday, 22 July, J@ce , Hui2 and me, we cooked a meal for ourselves.
Guess what we had?? keke.....
Lunch: grill chicken with cheese (jace) , Fried udon and soup udon (xL), potatoe salad (Hui2)
Nice issit it?? (photos will be uploaded at this entry after I have a copy of it)
Serene joined us soon after we had finished cooking.
The food was very filling...... and delicious... how can it not be delicious? ^_^
After lunch, we started our mahjong session.
During the game, I tried to "get" 十三么......
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1:30 am
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Today, while on the way to our station for our N.E.X.T Challenge, at marina south, we came cross 大长今 restaurant!!!!
Too bad it is a one-way road..... if not, I sure take photos for you all one!! Hmmm.... I don't know where/how to describe the exact location.... but definately somewhere near/at Marina South......
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11:44 pm
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I just realize that my hp software installed on my comp got this function where I can add frames and clip arts to photos~~!!!!
Haha.... thus.... the CURIOUS and CREATIVE me.....
no photos can escape from me.... hehehe....
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10:41 pm
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In computer
Last night, as usual, my brain don't get to rest even up to the time when I am preparing to sleep.
I was thinking, perhaps, maybe, there could be some OTs out there who can take part in National competitions, may it be sports, arts or music... whichever, as individuals or in groups, and well, try to achieve good results in it. Then, people will know what is OT then. LoL....
And well, I was wondering if we are little closer to our dreams
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7:59 pm
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Hi my friends,
If you guys are going to be at Marina South later, pls msg me and look for me!!!!
HAha.... I will be stationing at Marina South for this "Next Challenge on Wheels" event organize by NorthEast YEC. =)
Come loook for mmmeeeeee...... ;)
(got to slp soon... have to wake up at 6am.... yawn..... but my hair is still wet!!! )
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1:25 am
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I was preparing to sleep when I saw this letter on my bed and thought that I would like to share my joy with you all......
Today, I received a (formal) letter from the Community Centre (CC) that I have volunteered in since 2001, though I had received a call on Tuesday by the CC staff and I am suppose to call on Wednesday to confirm my attendance to receive the award in conjection with the CC's National Day Dinner, which I yet to do it. But anyway,
This is the starting of the letter.......
"Dear Miss Quek,
Congratulations! We are please to inform you that you are being awarded the Community 5-Years Long Service Award under the Tampines Central CC YEC."
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2:54 am
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In yec
I have changed abit of the layout.
I have removed the section on "Friend's Blog" as some of my friends' blog is either pronounced dead or has been changed to other URL.
Thus, I have decided to change it to OT related website/blog as most of my "viewers" are OT related. =)
Even you are not, then you can know more about OT NOW....
There are OT search engines...... some blogs by overseas OTs about their practice, e.g. ABC Therapeutic Weblog, Blog on Joy of Austism, Meta-OT.
There are also Mr Brown's Blog. He is a famous blogger in Singapore. He has a austic child called Faith. Sometimes Mr Brown will blog about her developmental progress.
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2:23 am
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Yesterday, the socio lecturer was talking about work..... and he said during his time as a counsellor he brought someone who came to singapore for some work visit to Night Safari....
This reminds me that I never been to night safari before..... and I haven't go to my Tree top climbing @ Bt Timah!!!
Anyone interested?? =)
PLS MSG ME!!! haha....
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11:59 pm
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Today, I took 969 from Tampines to Khabti, then a train ride to YCK.
Hmm... after I alight from bus 969, as I walked towards the train station, I saw this mother and child.
She was carrying this little boy, I think he is around 3 years old. This little boy turned around.
I saw him and I smiled. He smiles back! It was so sweet..... I continued smiling and he continued smiling too.... So sweet isn't it?
So I decided to take a photo of the little boy.
But because his mother is walking and I am walking too.... And well, Our speeds were different..... so the picture turned out alittle blur..... =)
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11:59 pm
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Hurray..... after so long.... finally time for some form of leisure tml!!!
Gonna go and meet up with Jace and H2o, then gonna buy some ingredients and whip up a meal for our lunch!!!! =)
Pam, Feran and serene gonna join us abit later too...
Gonna have our mahjong session too!!!! hehe.... still remembered the few sessions that we have at H2O and MX's place.... lol....
That was like after exams and b4 our clinicals??
Let's see how long we take to prepare our meals this time round.... ;)
Will take photos and post up tml....
Have a great weekend my friends!
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10:46 pm
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"Doing research is like scratching a itch. It can be an itch that you created yourself or an itch that people gives you. But you must control the itch well. If not, it will become unmanageable and becomes rashes."
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8:05 pm
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11:48 pm
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"I am always not bothered by people not knowing what is occupational therapy. Instead, it provides me an opportunity to tell people what occupational therapy is all about!"
"Instead of using the standard definition to tell people what occupational therpy is, I will say, I help adults to be as independent as possible for them to get back to the community."
"I am glad that you say there are bricks between us and not cement walls. I will try to bring the bricks down slowly one at a time."
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11:29 pm
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Today, I went back to SLH. Reached YCK MRT at ard 16 30hrs. Luckily not too late. Reached Bt Batok MRT at 17 00hrs.
Decided to go to the gym 1st to look for the TAs and therapists cos they will be leaving at 17 30hrs while I can visit the patients (as a friend) anytime after that.
I think I really miss the place and the people la....
Photos with the TAs and Azilah(OT)!!!
oh ya....
Yati was mentioning that after we left, the gym seemed to be quieter.
安静的 gym是否让你们想起当时的我们?
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9:41 pm
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Today, we had our sociology of work module.....
hmm... as usual, it was erm.... boring.... and the slides were wordy....
Thus, I doze off for awhile.....
Anyway, we had tutorial after that 2 hrs of lecture (luckily with 1 hr break before the tutorial).
Guess what? The class suppose to do a debate during that 50 mins of tutorial with 10 mins of discussions and then get 10 ppl out to debate.
Well, we were against the idea of debating as only 10 ppl can participate and we told suggest that we wanted to have open discussions where all of us just throw in our thoughts. He seems to give in to us, or rather, he cannot "control" us. I was wondering, are we that rebellious? Haha...
The following are the points we came out with regarding work as a:
Were the above familar with you guys?
Hmmm... well, whether work is a blessing or a curse depends on the following:
The above are all from today's lectures and tutorial.
My thoughts:
Well, the most important thing is to define what is work. If you think work is just a job and something that you do for money only, then you may not enjoy it.
On the other hand, if you think that you work not just for money but to find meaning in life and self discovery. Then it is more than just an occupation. (an occupation is something that keeps a person occupied)
Thus, if any of you are frustrated at work. Stop to think, why do you choose this job/work at the first place? For the salary that you are drawing? Or for the interest? Or because it gives you a meaning in life? Helps you to find what you are finding in life?
You cannot change what you do at work (or maybe you can) but you can change the way you view them. There are always 2 sides to a coin.
"Life is like a rollar coaster. There are times when it is up and times when it is down. You can dread about the journey or enjoy every moment of it. The choice is yours."
- From my inspiration poster
Woofed by
8:56 pm
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In introspectives, quote, sociology
In an email from CSM:
Dear OT 3's,
Pls note that your NAPFA test is scheduled for Week 12, Thursday, 21st Sept @ 1700H. NAPFA is compulsory for all medically fit final year students.
Oh, time to train up again. Long time never do much physical exercises le....
Maybe train twice a week from next week onwards. Are we? =)
Aiming for my GOLD!!! Don't know can or not... so long nv run le....
Time to use some carbo metabolism le... ;)
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10:55 pm
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"Knowledge is universal but it is how to make it ours."
"Mentors should be soft and nuturing to mentees. But mentors who are critical also provides mentees to grow. "
"Mentees, on the other hand, should be flexible and versatile. They should not just able to work with nuturing mentors but with other mentors."
"It is good to have mentors who are nuturing and yet critical."
Those present all knew that the above is "arrowed" towards clinicals and students. There is no other day better than yesterday for him to mention the above as we the yr 3s have just finished our clinicals. When he was mentioning the above, the theathe was filled with laughters as all our memories are still fresh with all our clinical experiences.
- (Lim H.B, 2006)"We should not assess what the doctor want to know. Instead, we should assess what the doctor need to know."
H.B is still H.B. His words are always that inspiring and motivating. =)
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10:42 pm
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Though clinical has been over for nearly a week, it is not difficult to hear us sharing our experiences.
I guess whether the clinical experience is good or bad, it is an asset.
Hmmm... ... some enjoyed their placements, while others were glad that it is all over. Some of my classmates had supervisors who are demanding, non-nuturing and critical...... I understand how hard it is to have supervisor who are non-nuturing.... I once had the experience too.... though it was like 4 weeks... but it seems like months.....
I'm glad that my 6 weeks placement were good and memorable (for me at least). Learnt alot I guess.... far more than I expected to be. The 6 weeks seemed to past so fast.... and now, we are back in school.
And I guess, Life will never be the same again.
PRAY HARD and HOPE I will get nuturing xperience in my CE3B and CE3C.
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10:24 pm
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"Luck is when preparation meets opportunity."
有耕耘,就有收获。可是往往在每个耕耘的背后,都需要那么一点点的运气 。。。
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1:02 am
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In introspectives, quote
Hmm... I think I need to decide fast which are my area of interest before HB and HL call us for our CE3B and 3C placement.
Seriously to think about it, as some of my classmates had mentioned,
"We may like children but it does not mean we can work with them."
Woofed by
11:43 pm
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Today, we are very fortunate to attend Dr Carolyn Baum's workshops FOC!!!
There were 3 workshops - Rehabilitation Issues in a Changing Stroke Population, Creating a Continnum of Care to Maintain Health and Participation of Older Adults and Minimizing the Impact of Low Vision on the Everyday Activities of Older Adults.
It lasted from 1330hrs - 20 30hrs.....
We were very honoured to have a tea session with her too in the afternooon.
It is very inspiring to see her in the OT Profession for 41yrs!!! *wondered where and what will I be 41yrs down the road... I will be 62+ then......*
Tomorrow's workshop will be on A Global Occupational Therapy Approach to Autism.
And there is another workshop after that: The Changing Health Environment: Opportunities for Occupational Therapists.
hmm..... another long day tml....
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11:34 pm
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Hmm... long day for mon-thu (0900 - 1700 hrs )... except I can go to sch at 1300hrs on Friday!!!
Anyway today is Monday. Monday is Applied Physiology and Biomechanics Day. Bascially the whole day is Applied Physiology and Biomechanics except 1010 - 11 00 (OT Project)
Haven't get our topic for OT project yet.... hope it will be interesting.... maybe peds or geri will be nice... (isn't this 2 extreme??)
Okay.... today we did measuring of BP and HR la... while at rest and performing tasks....
Oh... it wasn't much of a problem... all thanks to the experience I have during my CE3A!! =)
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11:57 pm
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so CE3A has been a very enriching experience for me. Other than the knowledge that I have gained, friendships build, memories are the only thing that left with me......
These are the photos taken on the last day of my clinicals. Enjoy!
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8:35 pm
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I've just realized that I haven't been doing personality tests all these while..... so perhaps tonight, I can do some..... so.. there you are:
What makes me a real beauty?
Xiu Ling, your Intelligence makes you a real beauty
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11:30 pm
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Singapore Flag flying through the air
Kee Leng and me
More Fireworks
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12:50 am
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